
  Chapter 2228 Potential Threats    "Ha...what a beautiful body."

Cold Wind After rolling it, there was a crisp sound of ding ding ding, and if you look closely, you can see hundreds of chains that are constantly shaking. One end of the chain is deeply nailed into the limbs of a group of mage, while the other end is connected to Inside the body of a demon.

At this moment, he is embracing a brown-robed female Mage. Mage's eyes are completely absent, like a puppet that has been manipulated, at the mercy of the chain demon.

Beside the chain demon, the blood-colored mage in bright red robes stood silently in the city, looking at the sky in the distance.

"Jereff, you don't look happy. Wouldn't it make you happy to destroy those mage towns? You, like me, have been locked up by those mage for hundreds of years."

Noticing that the blood-colored mage's attention was not based on the previous results, but looked at the northern sky with a solemn face, the female mage of the evil Demon General rushed to the side and asked inexplicably.

"I felt a familiar aura...it might just be my delusion." Under the question of the Chain Demon, Jereph shook the head, "even more how, I wouldn't feel it. Pleasure. The mage that once imprisoned me has long since disappeared in the long river of time. Even if I want to seek revenge for them, I am afraid I will not be able to find them. I came here with you just to complete the task.”

Jerefer's words did not solve the doubts of the Chained Demon. The Chained Demon scratched his head and asked: "When I was in prison, I saw many creatures held by mage. They were very energetic at first. But in the end it was silent. You seem to be only a human, how did you live so long? Do you have an Immortal Body like me?"

Bloody mage shook the head and said I didn't feel any surprise about this question, I just answered slowly: "I don't have an Immortal Body. I have been able to live for so long because of my blood."

The chain demon nodded: "You Is it a vampire?"

"No... I'm not that kind of undead creature, I'm an orthodox mage passed down by the god of mage." Jeref was a little helpless, and in the undead Legion, he saw real vampire. The blood-drinking undead creature, speaking from a certain perspective, is somewhat similar to his blood-manipulating Water Element mage, so it's no wonder the Chained Demon gets confused.

hearing this, the chain demon laughed loudly, and the chains extending under the surface of his body were also shaking with his movements, and in this brief moment, the mage controlled by the chain was also released. There was laughter in different tones.

"You say you are an orthodox mage? Then I must be a brave Erathia."

Hearing the mocking voice of the chain demon, Jerefer showed a bit of helplessness look.

In order to ensure that Barbarian's whereabouts are not disturbed by the Chained Demons, Jeref has to stay away from the Barbarian's team and instead destroy Mage's town with the Chained Demons, venting the anger of being imprisoned by Mage for hundreds of years.

Looking at the mage controlled by the chains, Jeref's heart is very calm, even if he is the dísciple of the god of mage, but after hundreds of years of imprisonment, he has long been indifferent to the current Bra. Carda didn't feel anything, and only hoped that nothing would happen to the Barbarian team.

At this moment, Jerefer suddenly startled, he just received the message from spiritual imprint.

Regarding everything about the Chain Demon, whether it was his ability or his request, Jeref had reported the situation to Rhodes as early as at first, and according to the order from Rhodes, Hold the chain demon steady and even follow the chain demon to destroy the mage town. At this moment, it is also the first time that Jerefer has received specific commands in spiritual imprint after so long.

"Is it enough to vent your anger just by controlling these lowly mages?"

Soon, from the order of spiritual imprint came back to his senses, the bloody mage Looking at the chain demon beside him, he asked slowly.

"You mean..." From Jerefer's words, the chain demon heard something different.

"Since you plan to take revenge on those mage, you should find the strongest among them, not the trouble with these ordinary mage. Only in this way can those mage of Bracada be able to Feel your anger," added Scarlet Mage.

"It's easier for you to say, who doesn't know that those mages are best at hiding with space spells, I don't even know who they are, how can I find the strongest of them?" the chain demon complained.

"Maybe I can help you solve it."

Speaking, the blood-colored mage slowly raised his hand, the space beside him suddenly distorted, and a blood-colored vortex slowly emerged, After vortex, there is another space.

"The strongest mage in the entire Bracada is just behind the Transmission Gate. Do you dare to find them?" The blood-colored mage asked in a low voice.

The chain demon fell silent, his eyes swept all around, and carefully looked at the puppet mage controlled by the chain, before finally making a decision: "What's wrong? Even if I stand Don't move, let their spells attack, and they are also impossible to kill me. Let me see if the current Bracada mage still has the power it once had."

The blood-colored mage deputies , was waiting for the chain demon to enter the Transmission Gate, but saw the chain demon's eyes look over: "You please first."

Seeing this, Jerefer shrugged, understands that the chain demon is still looking at the Transmission Gate in front of him. Having doubts, he did not dare to rashly enter the Transmission Gate leading to the unknown space. He did not refuse, and entered it first, and his figure quickly disappeared into the blood-colored vortex.

The chain demon waited for a moment, and let several puppet mages under control enter the path. After seeing that there was no problem, there was indeed a cold snowy area behind the Transmission Gate, and the sound of rushing water could be heard. After that, he stepped in. Soon, the surrounding scene changed rapidly, and he came to another completely different space.

"That's the angel? Jerefer, you didn't tell me that there will be an angel here!"

Looking at the battlefield in the distance, watching the golden wings spread, watching Going up to the incomparably holy angel, the chain demon suddenly found something, with a somewhat terrified look in his eyes and a yellow in his mouth.

However, the blood-colored mage was no longer by the side of the chain demon, and the blood-colored Transmission Gate behind the chain demon also closed quickly with his arrival, the space returned to calm little by little, and he also lost the way to escape the battlefield. aisle.

As the fluctuations of the teleportation flashed by, the blood-colored mage appeared in the center of the battlefield. At this time, he was kneeling respectfully behind a black robed man, with a deep expression on his face. color of reverence.

(end of this chapter)

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