
  Chapter 2195 The Law of Restoration    "Respected sorcerer Alama, in order to solve the powerful enemy I don't hesitate to enter the form of the dead, and now I need your help to restore my body..."

In the Soul Evocation tower, Agland arrived here and saw Alama who was resting in the quiet room.

After returning from the Mausoleum of the Demon King, Alama, who was seriously injured, spent a lot of energy to recover a relatively complete body, and finally escaped from the bloody angel who had given birth to her body.

During this period of time, Alama seemed quite depressed. The accident on the island made him suspect as a sorcerer. Many undead mage suspect that he taught the formula of Sean's love potion, which triggered the mutation of the island. Even with Vita's refutation, things have not changed.

In desperation, Alama simply stayed in the Tower of Soul Evocation. Fortunately, the progress made by the Eternal Demon made his heart very happy.

After listening to Archfiend's report, Allama looked thoughtful.

"Putting it that way, is a blood-manipulating mage that pushed Rhodes to this step? If those bloodlines are still there, give me some time, and I'm sure Rhodes will recover."

Seeing that the master is expected to recover, the Archfiends suddenly looked happy.

"It seems that Rhodes' journey in Bracada has not been smooth. It's time for my creature to help him, just as the body I recently recovered needs to move."

Following the sorcerer's words, several angels with red bodies slowly walked out of his quiet room. Those angels with unique appearance, filthy bloodlines, and completely transformed by sorcery, also made Agran's heart ache. A tight.

"Agrand, what do you think my big brother is doing now?"

Just as Agrand was about to lead the witcher away, there was a crisp sound in his ears. Asking the sound, looking at the sound, he saw a girl with a worried face.

"The breath that belonged to him disappeared...Is there an accident?"

Seeing this, Archfiend Agran hurriedly replied: "Rowlin Mistress, this is not the case, The master has only temporarily entered the state of the dead, so you don't have to worry too much. With the help of the sorcerer, Allama, the master may be able to recover in a short time."

Besides, the sorcerer was also nodded.

Rowlin took a deep breath and said in an unmistakable tone: "Take me to the big brother."

"This..." Agland hesitated slightly, "Master I haven't explained it like this, so if you go there rashly, I'm afraid the master will blame..."

"He wouldn't do that." Rowlin shook the head with confidence in his eyes.

Hearing this, Agland said no more.

At the same time, in the prison, after the chain demon was repelled, Rhodes also set his sights on the hero ogre.

"I remember you."

Looking at the hero ogre, Rhodes seemed to recall something.

That was the ogre he encountered a long time ago, in order to obtain the set of prophecy cards from Mexiga, and when Enota visited the Dragon Land of Bracada again.

The ogre was not a hero at the time, and only managed to escape from Rhodes' hands under Inota's plea.

Up to now, ogre, who has awakened his will, has become a member of the Legion, and the purple-haired girl named him interceding is still trapped by the bloodline, and he doesn't know when he will be able to wake up.

Thinking of this, Rhodes couldn't help but sigh, and then put his eyes on the remains of Tanan aside. In order to take away the Dragon's Blood Bottle from Moriel's hand and wake Inota, Rhodes couldn't help but need to. The power of that hero.

"Master, I'm so glad you can remember me..."

While Rhodes was thinking, the ogre's excited words came to his ears.

"Being a member of the Legion is the glory of all savage creatures yearn for something even in dreams, and I must share this joy with my companions who have fought side by side with me all the way."

Having said that, King Ogre looked all around, and after looking around, he still found nothing, showing a frustrated look: "Master, have you seen the hero York? Was he taken away by that monster? Why? Why didn't I see him?"

Listening to King ogre's question, Rhodes immediately started, and before that, his attention was attracted by the chain demon and the bloody mage with strange tricks , even ignoring the half-blood hero.

"Which of you saw the movement of the hero? It's the blue-skinned Barbarian."

By asking the Legion members, Rhodes learned that the half-blood Taking advantage of the two sides, the hero moved towards the passage where he came and fled, and that was the direction that the chain demon fled after.

"Master, he is injured, and the breath of blood remains in the space. In front of me, he cannot escape."

Besides, the blood-colored mage seemed to see Rhodes' thoughts, said actively.

Rhodes glanced at him through Soul Fire in his eye sockets, and had no doubts about Scarlet Mage's ability. In previous battles, Scarlet Mage had proven his strength many times.

"big brother!"

After entering the form of the dead, Rhodes only felt that his thinking speed had slowed down, far from being comparable to that of flesh and blood, just as he was thinking. At that moment, a familiar voice came from his ear.

Looking at the sound, Rhodes was slightly taken aback: "Rowlin, why are you here?"

The flames emerged, and not only the few Archfiends who left when they left, Even the sorcerer Alama, the bloody angels, and Rowlin, who should have stayed behind, all came to the prison.

"I sense your breath is weak and you need my help." Rowlin came to him and said worriedly.

Rhodes waved his hand, finger bone was bright and clear: "The lack of Bloodline Power has really made me a lot less powerful. Alama, how can I restore my strength?"

hearing This, Alama came to Rhodes' side, carefully looking at his current skeleton body, the blood-colored mage on the side, seeing the bloodline belonging to Rhodes, condensed into a ball of blood in his hand.

"These bloodlines are well preserved, and the restoration of the fleshy body can be done with the fusion of ceremony. The real difficulty is the transformation of life forms... It can be said that there are as different as between living creatures and undead. heaven and earth."

Listening to Alama's remarks, Rhodes' submissive to him, possessing the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, understands how difficult it is to recover from the dead form.

While thinking about it, Alama quickly added: "I need the blood of the legendary Almighty, or the Spring of Life of the elves, to be sure to restore you completely, if there is no Spring of Life Huantongquan can barely replace it, but it will take more time..."

Listening to Alama's remarks, Rowlin seemed to have thought of something and looked surprised.

(end of this chapter)

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