
  Chapter 874 mutation 1

Taking advantage of this short period of time, Sally also realized that he the situation faced.

After being controlled by spiritual imprint, the original task is naturally impossible to continue to complete, and what Sally expects, through the completion of the task, to achieve a certain purpose of his own, also can not be achieved.

Under such circumstances, the despair that had calmed down a little in Sally's heart resurfaced in this brief moment, and even Degal, who had been deeply terrified in his eyes, did not. Make him too frightened.

In Sally's eyes, the self and Degal at this time are just undead creatures controlled by spiritual imprint, without their own will.

The control of spiritual imprint, like a shackle, imposes great restrictions on undead creatures. Even Degal, who has a heroic will, is still unable to escape the control of the spiritual imprint, and Sally knows that it is even more impossible for him.

Looking at Rhodes beside him, Sally knew that, unlike himself, Rhodes with the identity of an undead mage would not be controlled by spiritual imprint.

Similar to the question posed by Sandro, Sally in front of him also wanted to hear the answer from Rhodes.

At this time, in the face of Sandro's question, Rhodes didn't hesitate to reply directly:

"No mage sent me here, I came here, It's to join..."

Having just finished speaking, Rhodes didn't continue, but turned his gaze to a direction in the field.

In Rhodes' perception, an extremely strong mana wave suddenly occurred in this direction.

According to Rhodes' judgment, the mana fluctuations generated should belong to Space Type spells in terms of type. It is far from possible for ordinary teleportation to cause this level of mana fluctuations.

Following his own line of sight and the signals from his perception, Rhodes can confirm that the position corresponding to this mana fluctuation is not inside the Soul Evocation Tower, but in the Soul Evocation Tower. outside.

Rhodes' eyes could not directly observe what was happening outside the tower through the thick tower wall, so he could not immediately know what happened that caused the strong mana fluctuation. Appear.

At this time, all Rhodes could be sure of was the appearance of mana fluctuations, which should have nothing to do with Sandro not far away.

Rhodes noticed that before he could perceive the appearance of the mana fluctuation, Sandro reacted first, and focused his attention on the place where the abnormality appeared, and with his own sight, the same happened. Variety.

In the previous game, Rhodes was always able to immediately judge the changes in the mana fluctuations due to his various experiences as a powerful mage. There were few mages who could notice this before Rhodes.

But at this time, the situation that existed in Sandro made Rhodes understand that this mage was extremely powerful before he became an undead mage, and his perception of mana fluctuations far exceeded his own. .

Rhodes was able to perceive this more quickly, also because he noticed the change in Sandro's movements.

What made Rhodes concerned was that when Sandro looked in the direction of the mana fluctuation, there seemed to be a little more doubt and a bit of solemnity in his expression.

In Rhodes' impression, even before this, Sandro's expression had not changed in the face of the encirclement of many vampires. With the blessing of the powerful Divine Item power, Sandro obviously did not see these undead creatures in his eyes.

At this time, the change in Sandro's expression undoubtedly made Rhodes realize that something unexpected was happening.

"Sandrew, come out and meet me."

In this brief moment, Rhodes' ears suddenly heard such a sentence.

With the appearance of these words, the things that Rhodes stepped on began to vibrate slightly. Suddenly, the entire Soul Evocation Tower seemed to start to change abnormally.

Rhodes noticed that this sentence seemed to appear directly in his mind. Apart from this, there was no trace, and he was able to judge the direction from which the words came.

For a time, all the vampires on this floor seemed to be restless, looking around each other, trying to find the source of the sound.

Seeing this scene, Rhodes knew that not only did he hear the words, but all the vampires on this floor, as well as Sandro himself.

The meaning of the words is very concise and clear. In Rhodes' view, the existence of these words is inseparable from the sudden fluctuation of mana.

Looking back on his past experiences, Rhodes was a little surprised that Rhodes himself seemed somewhat familiar with the voice that had just appeared.

This kind of familiarity only flashed in Rhodes' mind. When no other words came, Rhodes felt the most profound thing in his heart. Extremely chaotic mana fluctuations.

According to Rhodes' understanding of spell, the existence of mana fluctuations of this level is often extremely not to be trifled with, and even the general high-level mage is difficult to do.

Just as Rhodes sensed the changes in the mana fluctuations, he suddenly noticed that Sandro's gaze was no longer focused on the direction of the anomaly, but on himself.

What made Rhodes concerned was that Sandro looked at him with more scrutiny and suspicion.

After noticing the change in Sandro's expression, Rhodes felt a strong sense of crisis that completely enveloped him.

The person who made Rhodes feel the crisis was undoubtedly Sandro in front of him.

In this case, Rhodes realized that Sandro had apparently taken the unusual change that occurred at this time into his own head, believing that the appearance of this change was not the same as the one who sent him here. mage , has a great relationship.

After realizing this, Rhodes suddenly felt that the situation was not good, and just wanted to explain a few words to Sandro before him, but at the next moment, Rhodes could no longer perceive the sense of crisis in his heart.

The sense of crisis in his heart appeared without any sign and disappeared in a very short time. Rhodes realized that at this time, Sandro probably figured out something in the heart and gave up. A plan to start on your own.

Rhodes noticed that there was a more complicated emotion in the eyes of Sandro looking at him, but this situation did not last long, and Sandro's figure was directly disappeared. .

Following the residual mana fluctuations in Sandro's original position and the signal from his perception, Rhodes looked at the top of his head, the real top of the tower.

(end of this chapter)

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