
  Chapter 2209 self-destruct mage    "What went wrong and why I can't resurrect the hero Tanan?"

Above the vast snowfield, a group of fierce-looking demons driving Pegasus galloped past, and along with them, there was a torrent of darkness and scarlet intertwined, looking closely, it was amazingly difficult Counting vampire bats.

Rhodes, who led Legion galloping, was always troubled by a question in his heart, no matter how much he thought, he could not get the answer to the question.

If this problem can be solved, under the control of the hero Tanan himself, after the power of the forbidden magic ball can be restrained, he can pass through the Transmission Gate, and Rhodes does not need to spend so much effort, Bring his remains back.

Unfortunately, no matter how much Rhodes thought about it, he couldn't figure out the answer to the question. The time when the hero Tanan awakened in the previous life should be a few months after the current time. At that time, Brakada had already suffered heavy losses from the attacks of various enemies.

"Lord Commander, there are signs of the enemy ahead!"

Just as Rhodes was thinking, he heard a report from the Legion members, who were in charge of exploring the front. The scout of Lu received news that an enemy blocked the way forward.

"What is the strength of the enemy?" asked Farezer of Legion.

"There are probably only a few of them, exuding terrifying mana fluctuations, it should be Legendary mage." The scout replied quickly.

"Quicken your speed and let's go straight to it. Carl, you lead your team to resist the enemy's pursuit here. After the large force leaves safely, you can use the flames to hide and follow."

After learning the news of the enemy, soon, the one after another command was issued from the mouth of Fareze, and all Legion members were running at high speed.

"Vampires, follow me to meet the enemy!"

Carl shouted loudly immediately after receiving the order. As an Archfiend, he never fears any battle.

Under Carl's order, that split the black torrent that shrouded the entire Legion, and many bats scattered from the torrent. Karl immediately appeared more and more, not even caring about the Pegasus under his seat, his figure flashed rapidly in the flames, and rushed towards the enemy's position first.

Following Carl's movements, Rhodes also saw several enemies standing in the distance. They were mages in heavy cotton coats. The hoods blocked their faces. Rhodes could not see their faces. face, but from them, I can feel the incomparably rich Water Element magic fluctuations.

"That's..." Looking at the people blocking the road, the sage seemed to have thought of something, and his expression changed immediately, "Hurry up and get them back!"

Fareze Wei Wei For a moment, I saw one of the mage raised his face. Beneath that wide hood was a thin, fearful face that didn't fit the imposing manner that a Legendary mage should have.

In this brief moment, Farezer realized that something was wrong, those mage's behaviors were so weird, there must be deceit in them, before he could give an order, the majestic magic element was removed from those mage's. emerged.

In the rumbling sound that resounded through the snowfield, the mage brazenly self-destructed, the bone-chilling chill suddenly swept the battlefield, the blue frost rushed past, and the vampire bats just swooped in. , still maintaining the original posture, completely turned into an ice sculpture, even Karl was not spared. The Legion members at the rear froze, and many Pegasus were frightened. The entire Legion's movements were disrupted by those mages.

"Keep calm."

A low voice passed through, next moment, the Legion members who were slightly flustered due to the attack, calmed down in this brief moment, from The power of the dark holy word made them all obey, even if the Pegasus below was bumped, it wouldn't affect them in the slightest.

The flames ignited from Legion all around, the warmth dispelling the frosty chill in an instant, the power from the Burning Realm, in this brief moment unleashed by Rhodes.

Under the action of the Burning Embers Domain, soon, those solid ices that were generated by spell and wrapped the Legion members began to show signs of melting at this time. The realm is not something that those ice cubes can resist.

"The Magic Guild actually sent them... It seems that everything is as the commander said, those mage won't let us escape from Bracada easily."

On the side, the sage who detected the danger in advance and used spell to avoid it, in this brief moment slowly said, and his words also attracted the curiosity of other Legion members.

"Do you know the origins of the mage that attacked us?" Frazer seemed to have thought of something, and asked the sage actively.

"mage? You look up to them. Those people are not mage, they can only be regarded as slaves and prisoners." The sage called the head, denying the commander's statement.

"You call them prisoners? I don't believe..."

As the ice wrapped around him melted little by little, Carl was completely freed in this brief moment. Just after he got out of the predicament, he heard what the sage said, and couldn't help but say: "Those lunatics actually increased the power of spell in this way... If it wasn't for the presence of the master, I might never be able to wake up again. ..."

Recalling the previous situation, Carl had a lingering fear. In the face of the impact of the frost, he had no power to fight back at all, his whole body was completely frozen, and even the Bloodline Power fell into silence and could not be mobilized. In just a moment, he completely lost his combat capability.

"They didn't do it voluntarily." The sage shook the head, and said the news that shocked the members of Legion, "their bodies were filled with mana that did not belong to them by mage, and Let them do delayed casting... I remember that this method of casting should be banned in Brakada, it seems that the appearance of the master also forced those mage to give up some bans."

"In front of the master, those mage tricks won't work." Agrand said respectfully, "whether they are enemies or not, they can't hinder the master's progress."

When the Legion members were talking, Rhodes didn't say much, but looked further away, until the end of the line of sight, where he couldn't see at all.

As Rhodes watched, the existences that were no different from the self-destruct mage just now slowly walked out of the snowfield and blocked Legion's path.

Looking at the creatures being transformed into time bombs, Rhodes couldn't help but grit his teeth in this brief moment.

As the effects of Death Domain are known to those mages, Rhodes will inevitably be targeted in various ways, and the self-destruct mages in front of them are just one of them. It is foreseeable that after this This situation will only intensify.

(end of this chapter)

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