
  Chapter 2131 Fire Element Makes    "Hero..."

seems to be thinking of something, Rhodes' eyes became solemn, and he didn't know whether he could meet the hero who changed Bracada's fate.

"What are you talking about? What hero?"

Besides, Luna asked Rhodes after hearing Rhodes whisper.

"Nothing. I just remembered something, about the hero."

Rhodes shook the head and didn't say much.

Hearing Rhodes say this, Luna was even more curious, but didn't ask. She came outside the camp prepared by mage for the elementalist, and looked at the snowflakes falling in the air extend the palm, watching the velvety snowflakes fall on the palm of her hand, and then melt a little bit, her eyes showed a bit of confusion:

"Lord Rhodes, do you think that apart from the Magic Guild, the mages of the spell Academy will accept us Elementalists?"

"It's hard to say. But since Esquel is so Having said that, I can only trust him." Rhodes replied lightly.

Rhodes recalled that the establishment of the element city in the previous life was not smooth sailing. To the southeast of Erathia, in the present-day area of ​​Vernin, the Elemental City was established.

And in this life, Werning's territory has long been occupied by the undead mage. It is said that there are a large number of corpse witch kings entrenched in it. Even the Legendary mage does not dare to rush into it. , those Business Groups who are not afraid of death have the courage to enter it.

Those elementalists who escaped to the main plane can survive in harsh environments, and the elemental planes of danger lurks on every side. Their abilities should not be underestimated. If they develop according to the trajectory of their previous lives, the new The established element city is bound to conflict with the undead mage in Verning, which is one of the reasons why Rhodes came to deal with the matter.

In Luna's eyes, Rhodes is just an elementalist living on the Water Element plane, a lord somewhere in the ocean, but what she doesn't know is that the man in front of her is Verning. The controller, the leader of many undead mage, once established a splendid name on the continent.

"But...According to what Esquel said before, Brakada seems to be under attack by the enemy? Who dares to attack the Mage Empire? Even those Legendary element lords, I heard that Brakada is attacked by the enemy? Da's mage will respectfully greet him when he comes to another plane."

Luna seemed to have thought of something, and asked a little strangely.

Rhodes corner of the mouth twitched , those elemental masters thought that they could avoid the catastrophe caused by the elemental monarchs when they came to the main plane, didn't expect to do so was useless, at best it was only a slight delay When the catastrophe came, not only that, but they also stepped into an even bigger catastrophe, that is, the battle of doom. Rhodes didn't know whether they were lucky or unlucky.

Seeing that things were going as he expected, Rhodes thought for a while and said, "The enemy who attacked Brakada must have the power to resist magic, at least the magic below the third rank."

But Luna laughed: "That's true. Let's make a bet, I guess at least half of those enemies are golems and puppets. You've seen the devil in Brakada Like golems? I heard about it when I was on the Elemental Plane, and those golem golems can resist magic to a great extent and are an important force in the mage civil war. Those enemies attack the golem research Academy, says Maybe it's just to get more golems."

Rhodes glanced at her and said helplessly: "Then I guess most of the enemies attacking are giant dragons."

Hearing Rhodes say this, she looked smug: "giant dragon? So it looks like you've lost. There are only a few giant dragons on the main plane, and they won't attack Bracada for no reason."

Rhodes shrugged: "If that's the case, why don't you go over there and see?"

Said, under Luna's somewhat puzzled gaze, Rhodes waved his arm, A pale-gold Transmission Gate appeared in front of him.

In the Transmission Gate of pale-gold, the vortex twisted by space force is spinning rapidly. As an elementalist, Luna naturally knows the origin of this magic. This is an element that only has the Legendary rank The door of different dimensions that can only be mastered can lead to any location on the world.

Even Luna herself needs to prepare for a period of time if she wants to cast this magic, and calculate its mana consumption at the same time, so as not to consume too much mana and can no longer release other magic, unexpected Rhodes in front of him even said to let it go.

Luna was stunned for a moment. She just remembered what Esquel told them to stay here. Before she could stop Rhodes, Rhodes had already stepped into the Transmission Gate. Seeing this, Luna had no choice but to follow immediately.

After stepping out of the Transmission Gate, she came to the center of the Magic City and saw Rhodes beside her.

"Esquier said that we should stay where we are, and as we are now elementalists, we may encounter unnecessary trouble in Bracada." Coming to Rhodes Next, Luna lowered her voice and reminded.

"Don't worry, no one dares to trouble me, but they should be glad that I don't have time to trouble them." Rhodes' face was calm, and he replied while sensing the mana fluctuations left in the space. .

From the residual mana fluctuations in the space, Rhodes also determined the spatial coordinates of where Esquel and his party went. Not long ago, those mages gathered here, and then used space magic to catch up. Going to the Golem to study the Academy, Rhodes also found the breath he wanted from the remaining space traces.

Besides, Luna listened to Rhodes' answer, her heart was angry and funny, she was about to say something, but saw Rhodes release another pale-gold Transmission Gate, and her figure disappeared inside the Transmission Gate .

The other-dimensional door that used High Rank twice in a row also attracted the attention of many mages around. Luna had no choice but to enter the other-dimensional door quickly before it closed.

"Do you have a lot of mana in your body? You actually cast this level of space magic twice in a row. What if you encounter danger in the Golem Research Academy? At that time, don't Hope I'll save you."

As soon as she walked out of the Transmission Gate in pale-gold, Luna couldn't help complaining to Rhodes, she wasn't worried about Rhodes' lack of mana, she might be here When she was in danger, she followed him to the Golem to study the Academy. She just wanted to verify the appearance of the enemy and see if the previous bet was correct.


However, Rhodes at this time was no longer as comfortable as when he came, and his face was completely solemn. He quickly turned sideways and followed Luna behind to remind him road.

(end of this chapter)

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