
  Chapter 2235 The Fall of the Saints    "Lord Rhodes, the healing potion is in your In your hand, as long as you drink it, you can completely recover, but how to drink the potion with the body of a skeleton in the form of the dead is not a small problem."

Came to the battlefield and took advantage of being reborn. The chain demon that attracted the attention of those Erathia people, after handing the potion in his hand to Rhodes, the sorcerer Arama said quickly.

There were also several blood-colored angels who came to the battlefield with Alama. In order to prevent the enemy from paying attention, those angels all restrained their breath and looked unremarkable.

Alama looked at Rhodes' fleshless skeleton body, and felt a little bit awkward for a while. Rhodes in this form had obviously lost the ability to drink potions, even if he was forced Under the medicine, the flowing liquid will only pass through his empty ribs and abdomen, and he can't taste the taste of anything, let alone drink the potion.

"Don't worry, I found a way a long time ago."

After turning on the potion, Rhodes said confidently, as early as the first time he accidentally entered the dead In order to drink the magic potion for manipulating the mind, he obtained a unique aroma secret technique from Lich of Dia. With the blessing of the aromatic secret technique, even Lich, who has no flesh and blood, can drink all kinds of potions, and now is the time to cast it.

Placing the potion brought by Alama in front of him, Rhodes took a deep breath, the potion in the bottle was reduced by half, and a misty cloud followed Rhodes' movements and immersed in Rhodes' body. Inside, the effect belonging to the potion is taking effect quickly at this moment.

Besides, Alama watched this scene quietly, with a somewhat unexpected expression in his eyes. He had already expected that Rhodes has all kinds of methods far beyond ordinary people, but this unique secret technique, It was the first time that Alama saw him. His research on alien creatures did not include those Lichs.

"My Bloodline Power... Now come back."

As the potion dwindled, a strange change began to occur on Rhodes' body. Feeling this, Rhodes murmured.

Accompanied by Rhodes' words, the body of the deceased, who had no sense at all, felt a bit of tactile sensation again at this moment, and the feeling of numbness was accompanied by the new flesh and blood, in the body of Rhodes. spread on.

The empty skeleton body is being filled with intertwined flesh and blood. The long-lost Bloodline Power has once again returned to the body. For a time, the Titan's arrow shone with electric light, Rhodes all around Also ramping up, those are all signs of Bloodline Power's resurgence.

After losing the Bloodline Power, Rhodes' strength dropped a lot. Feeling the bloodline filling his body rapidly, Rhodes' face also showed a bit of joy, as long as the effect of the potion was completely If it works, he will be able to revive his own power.

On the side, angel and the saints also saw Rhodes' movements. Although they didn't know what effect Rhodes had just used in the potion, their intuition told them that it wasn't. what a good thing.

"Hurry up and stop him!"

Angel of the Holy Inquisition scolded, and the saint on the side was faster than her. The moment he noticed the abnormality on Rhodes' body, Saint Berrag picked up the holy hammer in his hand and charged towards Rhodes.

Alama turned sideways lightly, looking towards the menacing saint, a scarlet silhouette flashed behind him, and came with him, the filthy angel transformed by sorcery took the initiative to meet the enemy.

The filthy angel holding the sword in his hand, the real terrifying power, is not his melee ability. As the distance approached, the filthy angel opened his mouth and spat out, and he spit out a large piece of filthy blood. The huge blood curtain that opened almost completely covered the saints in front of him.

As long as it is contaminated with filthy blood, no matter what kind of creature it is, the body will have a terrifying mutation, which is the terrifying power of the ultimate hydra, and even angels cannot escape.

"Holy Blessing!"

Just as the filthy blood was about to touch the saint's body, bright radiance burst out from his body, shining golden's barrier, and smashing his body The package, the filthy blood that fell on the barrier, did not have the desired effect at all, and could only slip down from the surface of the barrier.

At the rear, the saint angel put down the weapon in her hand. It was she who found something wrong just now and performed a protective move in time, which prevented the saint from being corroded by the filthy blood.

After sensing the power of the filthy blood, Angel's complexion changed slightly. If she hadn't experienced it personally, she would not have believed that such blood existed.

Warhammer swept across the room, and the blood-colored angel blocking the front of the saint flew out backwards. The sharp blade he was holding was now bent out of shape. Not only that, his chest was also deeply sunken.

The blood-colored angel, who had suffered multiple injuries and could quickly recover in a short period of time, lost that power at this moment. The weapon held by the saint left him with unimaginable fatal wounds, the blood-colored angel. Angel's eyes were dull, and he fell to the ground and twitched, completely losing his strength.

"No..." Allama let out a painful cry, just as he was distressed by the damage to the alien creatures, the unabated saints had already rushed in front of him, and the Warhammer rays of light in his hands were shining brightly. , the next moment will let this magician experience a powerful lesson.

"Be careful!" At this moment, the Holy Inquisition Angel seemed to have found something, and an urgent reminder sounded in his mouth.

What interrupted the movement of the saint was a thick lightning that traversed the battlefield. In the face of the dazzling electric light, even the holy light on the saint's body dimmed, and the entire battlefield seemed to lose its color. Only the terrifying lightning can be seen clearly.


The saint's movements slowed down, and just as he let out a cry out in surprise, his entire body was completely engulfed by that sturdy lightning bolt, even if it was a holy judgement Angel's protective skills did not last long in front of the lightning, and he was instantly shattered by the current.

The saint let out a burst of pain, but it only lasted for a short moment, and then there was no sound. The only thing that could be heard in the field was the zi zi sound from the electric current.

When the dazzling electric light subsided, it was relatively stable for a while, but every time it struck, it was like a heavy hammer, hitting the footsteps in the vicinity of mage's heart, a black robed man The silhouette appeared in the center of the battlefield, and at his feet, the saint had turned into a charred corpse, and he could not see the appearance of the past.

The black robed man leaned down and slowly stretched out his hand. What protruded from under the black robe was a pale but fleshy palm. He picked up the weapon that the saint once used. , the eyes also showed a bit of deep eyes.

(end of this chapter)

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