
  Chapter 2210 Dragon Hunting Weapons    "Look at the top of your head, what is that?"

When those self-destruct mage appeared on the snow field, one of the Archfiends in the Legion seemed to have found something, said a little surprised.

The shadow spreads gradually on the ground, and what appears above the sky is the black dots from far to near. If you look closely, you can see the smooth outlines that do not belong to flesh-and-blood creatures.

"Is that an airship? I remember that only a few spell Academy would study such a thing." The experienced and knowledgeable sage, staring at the things above the sky, quickly confirmed their origins .

"Airship..." Rhodes seems to have thought of something. In his previous life, mage in spell Academy tried to use airships to fight against them when giant dragons attacked, and with the blessing of some special weapons, A lot of results have been achieved, but with Moriel's personal shot, those airships only crashed.

The self-destruct mage transformed by the magic guild below, plus the airship above his head, undoubtedly explained one thing to Rhodes. He seems to have inadvertently made the spell Academy and the magic guild completely abandoned. The grievances of the past have turned to focus on dealing with the common enemy.

Looking at the airship troops that are almost all over the sky, many Legion members have shocked expressions on their faces. They have never seen such a scene. Those are more magnificent than giant dragons and look like monsters. , made of icy steel, the huge monsters floating in the sky are enough to shock anyone who sees them for the first time.

"No matter what means those mages use, they can't stop us! The master has given us the power of immortality, it's time to show our strength to the enemy!"

Fa Razer discovered this, and immediately used words to boost the morale of the Legion members. He looked towards Carl, extended the hand, and pointed at the airship in the sky. Carl immediately understood what he meant, and then loudly shouted, greeting the vampire bat that had recovered from the ice, and rushed towards the airship in the air.

The fire light flashed, Karl took the lead in blocking the up ahead airship, and his eyes locked on the deck of the airship. On the blue robe, a magical mage with silver patterns was dotted.

"It's you, who intend to hinder the great master? I, Carl Kerrigan, will definitely let you know that belongs to..." Before he finished speaking, he heard the cold voice of the magic mage: "Resolve him."

Carl was slightly taken aback, at the same time, a terrifying fear spread deeply in his heart. Opening up, it was like being targeted by a terrifying monster, which only sent chills down Carl's back for a while.

"How could..."

Carl showed a look of surprise, not understanding why this happened, obviously those mage didn't do anything, but in his heart he felt threatened by the threat. The perception is so real that Carl can't ignore it at all.

Before Karl could figure out what was going on, a huge crossbow arrow moved towards him at a rapid rate. The arrows shot so fast that Karl couldn't react at all until the Archfiend found out. At that time, the crossbow arrow had come to him.

Next moment, in Carl's cries of pain, the crossbow arrow pierced through the body of this Archfiend, the special crossbow arrow was deeply embedded in Carl's body, and a tenacious rope was attached to the back, he tried to use the flame Hide opened the distance, but was surprised to find that after being hit by the crossbow arrow, the Bloodline Power in his body seemed to be silent, and he couldn't use the flame to hide at all.

"Pull him back!"

Soon, the voice from mage came again. I don't know what they did, and the rope attached to the back of the crossbow bolt was loosened in one fell swoop. His state became tense, and an irresistible force dragged Carl towards Mage's airship.

At the same time, the vampire bats led by Carl finally arrived. Mage, who had been prepared for a long time, cast spells against the enemy one after another. Under the scouring of the ice, the bat group suffered heavy casualties.

"Karl's situation is not optimistic, Vios, you go and help him out of the predicament, and the rest of the people move on."

Looking at the crossbow arrows pierced through, it seems to fall deeply into the Downwind of Carl, Fraser ordered immediately.

At the forefront of the team below, Rhodes is swiftly waving the Titan Arrow in his hand, and lightning bolts shoot out from his hand, strikes on a self-destruct mage in the distance, detonating them ahead of time .

At the same time, in order to prevent the concentration of the surrounding Water Element magic elements from being too high, the mages may prepare some spells with the help of those magic elements, and the Burning Ash Field was also opened by Rhodes, which will turn other magic elements in the space. , all transformed into Fire Element magic elements.

Relying on the Titan's arrow in his hand, Rhodes cleaned up a lot of self-destruct mage in a short period of time, but his expression was extremely cold.

Compared with the previous Bloodline Power, Rhodes' strength has dropped significantly, the damage of the Titan's arrow is directly reduced by half, and the speed attribute that affects the speed of swinging the sword has also dropped a lot, perhaps dealing with those self- When destructing mage, since the strength can still be crushed, nothing can be seen. Once faced with a real powerful enemy, the drawbacks of the body will be revealed.

As the culprit that caused Rhodes to be so weak, the blood mage is escorting the hero's remains to Crowrod together with those savage creatures. The ordinary mage is not his opponent at all. This is also Rhodes a little feeling. A place of peace of mind.

Above the sky, flames flashed past, and Vios appeared beside Karl, who was pierced by a crossbow arrow.

The giant sickle moved towards The rope attached to the crossbow arrow swept past, but the light of the knife pulled out of the air stopped abruptly, and Vios was stunned for a moment. The tenacious degree of the rope was completely beyond his expectations. It is expected that even the giant scythe specially made by Kalenda in his hand will not be able to cut it off.

While Vios was stunned, the rapidly shrinking crossbow arrows quickly pulled Karl's body back, and those mage would naturally not look at it like this, and there were several crossbow arrows, moved towards the direction of Vios shoot.

Vios' body flashed, while avoiding the arrows shot, he also made a decision in his heart.

He couldn't break those mage's special bolts for a short while, but he was able to do it from the other side and get Carl out of trouble.

The fire light flashed, the scythe drew a violent arc in his hand, Karl's head was separated from the body in response, and was caught by Vios in his hand.

Since it was impossible to use conventional methods to help Carl out of the predicament, Vios could only execute him and let Carl be reborn in the master's Death Domain.

Death Domain's changes to the rules made Karl, who was separated from the corpse, recover quickly. His body that had been pierced by arrows quickly weathered and aged, as if a long time had passed, and a brand new body, It is recovering rapidly along Carl's head.

(end of this chapter)

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