
  Chapter 2104 Exploring AbnormalitiesShape   walks through the flames in the blink of an eye, Rhodes back to the island.

Around the island, there is the ceremony of the isolated space spell, but there are subtle loopholes in it, which can allow one's own people to return quickly. As early as when setting up the ceremony on the island, Rhodes knew the areas where the loopholes were from Rowlin's mouth, and there was no deviation in using the flame to hide.

If you change to other creatures and want to launch a surprise attack on the island, but can't find the loophole of the spell ceremony, you can only be forced to land on the ocean. At that time, the defensive offensive around the island can start. To the effect, the marine undead that surrounded the island is enough to make any enemy come and go.

After returning to the island, the thing that most affected Rhodes' heart at this time was naturally Inota's condition.

With Alama, who has not yet recovered, Rhodes soon came to the card castle, the room where Ino Tower was abnormal.

Outside the room, Yusia was following closely guarding it. Even the undead creatures under Rhodes couldn't get close, so they could only wait at a farther position.

In the room, the giant cocoon that Ino Tower had turned into was coated with a layer of golden rays of light, which changed from the original pure white appearance to another state, with a pulse like a The vibrations continued to emanate from the giant cocoon, as if something were being bred in it.

Looking at Inota at the moment, Rhodes couldn't help but be very worried. He didn't know whether this change was good or bad for Inota, and he didn't dare to easily stop the change in front of him. looked towards the crippled Alama.

"Do you know what happened to her?" Rhodes asked suspiciously.

Looking at the abnormal Inota, Aura's eyes widened and her mouth muttered: "This aura...is it..."

Seeing this, Rhodes couldn't help but feel deeply. Taking a deep look at the mutilated sorcerer, he really knew what caused all the changes in Inota, and immediately asked, "What have you found?"

Allah Ma's words were paused, and then he explained: "Master, do you know which is the oldest giant dragon in the world?" dragon. According to legend, the blood of the goddess giant dragon can transform any creature into the form of a giant dragon."

When mentioning the goddess giant dragon, Rhodes couldn't help but think of a hero, that is Moriel, who rules the magic kingdom of Nigon, drank the blood of the holy female giant dragon, thus turning herself into a giant dragon and gaining incomparably powerful power.

Knowing that Rhodes knew all this, Alama's eyes also showed a look of awe: "In order to create a xenogeneic creature that combines the advantages of the giant dragon, I have carried out the life habits of the giant dragon. Thorough research has uncovered many secrets about the giant dragon."

Rhodes glanced at him, even though Alama had only a few facial parts left, his research on xenogeneic creatures, I can still help myself a lot, so I immediately asked: "Tell me."

"In those oral legends of giant dragons, the holy female giant dragon is the mother of all giant dragons, and her The bloodline has created various giant dragons in the future. Among the giant dragons, the status of the holy female giant dragon is like the status of the Spiritual God incarnated among the Erathia people." Allama said slowly.

"Does this have anything to do with Inota?" Rhodes demanded.

"Of course." Allama's eyes moved, "If I remember correctly, she was wearing a set of dark red armor, right? The giant dragon bloodline is like a collection of the blood essence of hundreds of giant dragons, even I often look at it. It is obviously left by the holy female giant dragon, or, in other words, using the holy female giant dragon The sacred relic made from the remains."

Listening to Alama's remarks, Rhodes complexion slightly changed: "You mean, the change on Inota's body is related to that set of armor?"

"Yes." Allama confirmed Rhodes' idea.

"Since you noticed something strange, why didn't you remind me before?" Rhodes solemnly asked.

Alama sighed deeply: "According to the previous process, the bloodline belonging to the holy female giant dragon will slowly merge into Ms. Inota's body. A rare good thing, I thought you knew all this... But I don't know what happened, the armor was activated by a force, and the bloodline fusion that would have taken decades, or hundreds of years to complete, now actually In the rapid progress, Ms. Inota's body is not strong enough to support such a process, and it has become what you see now, otherwise, her body will be completely destroyed."

Rhodes complexion slightly changed , From Alama's mouth, he finally understood why such anomalies appeared on Inota's body. It turned out that all this was caused by the dragon king's divide force on Inota's body.

"Why is that suit of armor activated now, why haven't I heard of such a thing before?"

Rhodes said puzzledly, in his previous life, he only knew the dragon king divide force It was the Divine Item on Moriel that helped her defeat many tyrannical enemies, but I had never heard of this Divine Item having such an effect.

Alama did not understand what Rhodes meant, but explained: "Lord Rhodes, I think, this may have something to do with the previous change. Remember the Eye of Inquisition stored in my space ring. Is it? The Eye of Inquisition, which has long lost its power, has also been activated... Although I don't understand what happened, I can feel that there is a change that we don't know is happening in Erathia..."

Rhodes was taken aback for a moment. From what Alama said, he seemed to understand something.

In hell, he had seen the soul of the stigmata recover with his own eyes, and by grabbing a large number of soul fragments, he obtained a huge amount of karma points, and completely activated the source of karma in his body. , speaking from a certain perspective, Rhodes has an extremely rich harvest.

At the same time as getting those gains, Rhodes also vaguely learned the possible consequences from Messia's mouth. The broken souls belonging to the stigmata have also returned to Erathia. Even if most of his soul was divided up by the king in hell, but only a small part of the remnant soul still caused some unknown changes to occur in the entire world.

The dark red armor on Inota's body is the best example that appeared in front of Rhodes. He couldn't believe that the sudden abnormality of Inota and the revival of the soul of the stigmata were two things. There must be some connection between the coincidences that happened at the same time.

Alama has a lot of research on the bloodline of alien creatures, but he knows very little about the incarnation of Spiritual God. Stigmata contemporaries ask for help.

(end of this chapter)

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