
  Chapter 843 Efficacy 2

Once on vampire cloak, Degal probably understood that he wanted to What conditions need to be met to activate the true power of vampire cloak, but it is difficult for Degal to satisfy these conditions with his own power.

What matters to Degal is that even though the true power of vampire cloak has been silent for countless years, there is still no sign of decay. This extremely powerful force is always hidden in vampire cloak, and will not change itself because of the ebbing of time.

In Degal's impression, only those who can do this are the real Lich.

Due to the vast difference between Lich and undead creatures, Degar is simply unable to take advantage of the Ceremony of the Night to transform himself into Lich's form to fight the corruption that appears on the body.

Even the powerful undead mage has the possibility of failure in the process of the endless night ceremony, not to mention the undead creatures.

Perhaps some special forms, such as the undead creatures such as Death Knight, can successfully perform endless night ceremony and transform themselves into Lich, but for vampire, this is absolutely impossible to achieve.

It is for this reason that Degal valued the immortality ability shown on vampire cloak, which is very similar to Lich, but can be achieved without the need for endless night ceremony.

Degal has always believed that once he activates the true power of vampire cloak, he no longer has to worry about corruption.

For this reason, Degal has tried many ways to activate the power of vampire cloak, but in the end they have no effect, and in the process of this attempt, Degal also learned from vampire cloak. , received some feedback.

What makes Degal feel concerned is that, judging from the information from the vampire cloak, he cannot activate the full power of this treasure, it seems that the existence of this treasure itself is not A complete form, but something mutilated.

The lack of these things has greatly weakened the original effect of vampire cloak, which is what Degal always cares about.

Recalling some of the information I had learned, the discovery of this situation undoubtedly made Degal realize something.

In Degal's impression, it has similar properties to vampire cloak, and the only thing that needs to use other things to activate its own power is the existence of those combined Divine Items.

This discovery undoubtedly surprised Degal in his heart. When he first got the vampire cloak, Degal did not expect that this special treasure would be combined with the existence of the Divine Item. certain connection.

After realizing this, Degal also understands why he can perceive the powerful power it has from the vampire cloak.

Degal believes that once the true power of vampire cloak is fully manifested, he will be able to get rid of the decay of his body, and this can only be achieved by combining the effects of Divine Item.

For this reason, when the vampire cloak is taken by other creatures, all Degar needs to do is to do whatever it takes to get it back.

For Degal, even if he can't rely on his own strength to collect the remaining parts corresponding to the vampire cloak, he will not give up the fight for the vampire cloak easily.

In Degal's view, he may not be able to achieve this, there is no way to activate the true power of vampire cloak, but as long as it remains in the group, perhaps one day, this goal can be achieved, At that time, Degal can end his long sleep and meet the true immortality.

For this reason, no matter how powerful the enemy is, Degal will try his best to do it.

This situation in Degal, and the actions he has done, is also the reason why Tamik believes that he has long since decayed.

In Tamik's view, the decay that has happened to Degal after countless years of existence is not only reflected in its appearance.

Compared to the undead creatures and the undead mage that were partially eroded by the energy of death, in Tamik's view, the decay that happened on Degar's exterior was nothing at all.

In Tamick's impression, except for Lich Stephen, other Lichs also have traces of decay on their bodies, but because of the endless night ceremony, this decay will not affect Lich. state itself.

Because of this, in Tamik's view, what can prove that Degal is already in a state of decay is the real idea in his heart.

Through the connections between the heroes, Tamik was able to confirm the identity of the hero Degar possessed. However, from Degal, Tamick is imperceptible to the existence of heroic will.

Tamik understands that countless years have passed since the time Degal once lived, and there are not many things that were originally related to Degal at this time.

In this case, unless Degar's original heroic will is in pursuit of immortality, or something else that can't be easily changed, his will will happen by now Great change.

Also as a hero vampire, Tamik has a deep understanding of this. In Tamick's view, pinning the hero's will on conventional things will undoubtedly be subject to many limitations for the vampire that can survive for a long time.

According to Tamik's understanding of Degal's past deeds, he believes that Degal is very likely to entrust his heroic will to the vampire group, or the vampire kingdom once established by it. above.

It's just that, after countless years of long sleep, everything around Degal has changed, and it is no longer in its era. Tamik believes that the emergence of this situation will have a great impact on Degal's heroic will.

It is also for this reason that it is difficult for Tamik at this time to perceive the heroic will he once possessed from Degal.

Unlike Degal, things related to Tamik's heroic will are hard to be affected by the passage of time, so under normal circumstances, Tamik's heroic will will not produce much. The change.

The change of the hero's will, or even the complete loss of the original hero's will, will not have any impact on the existing hero template.

Once you awaken your heroic will and get the blessing of the heroic template, the heroic template you have will not be lost for any reason. Even if you give up the original heroic will, the heroic template will still be the same. exist.

(end of this chapter)

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