
  Chapter 844 Intelligence 1

As a hero that is fundamentally different from regular creatures, once the hero template is obtained After the blessing, it is easily impossible to make any changes to the existence of the hero template.

Not even death can separate the hero template from an original hero. The undead creatures that dead heroes can transform into are also Death Knights with hero templates that can be called heroes.

After being transformed into Death Knight, the hero's original will has naturally undergone great changes, and even completely changed the previous concept, but the hero template that exists in them does not. be affected in any way.

Death does not have any substantial effect on the templates on these heroes. As long as they can be successfully transformed into Death Knights, the templates and even the original memories of these heroes can be preserved.

This is also the reason why the transformed Death Knight can directly have the status of a hero. To complete the transformation of Death Knight itself requires a dead hero.

The partially transformed Death Knight will even maintain the original heroic will due to the influence of these memories during his lifetime, but due to the identity of the Death Knight, I am afraid it is difficult to implement the heroic will into his own. In practice, the same changes over time.

When the hero awakens his own will and obtains the hero template, the existence of the hero template is no longer related to his own will, but as an independent existence, together with the hero's will. Acts on the hero itself.

The existence of the hero template brings the potential of conventional creatures impossible to compare to the hero, while the existence of the hero's will has a completely different effect.

The only thing that is deeply related to the hero's will is the hero's specialties.

The existence of the hero's will can affect the effect of the hero's specialties to a large extent. Even if it is the same hero's specialty, the effect will be quite different depending on the change of the hero's own will.

It can be said that the existence of a hero's specialty will be strongly restricted by the hero's will. Once a hero gives up his original will to become a hero, the first thing that may happen is to lose most of the effect of the hero's speciality, until it completely loses this ability.

However, in some special cases, when the hero's will changes greatly, even beyond the level required for awakening to become a hero, the hero's specialties will not be lost, but will be With the change of the hero's will, a new improvement in the effect is obtained, and finally it fits the current hero's will, but this is often difficult to achieve.

The formation of a hero's specialty is closely related to the hero's own will.

Because the types and effects of hero specialties are different, the only thing that can determine the real effect of a hero speciality is the hero's own will.

The hero specialties possessed by heroes, when generated, will be more in line with the hero itself under the action of the hero's will, rather than appearing completely randomly.

In addition to the hero's specialties, the activation of the hero's will to the hero template is more like an activation of its own potential. Once this activation is completed, the hero template is no longer restricted by the hero's will itself. .

And at this time, the information he detected from Degal undoubtedly made Tamick realize that Degal no longer had the heroic will he once had.

Perhaps it was due to the various drawbacks brought about by the long sleep, or perhaps Degal had already decayed at this time. In Tamik's perception, Degal had lost his original heroic will.

Although he no longer has the original heroic will, in Tamik's view, Degal's strength has not decreased much because of this. Once he fights with him, even Tamik can't fight. In the process, what advantage does it take.

As a high-level vampire king, the strength and blessing brought by the hero template has already been fully demonstrated in Degal. The potential improvement brought by the hero template has long been transformed into his own powerful strength by Degal.

Even if the hero's will is lost, it will not have much impact on Degal's existing strength, only the hero's will will be affected, and only Degal has Hero Features.

In the previous battle, Tamick confirmed this, even if he no longer has his own heroic will, it is not an easy thing to defeat Degal in this state.

Tamik has a general impression of Degal's past deeds. But in the current Tamik's view, Degal no longer cares about all of the past, and all he cares about is the vampire cloak that he mentioned in the original discourse.

Hearing Degal's words in his ears, Tamik also had some doubts in his heart.

Before that, Tamick never thought that there would be any abnormality on the vampire cloak. According to Tamik's understanding of vampire cloak, such a treasure that has existed for an unknown time, no matter what anomaly it has, should have already been shown to other creatures during these countless years.

At this time, Tamick couldn't understand the true meaning of what Degal said in his words, and what he had in his heart was more of doubts.

Noticing Tamik's state at this time, Degal explained: "vampire cloak is not a simple treasure...inside this treasure, there is...far beyond my understanding. The death energy. I believe that even the real Lich, it is difficult to understand the existence of these death energies..."

Hearing this, Tamick seemed to realize something and actively looked around. , and finally put his sight on the Soul Evocation tower in the field.

In Tamik's perception, the entire area near the Soul Evocation Tower, and even the larger area within the City of Death, was enveloped by a special kind of death energy.

The previous Tamik, although he was faintly aware of this, didn't think about the vampire cloak, he just thought it was something abnormal inside the Soul Evocation tower.

At this time, Degal's words undoubtedly made Tamick realize that the origin of this death energy may not be as simple as he thought.

Just as Tamick was thinking about this, Degal's words reached her ears again.

"After spending a lot of time, according to my understanding of vampire cloak, this treasure is far from being as simple as I thought..."

"Vampire cloak corresponds to . . . is likely to be a component of a Divine Item."

(end of this chapter)

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