
  Chapter 2185 The Rebirth of the Sages

"The call of the ancestors is ahead! There is where we return to our hometown Hope!"

A Barbarian yelled with bruises all over his body, the desire to return to his hometown made him extremely excited, but at the same time he forgot the pain in his body.

Under this excitement, he ripped off the bat, which had been embedded in him with a sharp claw fiercely, taking a whole piece of flesh and blood and causing him a lot of pain.

"Those vampire bats didn't chase after us, we got rid of them!"

King ogre, with blood all over his body, looked back and suddenly, he seemed to have found something , with a bright color in his eyes.

The torrent that turned into a black stream before, chased in the back, and killed how many mates the bats killed, and the Archfiend that appeared and disappeared unpredictably in the flames, in this brief moment has been disappeared , the rear is clear and bright, and those enemies seem to have given up their pursuit.

"Very good, our ancestors must be protecting us! Under the blessing of our ancestors, those enemies couldn't keep us at all!" This discovery made Badu roar excitedly. He is getting closer and closer to the call of his ancestors.

"Don't be careless." On the side, the hero York seemed to have found something. He glanced at the rear where the pursuers were no longer there, and his brows could not help frowning slightly.

Those demons have no reason to give up their pursuit at such a moment. After approaching the call of their ancestors, they should launch a more violent attack. Intuition tells York that there is something wrong.

Giving up spell doesn't mean giving up the ingenuity that belongs to mage, which is what differentiates York from other Barbarians. The same thing, ordinary Barbarian can only see the most superficial side, but York can see the hidden meaning, which is also an important reason why he can be famous in the battle for the throne.

York, who was faintly aware of the abnormality, could not help but slow down and asked the king of ogre: "Hero Badu, you and I both feel the call of our ancestors, right? Besides us, there are those The savage creatures feel this?"

Baddu gave him a puzzled look, not understanding why at this time, York was still asking such a question, but he didn't hesitate, replied: " That's how, besides us, the One-Eyed Giant feels that call, and it seems that only bloodline-rich savages can feel this call."

Listening to Badu, York Gang Wanting to stop, a burst of scarlet rays of light suddenly came from the front. Seeing this, York couldn't help but face changed.

At the back, Archfiend Karl, who was in shock, stopped the vampire of the cave that he was trying to pursue. He looked at the deep prison passage ahead with a look of disbelief on his face.

"That's... the breath of demons? It's not left over from other Legion members, but the evil demonic energy that existed here a long time ago, at least hundreds of years..."

The deep passage ahead, in Carl's eyes, seems to have turned into a huge mouth that wants to choose someone to devour. Even Carl, in this brief moment, shows a bit of astonished expression.

As an Archfiend, he is most sensitive to the bloodline belonging to demons. What makes him horrified is that the breath of ancient demons, in terms of bloodline concentration alone, is not under him at all. This also made Carl uneasy.

"This is impossible... by the way, we must hurry up and report this matter to the master..."

Seemingly thinking of something, Karl hurriedly asked the cave vampire to stay here to monitor , while himself, shuttled through space in the flames.

The light flashed, Karl came to the core area of ​​the prison, in front of a huge spell ceremony, where he saw Rhodes who had just arrived.


Carl bowed his head and greeted respectfully, but unfortunately he was interrupted by other Archfiends before he finished reporting the situation.

"Master, we came here according to your order, but we were trapped by the spell barrier. With our spellcasting ability, we couldn't break the ceremony at all, which disappointed you." Before the spell ceremony, Ah Glenn reports quickly.

Rhodes shook the head, not surprised by this result, the strength of hell demons is generally higher than other creatures, but they don't know anything about spells, even a few succubuses who are good at spellcasting are completely unable to compete with cloth. Lakada's mage compared.

"I asked the sage to help you not long ago, where is he now?" Rhodes asked, as if thinking of something.

After discovering that there was nothing he wanted in the secret room behind the Wall of Wisdom, Rhodes immediately let the sage leave first, while he was trapped in the shackles of war. When Rhodes got out of trouble and came to the prison, he didn't see the sage's silhouette.

"Master, I may know about this..." Carl seemed to have thought of something, and took the initiative to report, "If the sage in your mouth is a red robe mage, now he has died in In the hands of a group of savage creatures, I saw it with my own eyes, but unfortunately I couldn't stop it."

"What?" Rhodes showed a puzzled look, if it wasn't for the existence of the Death Domain, let him know what the Legion members said. Everything was true, and he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

For a Legendary mage like a sage, no matter how many savage creatures come, I am afraid they are not his opponents. What made Rhodes didn't expect is that he was becoming a member of Legion and obtained the corpse witch king. After the strength, the strength seemed to be turned back, but died in the hands of the savage creatures, which is simply what happened.

frowned, Rhodes quickly ordered: "You saw the sage's body? Hurry up and bring his body back."

As an important member of the Magic Guild, Yin In addition to being a powerful Legendary mage, he also has a lot of information about magic guilds. Some even Rhodes in previous lives may not be able to know it. Rhodes is naturally reluctant. Give it up easily.

Carl immediately took the order. He glanced at Agrand beside Rhodes. Although Agrand was reluctant, he could only accept it. It belonged to the master's order, which he could not disobey.

The sharp blade pierced Karl's body. After being reborn once in the Death Domain, Karl refreshed the cooldown of Flame Hide and disappeared with Aglan. The flames cast disappeared and returned to Rhodes' side.

"Master...I knew that you would give me a new life!"

The sage of being reborn, with full joy on his face, in this brief moment, He was shaking involuntarily, and he looked at Rhodes as if he were looking at the Spiritual God he believed in.

(end of this chapter)

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