
  Chapter 863 Upper Level 2

At the moment when Sally sensed the abnormality, the natural phenomenon also followed When it was generated, the orange red light that was directly injected into this layer suddenly began to flicker violently.

At the same time, a large number of shadows replaced the original light, all around this layer, which seemed to indicate that something unusual was about to happen, whether it was Sally or Rhodes. , can clearly perceive this.

Sally noticed that with the appearance of this anomaly, the light and shadow of all around became tortuous, and the entire interior space dimmed a lot, returning to the environment that Sally was originally used to.

Feeling the changes in the surroundings, Sally's eyes gradually became serious, and his brows were completely wrinkled. Even if there was no light that he wanted to avoid in the all around environment, Sally did not. Not in the heart feel fortunate.

Sally realized that at the moment when this change happened, there was an aura that made him very concerned about his perception.

Cali felt a little familiar with the appearance of this aura. He would never have imagined that he would perceive the presence of this aura here. For this reason, there was something very different in Sally's expression. The obvious change, except that Rhodes not far away, didn't notice it.

This change is caused by the light directly entering this layer, which is blocked by something, and the glass that can let the light enter directly. Respectful people play their original role, but they cannot prevent changes in the surrounding environment.

This, Rhodes, who is on this floor near the tower wall, naturally has a more intuitive observation, and Rhodes noticed this even long before Sally discovered the anomaly.

The signal from the perception made Rhodes realize that the location of this abnormal situation is not inside the floor where he is, but outside the Soul Evocation tower, there is something , blocking the original light from entering.

In Rhodes' sight, a large number of bats, from unknown times, appeared on the periphery of the Soul Evocation tower. When this group of bats appeared, in a blink of an eye, the outer periphery of this layer was completely shrouded.

The sudden appearance of a large number of bats directly blocked the original direct light, and only faint light could be seen from the gaps in the bat colony and the gaps left when flapping their wings.

As more and more bats appeared outside the glass, for a while, the floor where Rhodes was located was almost completely shrouded in darkness. Only the connecting tower in the center still had a little light. come.

Through the glass on the tower wall, Rhodes was able to clearly observe the tracks left by the bats as they flew.

What makes Rhodes a little concerned is that through his own observation, he has confirmed that the group of bats that suddenly appeared in front of him should be flying from below the Soul Evocation tower, and still maintain the original. Trend, upward spiral flight, even after passing this layer, the speed still does not slow down.

Rhodes was no doubt aware of what he was seeing. What Rhodes can be sure of is that the target of the group of bats in front of him is not himself and Sally at this level, but has other purposes.

As a large number of bats circled upwards from the periphery of the Soul Evocation Tower, the light on this floor flickered and dimmed, but this scene did not last long, and the light returned to normal again. At this time, the bat outside the tower wall has long disappeared.

When the last bat, also on the periphery of the Soul Evocation tower, moved towards a higher position and flew away, without the blocking of these creatures, the light naturally returned to normal, and the original abnormality was completely no longer exists.

Looking at the orange red light that was shot into the tower again, it was slightly dazzling, but extremely stable. Rhodes couldn't imagine that there would be such a situation, as if he hadn't seen those bats before. Appear.

Rhodes' own line of sight seems to follow the bat outside the tower wall, looking to a higher position outside the tower wall, until the last bat also disappeared, Rhodes did not turn his sight. take back.

I don't know when, Sally's figure also came to the vicinity of the tower wall of the Soul Evocation Tower. Even under the direct sunlight, Sally didn't seem to feel this. Time was a little stunned.

Rhodes naturally sensed the arrival of Sally, Rhodes realized that just when the group of bats completely shrouded this layer, Sally made such a move, as if he was being attacked. These bats were generally attracted and came to the vicinity of the tower wall.

Even though he was aware of Sally's arrival, Rhodes didn't sense any threat from him, so naturally he didn't pay too much attention to him, but he still kept a little bit of precaution in the heart. .

But at this point, Rhodes couldn't help but notice the change in Sally's expression. Rhodes understands that the development of things, especially the emergence of the bats, may not be as simple as he thinks.

Without disturbing Sally in this state, Rhodes understood that he must have found something in the previous group of bats.

It seems that he was influenced by the group of bats. Until now, Sally still failed to come back to his senses from the previous scene, and muttered to himself: "It's him..."

Rhodes, who was beside him, listened clearly to what Sally said, and couldn't help but ask, "Do you know anything about those bats?"

Rhodes' This remark interrupted Sally's original thoughts, and successfully made him come back to his senses and realize his current situation.

Looking at Rhodes on the side, Sally didn't intend to say anything more about the information about these bats, and even wanted to find an excuse to prevaricate the past, but it seemed that he recalled the various anomalies that Rhodes showed. , Sally finally gave up the plan.

"Do you remember the vampire we saw before entering the Tower of Soul Evocation, fighting City Lord Tamik?"

Following Sally's words, Rhodes He also recalled what had happened before, and replied, "Remember, Tamik City Lord told me the vampire's name, which should be Degal."

Listening to Rhodes' answer In the middle of the game, Sally's expression suddenly became gloomy, and some bad memories also appeared in his mind.

"The bats before that were created by the bat after it became the dominant one."

Briefly told Rhodes that after what he had sensed from the bats just now. , Seeley seemed to recall something, and added to Rhodes:

"I want to remind you that, within vampire, when it comes to its name, it must be prefixed with hero. The full title should be, Hero Degal."

(end of this chapter)

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