
  Chapter 2125 Sean fortuitous encounter    "He's lying. He's impossible to know what you just refined. What kind of potion."

The same sound as before was reminded in Sean's ear again.

It was a voice that only Sean could hear, and the appearance of the voice made him feel a lot more at ease. Previously, it was with the sound of his mouth that he completed the refining of those potions.

In the refining of potions, Sean is very aware of his innate talent. When he was first brought to Sao City by Death Knight to refine the potion for the lord there, Sean couldn't finish refining the potion at all. He consumed a lot of refining materials, but even a bottle of potion could be refined. Can't make it.

Seeing that he was about to be executed by Death Knight because he couldn't make enough potions, Sean couldn't help but be full of despair, and at this moment, he heard the voice of his mouth.

It was a weird-looking pendant. It was an occasional addition that he got when he was shopping for refining materials in the Freelance Chamber of Commerce. Like the seller's deceitful claim, Sean doesn't believe that such a pendant, which is not even a treasure, has the magical ability to bring good luck.

With the help of his mouth, Sean's process of refining the potion has never failed again. He no longer needs to think about how to match the refining materials for the potion, or how to control the refining temperature, etc. It's time to stop refining, the only thing he needs to do is to do as he says, and he can refine a good potion.

After handing over those High Level potions, Sean's status as the tide rises, the boat floats, the slave from the very beginning, gradually became a potion apprentice, and now, even more so. The red man of the Potions Guild.

Until now, none of the undead mage has discovered the abnormality of the mouth. Everyone regards Sean as a potion scholar with extraordinary innate talent. It is the history of potion refining. The super genius I met.

"Potion scholar, I'm very curious, can you tell me which potion you made just now? There are some ingredients I'm very familiar with, it seems to be sea urchin juice. ..."

At this moment, Alama's questioning voice came from Sean's ear.

Sean heart startled, he didn't dare to talk about the love potion, so he had to explain: "It's the sea urchin potion, which can transform the person who drinks the potion within a certain period of time. For sea urchins."

Allama nodded, with a look of approval in his eyes: "It turns out to be this shape-shifting potion. Does it turn other creatures into sea urchins? I have also dealt with this in my previous research. Aspects. If used properly, these potions have a lot of value."

Sean laughed embarrassingly, but after explaining the matter related to refining the Human Demon medicine, Alama and the others I don't plan to stay here long.

"Then Nexi, the potion you need, I believe this potion scholar will be able to refine it for you. I provided him with the recipe for refining the potion, which is considered a success. Your commission." Looking at Nexi, who looked like a murloc, Alama said slowly.

Nexi nodded, in the bulging fish eyes, there is also a little more yearning for the potion that is about to be completed: "I will stay here and wait for the completion of those Potion Refinings."

Alama has no objection. Although he didn't use his full strength, the potion formula he took out was enough to meet Nexi's requirements. He didn't intend to wait here until the potion was completed.

"I'm back in Sau City, there are still many things to do there."

Glancing at Death Knight Kane, after explaining all the things about refining the potion, Alama didn't intend to stay here any longer, and left first. He was more like staying in the Soul Evocation tower in Sao City, watching the changes in the eyes of the Eternal Demon.

Kane had no plans to stay for long. When he was about to leave, he seemed to think of something, and took the initiative to stop Sean: "By the way, Lord Rhodes went to Underground World not long ago. I got a lot of practical potion formulas there, and stationed people there. It seems that I plan to explore there. After a while, there may be a lot of refining tasks for you."

Sean hurriedly nodded and assured Death Knight: "I will do my best to complete Lord Rhodes' mission. No matter what kind of potion it is, I will have the opportunity to refine it."

With an affirmative answer, Kane left with satisfaction.

After Death Knight left, seeing that Nexi was still waiting here, Sean immediately returned to the quiet room and began to prepare the refining of the potion.

"Mouth, I want to refine this potion."

After unfolding the parchment scroll left by Death Knight, Sean said quickly.

"Human Demon potion? Are there really sorcerers who will study this potion? Don't they study the Wolf Human Demon potion, or the lizardmen potion?"

Looking at the content on the scroll, there was a humming sound in Sean's pocket.

Sean was a little helpless. He had long been used to his contempt for those potions. It seemed that in his mouth, there was no potion he saw.

"It says you need human tears, but that's inaccurate, it must be tears of remorse, especially Death Knight's blood and tears, I remember not long ago, you Bought a little from the Freelance Chamber of Commerce, and now it comes in handy. Your materials should be enough to make this potion, so let's make blood essence first, it may take a lot of time."

Although he disliked the potion recorded on the parchment scroll, he still analyzed it to Sean.

Listening to the clear and logical analysis, Sean subconsciously nodded and began to process the refining materials.

"The speed of brewing blood essence should be fast. If your movements are slow, the harmful blood will coagulate in advance, and the efficacy of the human demon medicine may be greatly reduced! During the brewing process, remember to add a handful of Gentian grass, two bunches of cinnamon, and as many black velvet mushrooms as possible..."

Seeing Sean slowly taking out the freshly bought from vampire from the space ring Plasma, his mouth couldn't help but aggravate his voice, and urged him, and Sean also accelerated a lot in the urging sound of his mouth, and soon filled a pot of blood for cooking.

"While you are brewing blood essence, you can now go to the next refining material, smash the snake's venomous sac, filter out the venom, and put it into the spider egg and scorpion tail...

Originally, what needs to be put here are the teeth of the eagle Banshee, but those sorcery creations live in the ground, so you can replace them with scorpion tails."

The command sound of the mouth kept ringing from Sean's ears. , but Sean didn't rush about it. He was very familiar with this process as early as in the previous Potion Refining, and now he is very familiar with refining.

(end of this chapter)

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