
  Chapter 838 Change 2

Although Rhodes didn't care about the task that Sally hoped to accomplish , but at this time, Rhodes still has to rely on the task of this time to achieve its own purpose.

Looking at the series of things that happened before, Rhodes couldn't believe it, and Vidnina couldn't see that Tamik sent these undead mage into the Soul Evocation tower for the purpose of temptation.

What Rhodes noticed was that Vidnina clearly saw this, but she still didn't care. On the contrary, she took the initiative to let these undead mage enter the Soul Evocation tower, obviously not. A simple matter.

Vednina's move, seemingly without much defense, conveyed a clear message to Rhodes. Regarding the temptation made by Tamick, Vidnina represented. The Sandro force of the sect did not mean to escape, but intended to meet it head-on.

The appearance of this situation also made Rhodes realize that it may not be long before Sandro will truly show the power of the Divine Item to all the undead mage in Dia. In Rhodes' view, Vidnina's choice to meet Tamik's temptation was just a harbinger of what happened.

Rhodes understands that it may not be long before the official opening of the entire Shadow of Death expansion, and this trip is his only chance to seize the Divine Item.

No matter what the final result is, the attitude shown by Vidnina undoubtedly made Rhodes aware of the seriousness of the situation. Even with the unique effect of the forbidden magic ball fragment, Rhodes was still uneasy in his heart.

Being at the center of this trial, the undead mage who participated in the mission was naturally under great pressure. In Rhodes' view, it was because of this pressure that Brown mage was more vigilant to the undead mage who performed the mission together, and did not dare to have any trust in the heart, and finally entered the Soul Evocation tower alone.

In addition to Brown mage, Sally also felt the existence of this pressure, but it was not affected too much, but still maintained the original calm.

From Rhodes' point of view, since Vidnina already understood that these undead mage who entered the Soul Evocation tower were for temptation, and it was meaningless to conceal this, then The most appropriate move is to follow the original plan of the mission and pretend to complete the tentative mission at this time.

Only in this way, at the last moment, can Rhodes complete the capture of the Divine Item in a way that is beyond the expectations of all the mage in the Soul Evocation tower, rather than being maged by the undead in the tower before the process comes. strong resistance.

After all, before this situation really occurs, I am afraid that no mage can predict that the undead mage who originally came to test in their eyes, the real purpose is to seize the Divine Item.

For this reason, all Rhodes needs is the cooperation of Cely not far away.

Through the information obtained by the peeping eye, Rhodes realized that unlike the original Brown, the undead mage Sally really intends to complete the task of this time in a cooperative way, not just nothing serious.

Rhodes believes that with the cover of Sally in this mission, he can successfully achieve his original goal. Because of this, all Rhodes needs to do is to stabilize Celie at this moment.

"Since Brown has no intention of cooperating and entered the Soul Evocation tower first, let him find some useful information for us."

"We need to do Yes, just wait here for a while and then enter the Soul Evocation tower."

He told Sally his plans, the current situation of Brown mage, and whether he could complete the task alone. One point, Rhodes is not optimistic.

In Rhodes' view, the pattern on Brown's robe is undoubtedly the biggest weak spot on his body. As long as he enters the Soul Evocation tower, he will definitely be caught in the tower from Bracada. mage perceives.

In this case, Rhodes does not know what these mages from Bracada will do to Brown, but when Rhodes himself enters the Soul Evocation tower, he will be able to Be aware of this from the traces left inside the Soul Evocation tower.

Rhodes believes that, with good luck, entering the Brown mage of the Soul Evocation Tower first will be able to test out a lot of useful information for himself. Of course, this way of testing may not be what Brown mage originally expected. general.

Listening to Rhodes' words, Sally also realized the special meaning of the words.

"But...without the participation of Brown mage, how can we complete the task? The original plan was to draw the attention of the undead mage in the Soul Evocation tower by virtue of his identity from the Bracada mage ."

Sally did not show any objection to Rhodes' intention to move the Brown mage in first as a preliminary test of the undead mage in the entire Soul Evocation tower. He was worried, more Or how to complete this task.

"As it happens, I also studied in Bracada for a while, and if it's about Bracada, I should know more than Brown."


Hearing Rhodes' words in his ears, Sally's expression changed obviously. As for what Rhodes said, he also came from Bracada, Sally may not be so suspicious, but Always have some doubts.

"Really? Since you say you are from Bracada, can you tell me the name of the god of mage and the current president of the Magic Guild? I believe these two names, Bracada's mage must be familiar."

The doubts in his heart made Sally try to confirm some information with Rhodes, thereby proving the authenticity of Rhodes' words.

Neither of the two questions raised by Sally is difficult for Rhodes.

As early as in the game of the previous life, Rhodes learned the name of the god of mage from various books and kept it in the heart.

As the expansion progresses, the deeds of the god of mage are more and more revealed in the eyes of the players at that time. For such a very special existence, Rhodes will naturally not forget his name.

The current president of the Magic Guild is more familiar to Rhodes. Whether it is in the game in the past life or now, Rhodes has seen the president of the Magic Guild with his own eyes, and he is very familiar with him. There is a certain intersection.

In this case, Rhodes was able to answer the question raised by Sally without hesitation, but in order to prevent Sally from seeing the abnormality, Rhodes pretended to be contemplative and said:


"As the most powerhouse in the golden age of Bracada, the original name of the god of mage is Gwen Magnus, and the current president of the Magic Guild should be called Eli."

(end of chapter)

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