
  Chapter 2236 The Holy Hammer    "Master...he is back!"

Following With Rowlin and his party at the bottom of the magical frozen river, Agran, who had completely escaped the pursuit of mage, suddenly seemed to have found something, with a somewhat excited look in his eyes, and a loud cry in his mouth.

"Don't talk about it, move on!" Commander Falezer glanced at him, and at the same time reprimanded the demons who were excited and scattered in formation.

Besides, Rowlin also heard Aglan's voice. In her heart, the power of bloodline perception also revived. After realizing Rhodes' current state, her originally uneasy heart also stabilized at this moment.

"Big brother, you must escape successfully..." After praying in the heart, Rowlin looked towards the front again, where there was another group of traps set by mage.

On the battlefield, Rhodes, who had restored the bloodline, was deeply shocked by the other mages as soon as he made his move.

Although the power displayed by the saints is not as good as that of the original holy ordinance angel, it is also envied by the nearby mage. The terrifying power that the human body can show is the practice of magic mage, something that can never be done.

However, such a mighty saint was smashed to ashes by the terrifying lightning, how could it not surprise the nearby mage?    Looking at the battlefield, the black robed man who seemed to be deep and unmeasurable was just walking slowly. For a time, many mages were timid, and even spells did not dare to be used.

"Master's Bloodline Power is restored! This is really good."

On the side of the battlefield, the blood-colored mage beside Gwen also saw Rhodes who made a bold shot, and was a little excited. said.

Before that, Bloody Mage had been deeply regretful. If it wasn't for his actions, Rhodes could never have lost Bloodline Power. Facing Mage's offensive, he could only choose to retreat. At this moment, seeing Rhodes recovering smoothly, he has been The burden on his heart was also relieved in this brief moment.

"That lightning has faintly exceeded the scope of the fifth-order spell."

Beside the blood-colored mage, Gwen reminisced about the lightning that crowned the battlefield, and gave He has received a very high evaluation, and even he has rarely seen such magic.

Eli, who confronted them, did not mean to refute, even in the field of magic, in front of that terrifying magic, there were faint signs of losing control. In Eli's view, there were only legends. Only the elemental monarch can perform such terrifying magic.

In the center of the battlefield, Rhodes didn't know what his actions had caused the surrounding creatures to discuss. He just picked up the weapon used by the saint and observed it repeatedly. things of great interest.


【Hammer of Holy Judgment】

Quality: treasure

Type: Main-hand weapon, Off-hand weapon

Equipment Requirements: Pure Human Bloodline

Basic Attributes: Strength +12, physique +8, Speed ​​+4,

Special Attribute 1: Hammer of Divine Judgment Permanent Blessed with the power of sanctification, the power of sanctification can restrain the regeneration ability of other creatures. When the field of destiny is in effect, the bearer can use the power of the holy judgment to kill creatures that should not die.

Special attribute 2: The firm belief in the bearer's heart will make the weapon exert more power.

Assessment: A weapon blessed with the power of the Holy Judgment, only human beings can exert its power. Collected by the Blagg family, it is said to be one of the supporting weapons, but unfortunately the other supporting weapons are already whereabouts unknown.


With the identification of the system, Rhodes quickly got all the information about this weapon. Examining the content presented in the system, Rhodes couldn't help but think of something.

The Hammer of Divine Judgment, Rhodes had heard of this name, it was still in the Mausoleum of Hex, and in the test of Mausoleum of Hex, this unique weapon was mentioned, didn 't expect it was this weapon that the saint used. With the death of the saint, the weapon also fell into Rhodes' hands.

Rhodes himself cannot be equipped with the Hammer of Divine Judgment. With the blessing of various Bloodline Powers, Rhodes is no longer a pure human being of Bloodline in order to obtain the powerful power in Bloodline. For this special weapon , Rhodes was just a little interested, and didn't think about using it to replace the Titan Arrow in his hand.

Among the treasures Rhodes has seen, the Hammer of Divine Judgment can be regarded as the type with extremely high blessings. It only occupies two weapon slots, but the increased attribute points have reached a total of 24 points. Suffice to say how powerful this treasure is. It's just that the spirit and knowledge attributes required for spellcasting are not added at all, and it can only improve the melee ability.

In Rhodes's impression, when it comes to all treasures, the one that increases the attribute the most is the Divine Force of the Dragon King on Inota, which directly increases all attributes by 16 points, and increases the attribute by 80 points in total, but it requires Occupy all equipment slots.

What makes Rhodes concerned is that in the special attribute of this weapon, the words of the field of destiny are mentioned, this weapon, and another enemy, that is, the holy angel, are all related to the holy of Erathia. The Scarred are closely related, unfortunately Rhodes knows very little about it.

After discovering this, the recovery of his body and the joy brought to Rhodes were instantly diluted a lot. Thinking of the powerful enemies he might meet in the future, Rhodes couldn't help but feel a lot of urgency in his heart.

The potion that Alama took out, while Rhodes recovered his body, Rhodes also lost some abilities, the scarlet eye belonging to the vampire hero Degar is one of them.

The Scarlet Eye is not Rhodes' Bloodline Power, but is obtained by replacing the eyeballs in advance. What was recovered from the potion belonged to Rhodes' own eyes, and did not possess the power of the Scarlet Eye, which made Rhodes a little regretful. The power of the Scarlet Eye may never reappear in the world.

The only benefit is probably that Rhodes doesn't have to worry about misunderstanding the important people around him because of the promotion of his rank, which will lead to tragic disasters. Because of this, Rhodes, who has recovered from hell, has never dared to raise his character level to a level higher than that of Rowlin. At this moment, he has no worries at all.

Looking around all around, Rhodes could not help but let out a sneer when he saw the fear in the mage's hearts nearby, and the hesitant expressions on their faces.

In order to completely solve the saints, Rhodes, who had just recovered bloodline, no longer kept his hands. The power of the ultimate lightning was fully displayed by him under the blessing of the Titan giant bloodline.

At that moment, all the mana in Rhodes' body was instilled into the arrow of the Titan, the damage was close to 10,000 points, the ultimate lightning in full form, and even the sacredness of the Holy Inquisition Angel. Blessing was unable to resist, and was instantly defeated by lightning.

After the enemy was resolved, Rhodes fell into a deep weakness. Without the blessing of mana, Rhodes could not release other spells, but it was a pity that the nearby mage was already terrified by the terrifying power of the ultimate lightning. , did not dare to shoot at Rhodes, which made Rhodes easily take the hammer of divine judgment in his pocket.

(end of this chapter)

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