
  Chapter 2169 is fully returned    As the Water Element in the shackles of war becomes more and more intense, In this space, various natural phenomena also began to appear.

As the basic substance that constitutes the world, once the concentration of magical elements exceeds the limit, various natural landscapes will be triggered. Similar to the Four Elemental Planes, it is the manifestation of the extreme concentration of magical elements.

At this moment, the shackled space is full of wind and snow, accompanied by constant crisp noises. If you look closely, you can see countless cavemen who have turned into ice sculptures, constantly bursting and shooting all around. The ice blade, which caused the serial explosion of the ice sculpture, apart from this, you can still see the cave people who were already torn apart, and they returned to their original shape after a while.

"Lord Rhodes, I didn't expect you to actually join the hell side!"

Looking at the black robe mage who was constantly avoiding the ice blade attack in the wind and snow, President Eli slowly said, and he looked at Rhodes, his eyes full of anger.

"I didn't say that." Rhodes just said slowly in the face of Eli's questioning.

"You don't need to admit it yourself, the Archfiend you brought, and the previous hellfire, are enough to explain all this." The anger in Eli's eyes was even more intense.

"You mean them? They are my subordinates, my spills of war in hell. The hell you call is just another hunting ground for me, just like here."

Rhodes sneered, in this case, he no longer needed any pretense.

"Sir President, why talk to such a lunatic? They are all put up a desperate struggle under your spell, and no amount of demons can change the outcome." Aside, the Prophet said actively.

Eli took a deep look at Rhodes. Judging from what he knew about Rhodes before, it probably didn't seem like a big talk, which also made Eli feel a little incredible.

The entire world is threatened by the Legion of Hell, just trying to protect themselves when the apocalypse comes, but someone turns around and regards the whole hell as their own hunting ground, which inevitably makes Eli I felt a little incredible in my heart, and even the eyes that looked towards Rhodes gradually changed.

"You really are a lunatic." Deeply exhales one breath saying, Eli made his own evaluation.

"Whatever you want to say." Rhodes shrugged, he raised his head slightly, and immediately felt the rich magic elements in the space.

Among the four Great Demon magic elements, the damage from the Fire Element magic element, relying on the blessing of the Archfiend bloodline, Rhodes is almost completely immune, and the most damaging lightning magic in the air magic is also in the electricity. Under the effect of the god pendant, it cannot take effect on Rhodes, but the magic of exile can limit Rhodes a little.

Only Earth Element magic and Water Element magic can cause effective damage to Rhodes. Earth Element magic is mainly heavy and defensive. Even the thunder bombs with the highest single damage have a preparation time. It's too long, so it can't hit people. As for Water Element magic, it is mainly auxiliary. Except for seeing this powerful battlefield magic from the hands of the president, Rhodes rarely sees high-level Water Element damage. magic.

In Rhodes' memory, among the Water Element magic elements, there are also a few partial categories, which no longer focus on auxiliary treatment, but pursue pure killing effects.

Just like the thick and vital Earth Element magic element, there will be death energy, as well as the unique existence of the undead spell, the Water Element magic element also has this category, which is called The unique existence of blood magic is unfortunately forbidden in Brakada. I am afraid that there is only relevant research in the world of sorcery.

Rhodes' eyes suddenly condensed after feeling the majestic Water Element magic element that even the Legendary mage couldn't ignore.

Looking at the mage in the distance, Rhodes extended the hand to point to them: "Legion members being reborn, charge towards the mage, and give them back their battlefield magic in this brief moment!"

The command from Rhodes, the effect of the dark holy word, instantly ignited the flames in the hearts of all Legion members, in this brief moment, they forgot about life and death, and there was only one thing in their minds The thing, is to complete Rhodes' orders and rush to those mages.

In this brief moment, the many cave corpse witch kings of fierce and unafraid of death let out strange screams exclusive to cavemen, accompanied by the constantly exploding ice blades beside them, even if they don't know how many The second resurrection still failed to stop their charge. They carry out Rhodes' will, even in the face of those powerful mage, they are also fearless.

"Raise the Titan shield! Unleash the snow trap!"

Soon, mage can respond as soon as possible, in front of Peak mage in Bracada, this level His spell had already achieved Major Perfection, and with all kinds of slow and slow magic applied to him, the team of the cave corpse witch king seemed to be marching in the mud.

However, in the face of the firm cave corpse witch king, this can only slow down their speed slightly. The existence of the Death Domain gives them countless opportunities to achieve their original goals.

Not long after, when the first cave corpse witch slammed his hand on the Titan shield violently, it seemed like a prelude to some kind of prelude, and a group of corpse witch kings flocked from behind. .

Only the basic damage of the Witch King is difficult to break through the Titan shields of the mages. Even if Archfiend is here, he must use continuous onslaughts to break the barrier of the Titan shields. This is also the mage. Their defensive reliance was replaced by the continuous magic, and the situation was different.

"President, do they want to..."

Beside, the Prophet seemed to have discovered something, and reminded him with some vigilance.

President Eli's face also turned ugly in this brief moment: "You're right, he intends to use the power of battlefield magic to attack those mages."

Following the conversation between the two, the body of the corpse witch king in the cave in front of the Titan shield also exploded in the ice. The Titan shield was almost completely shattered.

"Strengthen the defense of the Titan shield!"

Realizing the wrong mage, he hurriedly shouted to the rear, and the only answer to them was that the cave corpse king trembled, as if he was in Laughing at the general voice.

Next moment, many corpse witch kings who turned into ice sculptures exploded in front of the Titan shield, and the rumbling sound could be heard for a while, and those corpse witch kings who just fell, but in Death Domain's Under the action, it quickly recovered in a short period of time and continued this process.

Aside, Rhodes watched this scene with satisfaction, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

(end of this chapter)

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