
  Chapter 839 Esquel

As for the answer given in his answer, Rhodes naturally does not I felt that there was some problem, but the reaction of Sally after hearing this remark was beyond Rhodes' expectations.

What bothered Rhodes was that when he heard his answer, there was a palpable look of disappointment on his face, but it didn't take long for him to return to normal. Clearly, in Sally's mind, Rhodes did not think that what Rhodes gave was a correct answer.

Under Rhodes' gaze, Sally sorted out the robes he was wearing and said:

"You can accurately name the god of mage, want to come to the cloth There should be a lot of understanding of things in Lakada, but in some specific situations, you may not know that clearly."

"The name of the current president of the Magic Guild, It's not the Eli in your impression, it's called Esquill. If you don't know this information, once the mage in the Soul Evocation tower asks questions during the next mission, it's easy to have problems."

From what Sally said, Rhodes understood that although Sally did not agree with the answer he gave, he was willing to correct some aspects of it, which meant that he also tacitly acquiesced in the following The process of the task is still carried out according to the original plan.

It's just that it was not Brown who had discussed the plan, but Rhodes, who completed this mission with Sally.

Rhodes felt a little unusual, and it was Sally who denied the information he had given him about the leader of the Magic Guild.

Because of his knowledge of the information in Bracada, Rhodes also knew something about the Esquel that Sally spoke of.

In Rhodes' impression, the Esquel mentioned by Sally is also a famous mage in Bracada, and he is extremely powerful, even serving as a member of the magic guild. long.

As the most prosperous area of ​​spell development, there are many powerful mages in Bracada. Even so, Esquel can still become the most powerful controller among them, that is, the president of the Magic Guild. Naturally, he has his uniqueness, which is not only reflected in strength.

In the previous finals of the Potions Competition, when Rhodes was on the airship, he had also seen Esquel's figure from the high platform of the Magic Guild.

However, in Rhodes' memory, it had been a long time since Esquill ceased to be the president of the Magic Guild. In terms of identity, Esquill can only be said to be the former president of the Magic Guild, the current president, or Eli mentioned by Rhodes.

What made Rhodes concerned was naturally Sally at this time, why did he mention this news and the powerful Esquel.

Through the existence of the Peeping Eye, Rhodes confirmed that the news that Sally mentioned was what he really thought in his heart, and not mentioned for other purposes.

This discovery made Rhodes understand that the original idea in Sally's mind was indeed that the current president of the Magic Guild was what he called Esquel.

As for what Rhodes mentioned, he also came from Bracada. When Sally heard the error in his words, he didn't believe it, but he didn't point it out. Rather, after correcting Rhodes' mistakes, he intends to complete the task with him.

In order to prevent any mistakes in the next mission, Sally told Rhodes who was on the mission together with the information he thought was correct, but what Sally didn't expect was that what he said in his words. The information received, on the contrary, aroused Rhodes' suspicion.

In Rhodes' perception, the temperament shown by Sally, as well as the characteristics that exist on his body, are relatively common among all undead mage, and they are not even better than entering Soul first. Brown at the Evocation Tower.

It's just that the more clearly he could feel this, the more puzzled Rhodes became.

In Rhodes' view, there will always be some anomalies in the undead mage who can be selected for this mission. This is naturally not only reflected in strength.

Rhodes recalled that it was through the opportunity to meet Stephen Lich that he noticed the possible abnormality in his body, so he got the opportunity to carry out this mission, while the game beside him. Li, should also be in line with this.

The original Rhodes, when Sally showed his knowledge of the ceremony in the Soul Evocation tower, only when his unique strength was in his knowledge of the spell ceremony, especially when it came to dealing with the undead. spell related spell ceremony.

Because I haven't mastered the Soul Evocation Technique and lack a deep understanding of the spirit of the undead, even in Brakada, the mage who is good at spell ceremony, for this changed spell ceremony, in The degree of mastery is really not comparable to some undead mage.

But at this time, the abnormality displayed by Sally made Rhodes realize that the undead mage may not be as simple as he thought.

Reminiscent of the anomaly detected from Sally through the peeping eye, Rhodes seemed to have found something, but he also didn't bring it up, just replied to Sally: "If the next task I will pay attention to the situation involved in this case.”

As Rhodes said this, in his perception, from the tower of Soul Evocation in front of him, a very large sound suddenly came. of death energy fluctuations.

This wave of death energy is far more intense than when the two vampires were fighting before. The only thing that can be compared with it is probably only when the Soul Evocation tower has just opened. The energy of death released.

For a time, under the influence of this death energy, whether it was Rhodes and Sally beside him, or the undead creatures outside the Soul Evocation tower, their attention was involuntarily attracted by it, even those two. Vampire, a powerful hero, also paid attention to the changes taking place on the tower of Soul Evocation.

In this special environment, such a strong death energy from the Soul Evocation tower often indicates some unusual information. Any creature related to death energy can feel it. at this point.

Aware of this situation, Rhodes and Sally next to him can better understand what this situation means than the undead creatures around them.

When the wave of death energy gradually subsided, Sally took his eyes away from the Soul Evocation tower and put it back on Rhodes who was beside him, only to find that Rhodes was already watching him.

From the sight of each other, the two undoubtedly confirmed something, so they no longer waited, but moved towards the Soul Evocation tower with abnormal fluctuations.

(end of this chapter)

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