
  Chapter 2134 Esquel    "Lord Escher, we have no secrets of the sages Spoon, without the president's approval, after activating the ultimate golem, we can't control it at all..."

Staying on the scorched tower, a red robe scholar reported anxiously, and his words were full of Worried, he looked at the ultimate golem that gradually climbed up from the ground, his eyes full of sadness.

For the golem master, it is a happy thing to see the golems that he has researched become popular in mage and put into combat use, but in the eyes of red robe scholar , but there is no joy at all, only regret and reluctance.

"Don't worry, my authority is enough to control that golem, I just hope it can repel the giant dragons that come..."

Besides, the old white-robed mage He said quickly, and at the same time, he also had some deep thoughts in his heart: "I don't know why those giant dragons attacked the golem to study the Academy for no reason. Is it to avenge the kingdom of dragons? Then they should attack, the red ones. Jingspell Academy, or is there another plan?"

shook the head, I guess Thief Guild should know more about this kind of thing, but it's a pity that Bracada's Thief Guild is very secretive, And the mages don't like to see those thieves who are good at assassinating, which also makes the mages extremely lag in the collection of intelligence, and often cannot accurately understand other events that occur on the continent.

The roar of the giant dragon sounded from the ears of the old mage. In the past, he had already cast spells violently, allowing those enemies to learn how powerful he was, but it was a pity that he faced the giant dragon who resisted magic. Power is nowhere to be found.

Dragon breath moved towards the tower, no matter what kind of material the tower is made of, under the scouring of the blazing dragon breath, it is also impossible to support for a moment, and it will be burnt to nothing. Seeing this, Ai Schell's expression changed, and he hurriedly ordered to the nearby mage: "Intensify the defense, even if you run out of mana, you must use the thaumaturgy to resist their offensive. When the ultimate golem arrives, we will be able to turn defeat into victory!"

"Esquel, if you stick to this place blindly, it is better to retreat as soon as possible. Our magic is ineffective against those giant dragons. It is better to evacuate as soon as possible, and then find a way to ask for help."

Beside, a golem Master with a wig couldn't help but say that the many golem puppets he originally led were turned into black ashes by a blow of Black Dragon, and his own mana was also left. Not much, and decided to retreat.

"Retreat?" Esquill showed sharp eyes, and under his gaze, the golem Master didn't dare to look at him at all, "Are you ready to leave everything here? Magic How much budget did the guild give you each year to study golems and puppets, how can you abandon them when it is dangerous?" After a glance, he immediately looked towards the ultimate golem that climbed up from the ground in the distance.

It was an earthy golem that looked like an Earth Element man magnified countless times, with a thick and hard body. To control such a golem, the manipulative spirit that needs to be consumed is not a small amount. Apart from this, it also needs some special ceremony to cooperate. This kind of ceremony is only known to the president of the magic guild, but Ace Er is the last president of the Magic Guild.

Just as Esquill was controlling the ultimate golem and was about to let it shoot down the giant dragon in the air, he suddenly felt like he had discovered something, and his movements suddenly stopped.


What made Esquel didn't expect was that he was beside the ultimate golem and saw someone who shouldn't be here , which is the silhouette of the two elements.

One of them is Luna from the Fire Element plane, and the other is a character that makes Esquill feel very difficult, Rhodes entrenched in the Water Element plane.

Rhodes was able to take on the status of Elementalist, and even come to Bracada in that capacity, thanks to Esquel's help. From Esquel's point of view, he didn't want to help the deep and unmeasurable undead mage, but he had to follow the orders of the mage god, and that Rhodes was the messenger appointed by the mage god.

Esquier didn't know how Rhodes did all this, but since the oracle that the god of mage passed on to him said so, he had to act according to the god of mage. He vaguely felt that the god of mage seemed to be planning something. Is it the monarchs of the Elemental Plane who make the omnipotent god of mage act so discreetly?

Thinking of this, Esquel was excited. After learning about the rumors of the elemental monarch from the element envoy, Esquel worried for a long time, but thought that the god of mage did not just sit back and watch. , but had already begun to deal with it, which made him even more excited, and even spared no effort to help Rhodes forge his identity in front of the elementalists.

"Master Esquel, are you alright?" Seeing that Esquel seemed to be looking at the ultimate golem for a while, the red-haired scholar hurriedly reminded him.

"It's nothing, it's just that it takes too much energy to perform this secret technique." Esquill shook the head, and then looked towards the ultimate golem again.

The majestic magic element poured out of his body, and at the same time, the ultimate golem seemed to be stimulated in some way and began to run wildly on the ground, each step was on the cracked ground, stepping on it. Create a deep hole.

The dozens of giant dragons besieging the tower were startled in this brief moment, and the dragon's pupils showed suspicious eyes, looking towards the ultimate golem that was rushing straight in.

The ultimate golem is huge in size, but its movements are not slow at all. In the process of rushing, it grabs the Green Dragon flying in the air and twists it with both hands. The precious dragon blood is formed from its rock. The palm of his hand dripped to the ground, and Green Dragon's distorted corpse was thrown aside.

Rhodes saw this scene in his eyes, and he also calculated in his heart, who is stronger between the ultimate golem in front of him and the body of Goliath that belongs to him. But soon, Rhodes hooked the head.

In terms of strength alone, Goliath's body is barely equal to the ultimate golem, but if you count speed, Goliath's body is far less than the ultimate golem, not to mention physique Having said that, no matter how strong the body of Goliath is, it is still within the category of creatures, and the ultimate golem is basically made of mud and rock, and it is in the Earth Element plane, which is more than the main plane. It is made of heavy rock formed by several times, or even dozens of times of pressure, and even the Titan's arrow will not change after a hit.

He looked away from the ultimate golem, and soon, Rhodes' eyes also focused on the Green Dragon corpse that fell aside.

(end of this chapter)

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