
  Chapter 873 Questions

Seeing Degal's reaction, Sandro was more satisfied.


As he spoke, Sandro once again turned his gaze to Rhodes beside him.

"You who don't belong to the undead creature, what's the purpose of coming here?"

Following Sandro's words, some abnormal changes began to occur in the field.

all around Vampire, who had just been controlled by Sandro, was also aware of the unusualness in his words.

In this brief moment, due to being unable to get rid of the control of spiritual imprint, and in order to obtain more useful information, these vampires also followed Sandro's actions and turned their attention to Rhodes on the side.

Even the most powerful and heroic Degal, in this brief moment, also made such a move, turning his body and looking directly at Rhodes.

With this change, the existence of Rhodes has undoubtedly been exposed to the eyes of all vampires.

At this time, under the watchful eyes of many vampires and Sandro, even if Rhodes wanted to continue to conceal himself and take advantage of the chaos to achieve his goals, he might not be able to.

"I owe my allegiance to Lich Stephen to help her explore the anomalies within the Soul Evocation Tower."

Faced with Sandro's question, Rhodes' expression remained unchanged.

"What happened just now must have alarmed Sir Stephen, and I have no need to continue investigating." Rhodes continued.

While listening to Rhodes' answer, Sandro stretched out his hand and stroked the ruffled cloak.

"I already knew this."

Putting his hand down, Sandro's eyes slowly sank.

"What I said was the real purpose of your being here."

Hearing Sandro's words, Rhodes also realized the problem, Rhodes knew, Sandro may have discovered something abnormal in himself.

Along the way, in the process of reaching the top floor through the connecting tower, in order to solve the existing enemies without causing a big shock, Rhodes chose to rely on the Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique to transform death. Cloud against the enemy.

This move by Rhodes easily cleaned up the enemies in the Soul Evocation tower, but the Soul Evocation Technique level that Rhodes had was also exposed.

Being able to rely on the cloud of death to instantly eliminate the corpse witches who are good at this way, as well as other undead mage, the Soul Evocation Technique level of Rhodes is self-evident, as long as Sandro notices This will have a very deep impression.

In Rhodes' view, Sandro may also have discovered anomalies from his own actions.

Some of the death energy in Rhodes was also thrown out of control when the previous air wave was generated.

Although Rhodes at that time quickly suppressed the abnormality in the energy of death, for Sandro, who was equally sensitive, Rhodes did not know whether his move was detected.

The words Sandro said also made Rhodes realize that if he didn't say anything at this time, it might be difficult to fool him.

"I heard about you at Spell Academy in Bracada."

Rather than answering Sandro's question directly, Rhodes brought up the Lakada.

Listening to Rhodes' words, Sandro's expression did not change. Obviously, the information Rhodes mentioned was not enough to convince Sandro.

There are really too many ways to find out about his own origins, and just mentioning Bracada is nothing substantial.

"I once heard Dean Eric mention you in the Holy Spirit spell Academy, and he praised you very highly."

Combined with Sandro From past experience, Rhodes can easily infer this information.

In the speech, Rhodes looked directly into Sandro's eyes. From Rhodes' expression alone, no one could easily see that what Rhodes said was just his judgment based on past intelligence. , without experiencing it firsthand.

This time, what Rhodes said undoubtedly aroused some memories in Sandro's heart.

Looking at Rhodes beside him, Sandro raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "How is Eric now?"

"Bracada is in a state of slump right now. In the midst of chaos, Barbarian is trying to rely on the power of the Divine Item to subvert Bracada's rule."

Paused a little, Rhodes continues to replied:

"Dean Eric , has united with other Legendary mages, hoping to change the whole battle situation on his own."

In response to Sandro's question about Eric's current situation, Rhodes combined his own judgment.

In Rhodes' view, as a Legendary mage, Eric will play a pivotal role in the first expansion.

Whether before the arrival of the forbidden magic barrier, relying on the Space Type spell to evacuate many common creatures of Brakada, or using changes to the environment to greatly slow down Barbarian's marching speed, Only Legendary mage can do it.

Rhodes knew, and only like this, in the words, mixed with some actual situation, could dispel Sandro's doubts.

Listening to Rhodes' words, Sandro's expression gradually changed.

"putting it that way, you came because of me."

"Not long ago, a same sect of mine came to me, according to him, it was Egypt Rick asked him to come."

"You have a strong energy of death in your body, what's your name? Which mage sent you here?"

Just In the process of Sandro questioning Rhodes, Sally, who was beside him, finally recovered from his lost state.

Hearing the questioning words in his ears, and looking at Rhodes beside him, Sally also realized that the situation was unusual.

From the previous conversations with Rhodes, what Sally can confirm is that Rhodes seems to know a little bit about the intelligence in Bracada, but the level of understanding is obviously not in place, even The name of the president of the Magic Guild can be misremembered.

But at this time, through Rhodes' conversation with Sandro, Sally also realized that the abnormality that existed in Rhodes might not be as simple as he thought.

Sally had also collected a lot of information in Bracada, and he naturally relied on the existence of the Thief Guild.

However, in terms of such extremely detailed information, especially about Sandro's origins, Sally couldn't get it through Thief Guild either.

This remark from Rhodes made Sally understand that his real origin was obviously not what he expected, and it was very likely that he really came from Bracada.

Recalling the various anomalies Rhodes showed during the process of arriving here through the connection tower, Sally realized that there was a great possibility that Rhodes had a great secret.

(end of this chapter)

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