
  Chapter 864 True Will-- At that time, Rhodes also realized the seriousness of the problem in his heart.

According to Rhodes' original expectation, in order to complete Lich Stephen's mission, Tamick, located outside the Soul Evocation Tower, will try his best to block the existence of the hero Degal and prevent the powerful vampire king from interfering. tasks to this time.

What Rhodes didn't expect was that such an accident would happen on the City Lord Tamik's side. After he and the others had just entered the Soul Evocation tower, they would no longer block the hero Degal. , or it was difficult for Tamik to block the bat after the bat, and this happened what Rhodes saw.

In this case, a large number of bats, leading the Rhodes line, moved towards the top floor of the Soul Evocation tower.

After confirming the identity of the vampire body corresponding to the group of bats through the words of Saili, Rhodes realized that the appearance of the hero Degal is undoubtedly a threat to himself in the mission of this time. largest variable.

Different from the undead mage, which has no spellcasting ability and whose strength has dropped by half, the strength of vampire is hardly limited by spellcasting ability.

Similar to Sally, when transformed into a human form, vampires with certain spellcasting abilities only occupy a very small number, and most vampires still rely on their innate abilities to fight.

The existence of the forbidden magic barrier cannot even make any restrictions on the bat-like ability of vampires, let alone affect their combat skills and basic attributes.

Rhodes believes the same applies to the hero Degal.

Fighting against such a powerful vampire, even if Rhodes takes the initiative to use the forbidden magic ball fragment to open the forbidden magic barrier, I am afraid it will not be able to play any role, and even the forbidden magic ball itself cannot limit it. combat capability .

From what he had observed before, Rhodes was able to determine that the location the original group of bats was going to reach was the top of the Soul Evocation Tower, not any other area.

In this case, Degar's arrival undoubtedly made Rhodes' whole plan a little more uncertain. What Rhodes was most concerned about was, of course, Degal's intentions.

And Rhodes is not the first time to hear about Degal's heroic identity that Sally emphasized. It was also mentioned in some of the information given by Tamik. .

Rhodes recalled that the title used by the previous Tamik when he first mentioned Degal, as Sally emphasized, was the hero Degal, not directly. name.

It's just that Tamick took the initiative to hide the title of hero in the process of calling Degal later, and Rhodes didn't care too much about it, but just regarded this title as a hero to Degal. Identity reminder.

But at this time, after Sally's reminder, Rhodes realized that the title of Degal is not as simple as he thought.

In Rhodes' impression, the title of heroes in the game world mostly refers to their special status, that is, the owner of the hero template.

As the key to deciding whether to become a hero, the generation of hero's will has different manifestations in each hero. Emotional eruption, firm will, and consistent behavior can become hero's will. the root of .

Under the combined effect of this strong hero's will and the strength bonus brought by the hero template, the existence of the hero can easily achieve the unimaginable achievement of ordinary creatures.

However, the arrival of heroes may not be a good thing for ordinary creatures in the game.

In the eyes of most ordinary creatures, the actions of heroes are often extremely paranoid and difficult to be understood by ordinary people. Even when they conflict with the existing system in the world, in order to implement the will of the hero, They will put their own will first.

There are very few heroes who exist as their own will with ideas that are in line with the perceptions of all conventional creatures. In Rhodes' view, the most likely thing to inspire a hero's will is the existence of resistance, whether it is resistance to things, or spiritual resistance, that is, emotional outbursts.

apart from this , heroes want to build their own careers, they often need to use the means of war, they have heroic status, they naturally have a stronger appeal than other creatures, and this is for ordinary creatures. , is a serious intrusion.

Not all creatures, like heroes, have a very strong will. More often than not, without the leadership of heroes, what ordinary creatures think is more about how to survive in the continuous flames of war.

Even for a hero, after the eruption of emotion and will, it is difficult to carry out his will all the time.

When you first awakened to become a hero, the will and ideas you possessed will eventually change after several decades, or even hundreds of years of precipitation and baptism. Even the will of a hero will remain silent. that day.

Once this situation occurs, the concept of heroes themselves changes. When they no longer have the original heroic will, the heroic template they have can still be retained, but they will lose their original heroic will. In this case, they can still retain their original titles and can still be called heroes.

The title of this kind of hero, more, is to explain the special status they have, which does not contain other meanings.

However, in Rhodes' impression, in some special cases, heroes can be used as a special title to explain some special problems.

Because the heroes themselves are constantly receiving information from different things, it is not surprising that the original hero's will has changed under the convergence of various information.

However, among many heroes, there are some very special ones, who will not change their own will no matter what they have experienced or how many years have passed until the end of their lives.

For such an existence, the title of hero is undoubtedly a manifestation of their identity, making them always remember their heroic will in the heart.

In this case, the meaning of the title of hero will be very different. What it represents is not only the hero template and hero status of the hero, It is the true will that resides in his heart.

In Rhodes' impression, for this special existence, the title of hero is often used as a prefix before their name, and the hero Degal mentioned by Sally is just conforms to this.

(end of this chapter)

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