
  Chapter 2130 Ocean Specials   "What's this?"

Throwing Rhodes Holding it up, Luna asked with some doubts.

It was a brightly colored conch the size of a slap, and it looked like a common decoration, and Luna didn't understand what Rhodes was doing.

"This is a specialty of the Water Element plane," Rhodes explained.

"Specialty? You mean this kind of conch?" Luna showed a helpless look, "Although I live on the Fire Element plane, I have also been to the ocean on the main plane. Conch, simply is a common product in the ocean, you don't think that this alone can prove what you said?"

Rhodes faintly smiled: "You will understand when you put it to your ear. "

Although Luna was a little puzzled, she still did as Rhodes said, putting the side of the conch gap slightly close to her ear.

"Can you hear it?"

The sound from the conch made Luna's heart startled, as if to confirm this, she pressed the conch further away from her ear. tight.

"It seems that you have heard what I'm saying."

A similar voice came from the conch, as if it was a whisper against the ear, and it also made Luna heart trembled, this time, she heard it perfectly, and if she heard it right, it was simply Rhodes' voice.

Turning her head to the side, she looked towards Rhodes beside him again, and saw that Rhodes was holding a similar conch in his hand, but the gap of the conch was facing his mouth.

"This is..." After realizing the effect of the conch, Luna showed an unexpected expression. She didn't expect that the conch, which looked like a decoration, turned out to be a unique natural treasure.

"As I said, this is a special product of the Water Element plane. It is a special treasure that my men found in the depths of the seabed when they were exploring the ocean. It can transmit sound across distances. If this can't be proven. , I have other unique products from the Water Element plane." Rhodes put down the conch in his hand and replied slowly.

"No, I believe what you said, and I apologize to you for my previous doubts."

After hearing Rhodes say this, Luna shook the head and said as if admitting her mistake. , She knows that this kind of natural treasure with magical effect can only be born in a place with excellent environment, generally only in the element plane, and it often exists in some Danger Lands, which must be explored after a long period of time. Obtaining, being able to come up with such a treasure is enough to prove Rhodes' identity.

Luna just wanted to return the conch to Rhodes, but she saw Rhodes wave his hand and said, "Keep it as a greeting gift between elemental messengers."

"You Are you sure? In other elemental planes, this kind of treasure has a very high value, and it cannot be measured by the gold coin of the main plane at all..." Luna hesitated, she understood what this treasure had. value, reminds Rhodes immediately.

Rhodes just smiled freely and didn't take this treasure seriously at all: "I'll ask you to take more care of yourself for the next journey."

Listening to Rhodes's words, Luna didn't take it seriously. He refused, holding the conch in front of him with both hands, and lowered his head slightly. What she didn't see was sharp rays of light flashing in Rhodes' eyes as he said this remark.

In order to plan everything in Bracada, let alone such a treasure, even if it is to give up everything on the island, even to give up the Divine Item, Rhodes will spare no expense.

After taking the conch, Luna seemed to think of something, and took out an item from the space ring and handed it to Rhodes.

Rhodes took the thing with a look of doubt in his eyes: "What is this? It looks like a...toy?"

The one that appeared in Rhodes' hands , is a transparent glass ball. If you look closely, you can see a ray of throbbing flame enclosed in the center of the glass ball. In the cold Bracada, it feels warm to the touch. .

"This is a fire that burns forever. It doesn't need any medium, and it can burn forever. As long as you break the outer layer, you can use it. It's a specialty of the Fire Element plane." Luna After thinking about it, replied to Rhodes.

Rhodes looked at the flames trapped in the glass ball with surprise in his eyes.

"You gave me a gift, and I gave it back to you." Luna said happily, "You are now my friend like those elemental creatures."


"What?" Rhodes corner of the mouth twitched, judging from the Elementalist's reaction, she seems to be very useful to the Conch, which is also in line with Rhodes' intention. It seems that in the later process, she Won't be a nuisance.

Rhodes, who is familiar with the process of his previous life, has not underestimated the elemental envoy in front of him. Rhodes knows that Luna in the future will have an extraordinary influence on the establishment of the element city and become an elementalist. One of the important generals of the city, leading a large number of Fire Element people, with one-handed Fire Element magic, it can bring about the effect of burning everything.

And what Rhodes wants to do is to speed up the process. For this reason, Rhodes, with the help of Esquel, joined the team of element envoys as an elementalist of the Water Element plane. In the middle, and relying on the proud experience of fighting side by side with the president of the magic guild, he became the best choice for communication between the element envoy and the magic guild.

There are also elemental envoys who have doubted the identity of Rhodes, but Rhodes who has lived in the Water Element plane for a long time will naturally not even make a mistake in basic common sense. Similar to the previous doubts, Rhodes also Solved with the marine specialties of the Water Element plane, and there were no mistakes.

Rhodes has a deep understanding of the stubbornness of the magic guild. Although there have been terrifying powers such as hex and undead spells that have made a sensation on the continent, Brakada has left nothing. Next, in this snowy area, only the most simple and most terrifying spell exists.

The awakening of the elemental monarch is something that Rhodes must pay attention to. Those elementalists and plane walkers who are ready to escape from the elemental plane and come to the main plane to settle down are the best examples.

The elemental monarch will not have the slightest mercy towards other creatures that parasitize the elemental plane. Before the main plane collapses, those elementalists who do not belong to elemental creatures but use magical elements will first One step suffers.

Elemental envoys who perceive the danger can only flee to the main plane first, hoping to settle down here, but what they don't know is that what awaits them in the main plane is a battle. A bigger catastrophe, but this also just contributed to the establishment of the element city. Since then, there has been a new force in the main plane.

Everything Rhodes established on the Water Element plane will also make him a thorn in the eyes of the elemental monarchs. Fortunately, the most powerful Water Element monarch, as vast as the ocean, is the latest of all the elemental monarchs. The Awakened One, which also gave Rhodes plenty of time to work it out.

(end of this chapter)

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