
  Chapter 2227 Holy Inquisition angel    "Well..."

Blood from Haag's mouth Gushing out, he lowered his head and stared blankly at the blade that penetrated his entire chest, as well as the sword-wielding angel with long golden hair, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

At that moment, he didn't even see angel's movements clearly. He was seriously injured just by dodging. The speed of that angel was far higher than that of Hager.

"Devil, do you have any last words?"

Just as Hager was annoyed to himself, he really still cares about his parents. He should be with Vios, Agran, etc. When Archfiend teamed up to deal with this angel again, there was a burst of eager words in his ears.

Looking at the sound, Hager saw Angel with a smile on his face. Angel's smile was so bright, her eyes were about to be squinted into slits, and the tear moles at the corners of her eyes made her even more attractive. Just looking at her, Hager could feel a warmth from the bottom of his heart.

Looking at the angel in front of him, Hager just uttered coldly snorted, letting the blood continue to spill from his face: "Last word? My last word is that I will let you learn after the master resurrects me. I am amazing!"

"Is this your last word? I will remember it well."

angel said with a smile, at the same time, golden rays of light, It burst out from the blade she was holding, and even Haag's entire body was completely engulfed by the rays of light.

On the side of the battlefield, Rhodes, who was watching Eli and Gwen fighting with the realm, suddenly felt a heartbeat. He stretched out his pale hand bones and covered his chest. Under the finger bones, there were neat ribs, but there was nothing in them.

"What's the matter, big brother?"

Besides, Rowlin saw his abnormality and asked worriedly.

Rhodes shook the head, not answering Rowlin's question, but raised his head and looked at a corner of the battlefield.

Archfiend Haag's corpse appears in Rhodes' eyes. A large hole appeared in front of Hager, and the surrounding area was filled with burnt ashes.

It stands to reason that Archfiend is not afraid of the burning of flames, and even the existence of the burning ember field cannot harm them. Only the Orb of Destruction in the hands of the Elemental Monarch can break their anti-magic ability, but at this moment, something unexpected happened to Rhodes.

What burned Haag was not the real flame, but the divine power in the branch of the air magic element. The source of that power was the angel standing in front of Hager's body. body.

"It's her... Holy Inquisition angel."

Following Rhodes' line of sight, Rowlin also saw the angel, and suddenly cried out in surprise.

Rowlin recognized the origin of the angel, with a look of disbelief in his eyes. The angel who appeared on the battlefield was the one who caused a lot of trouble to her activities in Erathia before. The powerful holy judge angel.

With Rowlin's reminder, in this brief moment, Rhodes also confirmed the identity of the angel. Rhodes has already learned about the rumors about the angel of the Holy Inquisition through the prophecy card, and this is the first time he has encountered it. .

"I didn't expect her to appear here. It must be Mage from Bracada who asked Erathia for help. She is the reinforcement Mage has been waiting for for a long time... With her big brother here, no matter how strong she is It doesn't help!" Rowlin said quickly, as if thinking of something.

However, Rhodes's expression did not relax at all. He looked at Hager, who had fallen at the feet of the Holy Inquisition Angel, and had no breath, showing a somewhat unexpected expression in his eyes.

The fallen Haag did not follow Death Domain's awakening and got up from the ground again. He just lay on the ground like this, with a huge wound on his chest, the blood has been burnt out, under the open eyelids, the pupils of the godless eyes are dilated, and it seems that there is no sound at all.

Rowlin also saw this scene, and couldn't help covering his mouth with his hands, with a surprised look on his face: "big brother, what's going on? Quickly use the realm to wake up the dead Archfiend and give it to that name. A lesson for angel."

Hearing Rowlin's advice, Rhodes' expression became solemn: "My realm is invalid, and I can't wake up the dead Haag."

"How could..." Rowlin's eyes widened, obviously didn't expect this situation to appear. In her opinion, Rhodes' Death Domain has almost no possibility of failure. Under the surround of Death Domain, Rhodes is Sovereign of death.

Not only she, but Rhodes, didn't understand why this happened.

If it is said that the incineration domain is invalid, it is because of the suppression of the Fire Spirit ball. As long as it is far away from where the Fire Spirit ball is, it can be restored. Rhodes should not be too worried. The death domain is invalid, it is undoubtedly Rhodes unacceptable things. Death Domain is the core strength of Rhodes. With the blessing of Divine Item, Death Domain is more than enough to become an important bargaining chip to conquer the world. Rhodes can't allow this power to fail.

As if thinking of something, Rhodes turned his attention to Angel of the Holy Inquisition next to Hager's body. It was the appearance of the Holy Inquisition angel that led to the failure of the Death Domain.

Facing Rhodes' gaze, the angel was not anxious, but smiled faintly: "You unclean creatures, you have betrayed God's guidance, I, angel Andorra, will give you the last holy Judge."

Said, she raised the golden blade in her hand high, the huge sword glow condensed with her movements, the blade swept across the room, and all the marine undead in the front were scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, leaving only the holy flame burning quietly.

"This kind of power..."

Rhodes' complexion suddenly changed after feeling the power in Angel of the Holy Inquisition.

Relying on his own perception, Rhodes realized that the Death Domain did not really fail, but all the undead creatures who died in the hands of the Holy Inquisition angel could not be reborn, and the power in her could be extremely powerful. Effectively restrains Death Domain.

If it is Rhodes in peak state, even if his strength is restrained, he is not afraid to fight against Angel, but at this moment, his Bloodline Power is stripped away in the battle with Scarlet Mage, and the realm of embers is burned. Suppressed by the Fire Spirit ball, even the undead Legion lost the ability to continuously regenerate in front of the holy judge angel, and it was difficult to compete with the enemy in front of him for a while.

Looking at Gwen, who was a little weak in strength, but still trying his best to maintain the magic domain, Rhodes also made a decision in his heart.

"Commander, you're taking the hero's remains, and the rest of the crew. Rowlin, you're leaving with them."

After hearing Rhodes' order, Commander Lei Ze did not dare to disobey, and immediately organized other Legion members, only Rowlin, who seemed to realize something in this brief moment, asked worriedly: "What about you, big brother?"

"I I'll stay here, I'll meet the holy judge angel for a while."

Raising the Titan's arrow in his hand, the tip of the sword pointed directly at the holy judge angel in the distance, Rhodes slowly said.

(end of this chapter)

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