
  Chapter 2194 Chain Demon   "Badu, how are you?"

looking King ogre who fell to the ground, the hero York asked in disbelief.

He extended the hand, pushed the fallen King ogre, and the moment he touched the body of King ogre, York felt a chill in his hand, not like touching a living creature at all, but like a cold corpse.


The perception in his palm made York seem to understand something. Recalling the abnormality in the blood, York realized that just in a flash, Mage's terrifying spell took the life of King Ogre.

The grief spread in York's heart, and before the cry of pain fell, in the darkness behind, several hooks flew out, deeply embedded in the flesh of King ogre, dragging him back. Pull back.

York's expression froze, the crisis has not yet been resolved, and now is not a time for sadness. In order to get rid of the terrifying chains behind, the savage creatures had to flee for their lives, but didn't expect to encounter an even more terrifying existence.

"What kind of devil is that?"

Behind, Rhodes looked at this scene and asked with some doubts.

The ability of the blood-colored mage to deal with those savage creatures is really overkill. Even a hero among savage creatures cannot support him for a moment. If Rhodes hadn't resolutely entered the state of the dead, and mastered the burning field that disintegrated the Transmission Gate, it would not be easy to solve the blood-colored mage.

With Rhodes' questioning, the demons in the rear, who attacked savage creatures, also revealed their true self from the darkness in this brief moment.

It was a demon wrapped in chains. The rusty chains were deeply embedded in every inch of his skin, making him look extremely terrifying, as if he was completely fused with the chains. The way he slaughtered those savage creatures also relied on those chains.

All the creatures dragged by the chains are surrounded by the chain demon at this moment, even the members of Legion are no exception. Chains pierced their limbs, and they were like a group of marionettes, controlled by chain demons, which also made Rhodes expression congeals.

What surprised Rhodes was that the chain demon in front of him had the status of a hero.

"Whatever demon he is, he's dead now."

Beside Rhodes, the blood-colored mage Jerefer uttered a coldly snorted, he stared at the chain demon, slammed his hands Lift slowly.

"Blood is pouring out."

With the blood-colored mage's whisper, the chain demon let out a pained cry, and the places on his body that were pierced by the chain were now rapidly outward. gushing blood.

Under the control of Jerefer, the blood in the chain evil Demon Body is being drawn out little by little.

Soon, the pumping of blood stopped, and a half-human-high blood globule condensed on Jeref's palm, and the chain demon also lowered his head.

"Master, all the blood in that evil Demon Body has been..."

Before Jerefer could finish his words, he saw a sharp hook and slammed towards him. He stabbed it, which also made him face changed, and hurriedly formed a blood-colored barrier, which blocked the hook lock.

"This is impossible..." Looking at the chain demon who was staring at him, the blood-colored mage gave a surprised look, "How can there be so much blood in his body...?"

Rhodes did not answer Jerefer's words, he saw that at the foot of the chain demon, the hero ogre, who had previously died in the hands of the bloody mage, stood up again at this moment.

The effect of the Death Domain made him an undead creature, and the most special Death Knight, but now, Rhodes can't give him orders, he is being controlled by those chains.

Not just him, but the other savages who were supposed to be dead and are now members of the Legion.

"This ability..."

Rhodes seems to have found something, expression congeals, rather than those undead creatures not obeying orders, it is better to say that undead creatures are willing to obey orders, but Instead, they lost control of their bodies and were instead controlled by Chained Demons, unable to carry out everything they ordered.

"I never imagined that such a demon was imprisoned in the prison of mage. What did those mages capture?" Looking at the blood-colored mage on the side, Rhodes couldn't help but shook the head.

The ability of the Chained Demon to subtly restrain the rebirth of the undead Legion makes Rhodes intolerable.

"Cut those chains."

Towards the Legion members behind, Rhodes slowly ordered.

Archfiend's expression tightened when he got the order, and Carl was the most excited. He has been waiting for the master's order for too long. Even the blood-colored mage who has just joined the Legion is faintly more respected than him by the other members, which makes him intolerable. Now, he finally waited until this moment to prove to the master. opportunity for strength.

The figure flashed through the flames, and Karl set his eyes on the hero ogre. Among the creatures controlled by the chains, the hero ogre was undoubtedly the most conspicuous existence.

The scythe swept across, but did not touch the huge body of ogre, but cut off the chain embedded in the left arm of King ogre.

Upon seeing this, Rhodes at the back immediately gave an order through Death Domain. King ogre waved his left arm, grabbed the chain embedded in his right arm, and immediately exerted force, and the chain was torn apart by him.

"That's it."

Rhodes looked satisfied.

The nearby creatures controlled by the chains do not want to see this happen, and want to prevent the ogre king from breaking free, but in front of Karl's scythe, waiting for them, only to be cut in half ending.

With Carl's help, King ogre soon got rid of the chains and returned to the ranks of the undead Legion. After breaking free from his restraints, the ogre king let out a loud growl that attracted the attention of the other Legion members.

A strong dark green death cloud slammed towards the Legion members. Seeing that the situation was wrong, the chain demon controlled the puppet-like Legion members and released the cloud of death to Rhodes and his party, but how did he know that in front of Rhodes who possessed the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, this move was tantamount to displaying one's slight skill before an expert.

Rhodes raised his hand slowly, and the extremely deep dark cloud instantly engulfed the incoming cloud of death, turning it into a dark torrent, moving towards the chain demon and reflecting away.

Feeling deep fear from the dark clouds, the chain demon let out a scream and turned to escape towards the prison passage where he came, thus evading the attack of the cloud of death .

When fleeing, the chain demon was still reluctant to give up the creatures he controlled, and wanted to drag them away together. However, when the other Legion members worked together to cut the chain, the chain demon In the end, only a few people were taken away.

(end of this chapter)

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