
  Chapter 2135 trailing off   "Moriel, where are you?"

looking Rhodes' face sank at the giant dragons that were fighting mage.

Just when the Black Dragon was resurrected from the realm of the dead, Rhodes learned from the information from it that Moriel did not come to the Golem to study the Academy, and only appeared here. Just a squad of giant dragon Legion.

Rhodes has seen the giant dragon Legion in the air element plane. If hundreds of giant dragons gather here, even the ultimate golem can only be saddened by the dragon. under the breath.

There were only dozens of giant dragons attacking here. Even so, it was not something that Mage could resist. When Esquel and his party came to reinforce, the entire Academy turned into a fire sea, as if It was completely lost, and many golems that were of good quality and had not yet been put into use were also burned.

After losing the Golem Research Academy, after the research and development of special golems, even if the golem factory in Brakada continues to operate, it will not be able to create golem puppets that make giant dragons feel troublesome. This is also the reason why the giant dragon Legion can traverse Bracada in the future.

Rhodes knew all of this, but he didn't plan to remind those mages. On the contrary, if it wasn't for Bracada, there were still people who made him fearful. Laqada's attack.

At this time, Rhodes' eyes fell on Green Dragon, who had fallen to the ground and was dead. At the call of Death Domain, Green Dragon's injuries recovered little by little, and soon recovered. Rejuvenated.

The roar of the giant dragon kept coming from the top of the two of them, and the appearance of the ultimate golem instantly relieved those mages. In the case that the number of giant dragons was not enough, they could not solve the problem at all. Such a golem puppet, seeing that his companions were seriously injured, these giant dragons also made a decision to retreat.

As the giant dragon rises into the sky, no matter how strong the ultimate golem is, it cannot touch their bodies, and can only watch the giant dragon gradually go away.

"Come and meet Esquel, and I'll follow those giant dragons to see."

Seeing this, Rhodes jumped over the Green Dragon's body and moved towards Luna on the side said.

"Are you going to keep up with those giant dragons? We're here, maybe we'll arouse mage's dissatisfaction, why don't you do those outrageous actions..." Luna hesitated and turned towards Rhodes. advise.

"So I want you to stay here." Rhodes glanced at the elementalist, and the Green Dragon under him rushed into the sky, following the giant dragons.

During the flight, there was a dull sound of breaking through the air, moving towards here whizzing, Rhodes looked down, but saw a huge boulder, moving towards himself and Green Dragon straightly.

It was the ultimate golem on the ground that threw the boulder out, facing the flying creatures in the air, which was one of its few offensive methods.

The turbulent lightning smashed the flying boulders into pieces in an instant. Although there were still fine pieces of stone that hit the skin of Green Dragon tenacious, it seemed innocuous, even a trace of scars. did not stay.

"Rhodes? What is he going to do?" And below, seeing the appearance of the lightning, Esquel, who was controlling the ultimate golem, was slightly taken aback, and confirmed the identity of the man on Green Dragon's back. After the identity, he hurriedly stopped the ultimate golem, so as not to hurt the messenger of the god of mage.

Seeing Green Dragon following the giant dragons away, Esquier brows slightly wrinkle, he doesn't understand what kind of deep meaning Rhodes' move has.

took a deep breath, Esquill only felt that he could not see clearly the special envoy sent by the god of mage, and he could not guess the intention of the god of mage at all.

While Esquill was thinking, a strong mana fluctuation came, completely disrupting his thoughts.

Looking back, he saw the blue-faced sage Cedros.

"What have you done? Who told you to activate the ultimate golem? Is it the president?" Seeing that the strength is strong, but it has lost further improvement, and in the future, it can even be combined with the possession of the field. The ultimate golem to compete with the existence of the sage, the sage asked unceremoniously.

"I guard the Golem Research Academy." Esquel emphasized, "If I don't activate the Golem, everything here will be destroyed by those giant dragons."

"That is to say, this is your own idea? Very good! The ultimate golem is a manufacturing plan drawn up in the golden age. Didn't expect that in the end, all of this was destroyed by you." Yin said sadly.

"You don't need to tell me." Esquill glared at him, "You have the energy, why don't you chase those giant dragons? I didn't see the attack here. Your silhouette."

Hearing what the old mage said, the sage didn't plan to tell him more, just left a light sentence: "You don't have the authority to control the ultimate golem, everything here, I will tell him The president reported it."

After speaking, the sage reopened a Transmission Gate and left across the space, leaving Esquel, who remained in place, with a look of anger on his face.

"Master Esquier, there is an elemental envoy who wants to see you."

At this moment, the sound of mage's report reached Esquier's ears, Recalling the silhouette he had seen before, Esquel took a deep breath, and when he calmed down, he said, "Let her come to see me."

Soon, under the leadership of mage , Luna came to Esquel's side, looking at the tower that became a mess under the breath of the dragon, Luna also showed a slightly surprised look.

Bracada's loss was even more serious than Luna thought. When she saw Rhodes with no difficulty solve a Black Dragon, she still questioned the strength of those giant dragons, until now , Looking at the scorched black around and the entire burned Academy, Luna realized the terrifying of those giant dragons.

Even at the end, if it weren't for the appearance of the ultimate golem, the mage side would have suffered even more losses.

"Why did you come here? Didn't I ask you to wait for me in the magic city?" As though thinking of something, Esquel asked.

"It was Rhodes who brought me here." Luna was a little helpless, but she replied truthfully, "He is very interested in what's going on here, and I'm a little worried about his lack of mana, and what accident will happen, I didn't expect because I was over-hearted."

"Rhodes..." Hearing Luna mention the name, Esquel couldn't help but think of Green Dragon's back, the trailing The man who walked away with the giant dragon intuitively told Esquel that Rhodes seemed to be planning something. Is that also the meaning of the god of mage?

Esquel frowned, he is not a prophet, he has no divination ability to see into the future, and he cannot detect Rhodes' true intention. Sigh deeply.

(end of this chapter)

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