
  Chapter 911 The Cursed Earth

The battle between high-level mage, as long as there is no restricted space spell The use of it, or the lack of carelessness in battle, seldom really separates life and death.

Even if they lose, the weaker party can use the space to spell to escape, and then start over again after resting. In addition to irreconcilable battles, high-level mage will often have some restraint when making shots.

This is not only reflected in Rhodes and Stephen at this time, but also on another battlefield.

With the collapse of the upper layer of the Soul Evocation tower and the absence of the ceremony core, the spell ceremony originally laid out on the Soul Evocation tower has also malfunctioned at this time. It has also lost most of its effectiveness.

The most notable is the disappearance of the Dark Sky Curtain over the City of the Dead.

After being purified by the undead killer, the Dark Sky Curtain itself has been partially destroyed. After losing the guidance of the spell ceremony, it has completely dissipated.

The city of death, which has been shrouded in Dark Sky Curtain for a long time, has finally been fully exposed to the sun's rays in this brief moment.

The undead creatures in the city, except for the low-level undead creatures without any sanity, have already felt an unusual message, knowing that the city of death is no longer safe, if not limited by spiritual imprint , these undead creatures have long since fled from here.

The successive battles made all the undead creatures in the city feel a burst of fear in their hearts, recalling the white light that broke the Dark Sky Curtain, the fallen Soul Evocation tower, and the subsequent anomalies. , these undead creatures know that there seems to be some major event that takes place in the city of the dead.

After a residual battle, countless buildings in the city of the dead collapsed. Even the secluded houses that took a lot of time to form were not spared, and the undead creatures were killed in large numbers.

At this time, the central area close to the City of Death, where the Soul Evocation Tower exists, is even more unusual, with traces of the original battle left everywhere.

Numerous corpses surrounded by black gas are centered on the Soul Evocation Tower, moving towards all around, and at a glance, there is no end in sight.

It seems to be affected by a special ability. These corpses, which have long been turned into white bones, are not lying on the ground like common corpses, but are activated, and they are Keep moving your body.

Numerous skeleton-shaped palms protruded upwards from this ground, as if they wanted to rip apart the other skeletons that were pressing on them, so that they could see the sun again.

The skulls of some unknown creatures also began to struggle strongly at this time, their pale teeth were exposed, and they kept knocking up and down, making a terrifying sound.

What makes people concerned is that all the moving corpses have no connection with each other, and there is no sign of Soul Fire, even if it is just an independent hand that has long been separated from the body. The bone can also swing violently at this time.

A strong death energy shrouded all around the Soul Evocation tower. Even if the ceremony core has been lost as a guide, it is difficult for even the ceremony outside the tower to continue to be effective. The sudden emergence of death energy is stronger than when the ceremony core is still intact.

Almost half of the ground of the city of death is covered with this kind of moving corpses, and even an experienced undead mage can hardly figure out what happened here at this time.

Many kinds of undead creatures stepped on this moving corpse, but they were not attacked by these corpses, except to be careful to be caught by the violently struggling hand bones. , everything else is fine, and even the strong death energy around can bring some help to the promotion of these undead creatures.

Tamik, who is at the main entrance of the Soul Evocation Tower, sees it all.

Judging from the state of Tamik's body, her current condition is not very good, her whole body is full of traces of burning and corrosion, and even the armor in front of her is also covered with a lot of cracks.

Looking at everything outside the Soul Evocation tower, Tamick clearly understood what happened in this area before that.

Tamik recalled that just after she led her undead creatures into the Soul Evocation tower to avoid the erosion of the undead killer above, she felt the effect of the undead killer disappear at a certain moment.

When Tamik walked out of the Soul Evocation tower to check the situation, he only saw a huge red barrier covering the sky above the city of death.

With the appearance of this deep red barrier, there is a mutation on the Soul Evocation tower. In order to prevent accidents, Tamick can only return to the Soul Evocation tower.

Not long after, Sandro, who was wearing a strangely shaped armor, walked into the gate of the Soul Evocation Tower, holding the wounded Vid Nina in his arms.

Along with Sandro, there was a strong tremor, as if something extremely heavy fell to the ground from above, which triggered this change.

Under the control of the spiritual imprint, Tamick and the surrounding undead creatures immediately walked out of the Soul Evocation tower and set up a battle, as if to face a strong enemy. In addition to her original undead creatures, there were also a large number of corpse witches.

Before walking out of the Soul Evocation tower, Tamick looked back at the position of Sandro, but saw a scene that shocked her.

Above the armor that Sandro was wearing, where the two scarlets were originally like human eyes, blood and tears of the scarlet began to emerge.

The blood and tears fell to the ground, bringing amazing changes to the original ground in an instant.

The ground at the bottom of the original Soul Evocation tower was instantly replaced by endless corpses, and this change was still spreading crazily all around.

The blood and tears gushing out of the armor, without any tendency to stop, continue to promote this change.

When Tamik came to the outside of the Soul Evocation tower, the ground she stepped on also turned into a corpse with this special shape.

The scene she once saw in the Tomb of Death made Tamik understand instantly that the land she stepped on at this time was completely counted as the cursed land.

Even in the desolate tombs of death, Tamiq has never seen such a scene. Countless resurrected corpses without Soul Fire are enough to make any undead mage who sees this scene. Hearts are shocked.

Before Tamick could recover from the scene in front of him, the accident happened.

Accompanied by a bright yellow swirling Transmission Gate slowly opening, an extremely powerful mage in a white robe appeared over this area, and at this time Sandro, Has also walked out of the Soul Evocation tower.

(end of this chapter)

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