
  Chapter 2124 The Weird Mouth    "You use too much sea urchin needle. In this case, you need to Put less spider legs to reconcile, and at the same time, the time for the completion of the potion should also be pushed back by the time of twenty breaths." Refining of medicines.

The reminder-like words rang in his ears, and with this clear guidance, the movements in his hands could not help but speed up a bit.

"Twenty, nineteen, eighteen...it's now!"

The precise sound of counting breaths kept ringing in his ears, and as the last sound fell, he Shout out loudly from his mouth, the magic element in the quiet room, with his movements, the potion being brewed in the crucible flew upside down, and finally merged into a small bottle in his hand, emitting a golden rays of light.

"Finally done! Is this the legendary love potion in the Underground World? Just let someone else drink it, and that person will fall in love with me hopelessly..."

Holding up the potion that had just been refined, the man's face showed a look of extreme joy. He looked at the bottle of potion in his hand, as if he had seen everything in the world.

"I have to warn you, because of your refining mistakes, this potion is not as stable as you think, and things you don't expect may very likely happen." The voice of the prompt came again. .

The man laughed wildly: "What does it matter? As long as the potion works, I can get everything I want!"

"Okay. , whatever you want." Hearing him say that, his voice became indifferent.

"Mouth, I can make love potions, thanks to your guidance. When things are done, I will follow my promise and take back everything you lost." It seems to have thought of it What, the man said proactively.

He extended the hand and took out a strange thing from his bosom that looked like a pair of lips. Hearing the man say this, his lips grinned slightly, revealing the teeth and tongue that seemed to exist in another dimension: "Xian, I'm so happy to hear you say that, but don't forget your promise."

The previous prompt sound was made by this mouth, and the man seemed to be surprised by this, and let out a gloomy laugh: "The next thing to do is the most important, let me Think about it, what should I do to make that person drink my love potion... Mouth, why don't you come and give me an idea..."

Before he could finish his words, a while The hurried knock on the door interrupted his thoughts, which also caused him to be in a hurry. He quickly put the potion that he had just refined into the space ring, and the closed lips were also taken into his arms. , and hurriedly opened the door.

"Your Excellency Kane, it's you. If you want to see me, just say a word, and I'll take the initiative to visit you..."

Seeing the quiet room The Death Knight, the Sean complexion slightly changed, Kane can be said to be one of the highest-ranking people on Gwen Island, all the undead mage who explore the ocean need to obey his orders, and Sean refines potions like this After seeing the small characters, you must look up to the existence.

Apart from this, Kane was accompanied by two unique-looking beings, one looked like a deep-sea murloc, and the other looked like a bloody angel.

"Oh, that's a Legendary sorcerer, that's really rare."

The previous prompt sounded from Sean's ear again, but in this At a brief moment, the sound of the reminder could no longer make Sean feel at ease. He only felt his heart tighten, for fear that the few people in front of him would find something unusual, so he reached out and patted his pocket lightly, as if to ease his unease.

"Sean, now I have a task for you, I hope you can complete it on time."

Fortunately, the few people who came here did not find anything wrong, they seemed I didn't hear the voice in Sean's pocket. Among them, Kane took out a parchment from the space ring and said actively: "This is a unique potion, you who are good at refining potions, do you have any? Faith can refine it?"

From Death Knight's hand, he took the parchment scroll he took out. Sean didn't dare to violate anything, and hurriedly opened it and looked at the inside. content to come.

The words on the parchment scroll made Sean dizzy. Even after reading the many refining methods, he could not understand the benefits of processing the materials in this way, but he still Guarantee: "If the content on the parchment is true, I am confident that this kind of Potion Refining will come out."

Seeing this, Kane is also very satisfied: "Very good, waiting for your first After completing the task, you will be rewarded with twenty ocean contribution points, and when the lady needs it, you will be rewarded with ten contribution points every time you complete a refining process for her, I hope you can seize this opportunity.”

Hearing what Death Knight said, there was also surprise in Sean's eyes. In the past, he could only get a maximum of two contribution points when he refined a magic potion for manipulating spirits, no matter how high the quality was. , Sometimes even two bottles of potion can't get a contribution point, didn't expect this potion in front of him to bring him such a rich reward, he can't let go of this task.

"I will definitely make this Potion Refining according to your request! No matter how much you need, I will give priority to refining as soon as possible." Seeing this, Sean hurriedly assured.

Suddenly, the deep laughter that came from his ears made Sean stunned for a moment. It was the laughter from his mouth.

The laughter from his mouth seemed to remind Sean of something. Not long ago, he refined that legendary unique potion. Then he no longer has to worry about the contribution point, everything on the island will become his property.

In Sean's eyes, he couldn't hide his inner thoughts, and suddenly became hot. Fortunately, the rest of them just thought that he was lost because of the generous reward of contribution point, and didn't care about him. The change.

Just as the visiting people were about to leave, suddenly, the blood-colored angel seemed to have found something, his nose twitched suddenly, and his head poked into the quiet room.

"Alama, what's wrong?" Kane asked proactively after discovering the abnormality of the bloody angel.

"I smelled a finished potion." Allama, who was attached to the bloody angel, said slowly, "It's a pity that my body's nose was petrified and I didn't get rid of it in time. Now I, There is no way to directly smell what kind of potion it is, otherwise, I can know what he is refining just by those smells."

Listening to him, Sean pupil suddenly shrank, He unconsciously wanted to step back, but the coldly snorted sound in his ear made him step one stopped.

(end of this chapter)

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