
  Chapter 2186 Overcoming Obstacles    "I heard you died at the hands of a group of savages?"

Looking at the sage being reborn, Rhodes seemed to have thought of something, and asked a little strangely.

The sage showed a sorry look: "Master, let you laugh... Those savage creatures were ambushed in a forbidden passage, and I was accidentally caught by them."

Speaking of those savage creatures, the sage also recalled the torture he suffered before his death, not only showing deep anger: "Those savage creatures seem to be plotting something, when I see them next time, I will definitely let them They learn magic!"

"Barbaric creatures..." Rhodes did not attribute, he was not worried about the threat of barbaric creatures, even if he was careful to fall into the forbidden magic space, Rhodes was confident with the basics alone. Kill all savage creatures.

In Rhodes' perception, there are no other living beings nearby except the Legion members, and it is unknown what the conspiracy the sage is talking about.

"Master, I can testify about this matter." On the side, Archfiend Karl finally found the opportunity and took the initiative to report, "I chased those savage creatures all the way, crossed many forks in the prison, and finally I came to a special passage, and from that passage, I felt the breath of the devil, and at least it has a history of more than hundreds of years." It happened, but it quickly hooked the head: "Don't worry about them. The most important thing now is to destroy the ceremony here before the mage arrives." to the ceremony in front of me.

Blocking in front of all the demons is a spell film that is almost invisible to naked eyes, a spell film that looks unremarkable, but contains amazing destructive power.

At Agran's direction, a cave corpse witch king in Legion quickly stepped forward and rushed into the film, seemingly unstopped, but soon, his body began to Rapid ablation, the skin and flesh continue to decrease, and even the bones below can be seen, but there is no blood flowing out. Among the ceremony, the liquid is the fastest ablation rate.

"Master, this is the ceremony that is blocking our way forward."

Looking at the cave corpse witch king who had no scum left, Agland showed an astonished expression and turned towards Rhodes reported that even though he had seen the ablation process many times, he still felt a chill in his heart every time he watched it again.

What Agrand really feared was that he discovered that those Legion members who had been ablated were not reborn beside Rhodes. Even the owner's Death Domain could not change the process of ablation. In that ceremony, it is considered to have perished forever, and there is no possibility of rebirth at all.

Besides, Friss also said regretfully: "I tried many methods, but I can't get this ceremony at all. With my skills in spell, it is not enough to break this ceremony. The sage has a way to help us.”

Hearing Felicity mentioning herself, the sage took a few steps forward, looked at the transparent film carefully for a moment, and after thinking for a while, said:    “It’s not wrong. It is the ceremony that the president arranged by himself with the help of Strength of Domain, which can decompose everything that enters it into magical elements, and even the things stored in it cannot be spared... The ceremony contains the power that belongs to the domain, I am ashamed to say , unless I confront it with Strength of Domain, or the guild leader comes in person, even I can't remove this ceremony. Master, let's leave quickly."

Faced with the sage's proposal , Rhodes just let out a sneer: "The power that belongs to the magic domain, I have seen it before. Although its effect is powerful, unfortunately it can't help me."

Speaking, Rhodes' body burned up A burst of flames erupted, and the blazing flame spread along his body until it completely wrapped him, including all the equipment on his body.

"This is..."

Beside, looking at Rhodes who turned into a burning man, the sage can't help showing a surprised look, not trapped in the shackles of war He didn't know what happened on the battlefield over there, but he could vaguely feel that Rhodes also contained a tyrannical force that was enough to compete with the magic field.

"Wait for me here."

After leaving an order, use the power of the ember domain to ignite the Rhodes that wrapped itself in flames, and quickly step into the ceremony in front of me middle.

Under the gaze of a group of Legion members, the special ceremony that was enough to completely decompose other creatures and return them to their essence did not bring any influence to Rhodes. The effect of ceremony.

"As expected of the master, the ability of the master is beyond our reach."

Looking at Rhodes, who disappeared in the ceremony, in Aglan's eyes, in this The brief moment also showed admiration. That blocked all Legion members, and even Archfiend didn't dare to enter the ceremony easily, but he couldn't stop the master for a moment. Recalling the appearance of the master Calm, Aglan admired even more.

What Agland didn't know was that not only the spell ceremony in front of him, but even Eli, the leader of the magic realm who arranged this spell ceremony with his own hands, was also unable to solve Rhodes with this ability. The spell ceremony in front of him, for Rhodes, had no influence, but it could stop a group of Legion members and would not make any progress for a long time.

Not only Aglan, in this brief moment, other Legion members also showed a similar look. As the Sovereigner of the undead Legion, it is also an existence who has given them countless opportunities to be reborn. Rhodes is in the hearts of Legion members, has a high status.


While the Legion members were staying outside the ceremony, Fries suddenly let out a painful cough.

"Are you alright?" Seeing this, Agland took the initiative to be comforted, but soon Agland felt something was wrong.

In this brief moment, Agland felt hot and dry all over his body. As an Archfiend, he should be immune to all Fire Element magic immunity, and naturally he would not be affected by the heat, but this time was different.

"What happened..." Agland said in pain and weakness, blood pouring out of his seven orifices uncontrollably, in this brief moment, Agland finally discovered the abnormality.

The source of his extraordinary pain was the blood in his body. In this brief moment, the blood in his body seemed to be boiling and pooling towards the top of his head.

Not only Aglan, in this brief moment, almost all Legion members are like this, Archfiend can still rely on his strong body to persevere, other members are not so lucky, Almost lost all combat capability and collapsed to the ground.

(end of this chapter)

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