
  Chapter 2170 Legion General    Led by the Witch King dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety Next, the battlefield magic that originally acted on Rhodes' side was also brought to the camp belonging to mage.

Although the blasted ice blade was blocked by the Titan shield raised by the mages, from the cracks gradually spreading from the shield, anyone with a discerning eye can see that under the influence of battlefield magic, the Titan The shattering of the shield is only a matter of time.

This discovery has also caused a lot of mage ugly complexions. Durken, the representative of the Academy, took the initiative to propose in this brief moment: "President Eli, please remove your spell, and then If it goes on like this, I’m afraid it will be our side who suffers in the spell.”

With Deken’s words, the mage nearby showed their approval eyes, the approaching wind and snow, plus Those undead creatures that are constantly dying and reborn have made them fear.

However, in this brief moment, Eli's expression was a bit ugly: "I can't directly lift this spell... The existence of the shackles of war prevents the magic element from spreading to the outside world, but inside it. The accumulation of more and more. The concentration of magic elements in this space has exceeded the maximum limit of battlefield magic, and it continues to increase."

Speaking of this, Eli looked towards not far away The black robed man, it seems that all this is what the mage expected.

If the abnormality was discovered earlier, Eli Shang could take advantage of the lack of strong magic elements and forcefully remove the battlefield magic, but under normal circumstances, there are not so many dead creatures at all, and the magic elements are superimposed in front of him. to this extent.

But now, under the influence of the war shackles and those undead creatures that are constantly reborn, the Water Element magic element in the space is extremely rich, and the battlefield magic at this moment has completely escaped Eli's own control. , If the magic element in the space is not exhausted, there will be no stopping moment.

Away, Rhodes looked at the mage coldly.

The battlefield magic cast by Eli has brought a lot of trouble to the undead Legion. It is undeniable that this ever-spreading ice blade is the best magic to deal with Legion members. This, this magic can transform the dead creatures into Water Element magic to enhance the power. It is also a unique feature of battlefield magic. If it weren't for the role of the Death Domain, these Legion members would not be able to hold on for a while.

Unfortunately, no matter how powerful the battlefield magic is, it cannot change the rules of the realm. The Death Domain belonging to Rhodes gives undead creatures countless opportunities to regenerate. Unless Rhodes can be killed, this rebirth will never stop.

The battle with mage made Rhodes once again feel the incomprehensible part of Strength of Domain. If there is no Death Domain, even if Rhodes attracts countless marine undead, in front of the battlefield magic, I am afraid that there will only be a series of ice explosions.

Looking at the Legion members who were battling the Titan shield, and the Archfiends who were holding down the Legendary mage, Rhodes couldn't help but have a new assessment of the strength of the Legion members.

Under the blessing of the Death Domain, even the Legendary mage of Brakada can only withstand the undead Legion, which undoubtedly shows to Rhodes that the existence of the undead Legion can be threatened on this world. , there are not many, except for the existence of those Legendary vertices, or the Legion formed by Legendary creatures, other creatures are powerless to resist.

The ability to resurrect from the dead, combined with the strong personal strength of Legion members, constitutes the core strength of Legion. In addition to the Archfiend brought back from hell, those vampires transformed by the scarlet eye, and the corpse witch king transformed by the Ghost King cloak, are also not to be underestimated.

If there is anything lacking in Legion, it must be the presence of generals. Fraser can give command orders to Legion members, but he cannot lead the charge and can only exist as a commander. There is still no suitable candidate for the generals in Legion.

In Rhodes' view, the generals who can lead those Archfiends to attack the enemy must be strong enough, or at least have the status of heroes.

There are not many Death Knights under Rhodes, and there are not many heroes suitable for Legion generals, not to mention that they also need to maintain the daily life of the island, which also makes Rhodes not many choices. .

Death Knight Vera is one of the heroes that Rhodes values. During the previous attack on the treasure house in the cloud, Vera relied on the outbreak of the hero's will and snatched the Electric God pendant from the arcangl. It also made Rhodes' ultimate move, the ultimate lightning, settled, which undoubtedly explained the potential of this Death Knight to Rhodes.

After feeling the potential in Vera, Rhodes intends to dispatch him to the undead Legion, so that he can be tempered in the Legion so that he can become a general in the Legion in the future.

At this moment, Rhodes didn't see the Death Knight's silhouette from among the Legion members who arrived on the battlefield. He was a little puzzled and asked Farezer, "Where's Vera? He didn't Participate in this mission?"

"Vera? Master, you mean Death Knight Vera? Isn't he staying on the island?" After listening to Rhodes' question, Fareze He looked stunned for a moment, and his eyes showed a bit of puzzlement, as if he didn't understand why Rhodes asked such a question.

Rhodes frowned, and then asked, "Didn't he come to the Underground World to find you?"

"I haven't heard of him, as far as I know, the Death Knight should stay on the Water Element plane." Falezer thought for a while, and finally gave his own answer.

After listening to the commander's report, Rhodes was silent for a while. Vera didn't seem to carry out his order, and he didn't know whether the Death Knight deliberately disobeyed, or something happened on the island. .

"I'll go find him when the matter here is over." Shook the head, Rhodes slowly said.

Just as Rhodes asked, mage on the side had a new movement.

The terrifying wind and snow has already filled the entire war shackles. For a time, both the mage side and the Legion members stopped in this brief moment, not because they didn't want to continue fighting, It was because of the terrifying frost that made it difficult for them to continue shooting.

In this brief moment, the battlefield magic released by Eli has shrouded both sides, and all creatures have been affected indiscriminately. General ice cellar.

Seeing that physique's weak mage gradually lost its strength under the influence of the ice, Eli's expression froze, he knew it couldn't go on like this.

The terrifying aura emerged from Eli's body, which attracted the attention of the mage nearby. From that aura, they felt the purest magic element.

"The realm of magic..."

After feeling the sudden terrifying aura, Rhodes' expression changed, and the Titan Arrow in his hand was gripped even tighter by him.

(end of this chapter)

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