
  Chapter 2103 Victory and Return   Faced with Agran's greetings, Rhodes is just nodded, eyesight Immediately swept the field.

"Looks like you've just had a fight."

Compared to the original, there are a large number of cavemen in the undead Legion, just when Rhodes got the Almighty Eye , at least hundreds of cavemen, died at the hands of Legion members.

With the arrival of Rhodes, except for the first transformed caveman corpse witch, the remaining cavemen awakened in the form of the corpse witch king, apart from this, in the Death Domain, they also kept past memory.

"Master Mingjian. Those cavemen who don't have long eyes dared to come up to attack us. I just asked the Legion members to teach them a little lesson." On the side, Fareze respectfully reported.

"Are cavemen..." Rhodes looked at the newly added Legion members. The value of those cavemen was not in combat, but in digging complicated underground passages.

In front of the Almighty Eye, Rhodes felt the breath of those cavemen through the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, and then used the magic mirror to deflect the Almighty Eye's laser, blasting away The passage leading to the cavemen.

The Legion members led by Farezer have completed Rhodes' mission well. With those cavemen as Legion members, Rhodes also produced more cavemen entrenched deep underground. idea.

"Have you found a way out of here?" Rhodes thought for a while, then asked Farezer, "The mission of this time has been completed, and Alama has been rescued...I I guess it should be."

Speaking of this, Rhodes not only saw the body of Alama turned into stone that Farezer carried, but also the strange face that belonged to him, and the corners of his mouth could not help twitched.

Rhodes didn't expect it, and the finally rescued Alama turned out to be what it is now. Fortunately, there was no problem with the sorcerer's consciousness, even if there were only a few faces left. Organs can still communicate without hindrance.

"Master, I am worried about the traps in the tomb of the sorcerer, and I dare not let the Legion members chase after you. Now that you have returned safely, I will immediately let the Legion members go to explore the exit channel." Understand Rhodes After thinking about it, Fraser said immediately.

Rhodes shook the head: "No need. These cavemen will tell us everything."

The passages of the Underground World are tangled and complicated, even if they have lived in Nigon for a long time A sorcerer, if he doesn't have a high-rank pathfinding technique, may also get lost.

The one who knows the most about underground passages is those cave people. Even if it is a deep underground passage, they don't want to let the cave people get lost at all. They never use their eyes to distinguish the direction underground.

At this point, with the addition of many cavemen to Legion, Rhodes no longer has to spend time exploring the passages, and can find the way out by asking those cavemen directly.

Soon, a caveman with scarlet skin took the initiative to lead the way. He looked stronger than the average cyan-green caveman, and his figure was much stronger, but when he became Rhodes' subordinate After the undead creatures, their former strength is no longer important, and it belongs to the power of the Corpse Witch King, allowing him to easily destroy hundreds of his former self.

Led by the caveman, Rhodes and his party make their way through the complex underground passages. In the nearby passage, huge tentacles drilled out from time to time, as well as the giant mouth that devoured creatures before, but they were all repelled by the Titan's arrow one after another. The power that belongs to thunder is the ability that these underground creatures have never seen before, and it also has a miraculous effect against them.

Archfiend in Legion became impatient, and began to punch and kick at the nearby cavemen, asking them why they had to dig such a complicated passage, and was stopped by Farezer. Even Rhodes couldn't remember how many branches and forks he had passed, when suddenly, the light ahead suddenly became clear.

On the ground of the passage, there are traces of the passage of many cavemen, and there are even weapons dropped by them. Obviously, the previous battle failed, which greatly reduced their morale.

At the same time, Rhodes' intuition felt light. The ceremony that had originally shrouded him and prohibited the use of spatial spells had completely disappeared at this time.

The discovery made nearby Legion members happy.

"Finally out of that weird place! Compared to that place, I'm beginning to feel that the world is full of oceans, and it's not so annoying anymore, Master, shall we go back to Gwen Island now?"

After escaping from the Mausoleum of the Demon King, Agland took a deep breath, and the surrounding air still had the unique aura belonging to the Hex ceremony, but even so, it was better than the Hex King. Lingzhong is much better.

As for Gwen Island, and even the Water Element plane, Agran, the Archfiend, has always disliked it, he likes hot lava, gushing volcanoes, and prefers to be soaked in lava, not icy cold in sea water.

Although he has been to the Water Element plane many times, Aglan doesn't want to go back there at all, he would rather go back to hell if possible, but he won't defy Rhodes Order.

At this moment, compared with everything in the Mausoleum of Hex, Aggran's disgust for the Water Element plane is nothing. He just wants to hurry back to the island and stay away from it. The spooky Underground World.

Although the Underground World is adjacent to hell, the environment is completely different. As an Archfiend, Aglan has never been to the Underground World, but has heard about it from some fallen people. After a while, he realized how weird it was here.

Rhodes, however, glanced back at the passage from which he had come, and ultimately rejected Aglan's offer.

"Farezer, you lead the Legion members to station here. Those cavemen have already obtained the spellcasting method of sacrificing ceremony from the Hex King Tomb, and they will definitely try again after they have tasted the sweetness. Come back here."

Falezer naturally wouldn't refuse after receiving Rhodes' order, and said quickly: "Master, I will definitely complete your task, you want me to be stationed here, and by the way, to the demon Is it right? I will definitely bring out the treasures in the tomb of the king of magic for the master."

Rhodes shook the head: "Those are only secondary, in the tomb of the king of magic. What is stored is the treasure belonging to the magician. Even if it is given to you, you may not know how to use it. What I need is the sacrifice ceremony in the hands of those cavemen, that is the real precious thing.”

Listening to Rhodes' narration, Fareze showed a bit of clear comprehension.

"The remaining Legion members on the island, I will also let them come here and follow your command. If you need more undead creatures, you can send Archfiend to the island for help."

Rhodes took the remnant that belonged to Alama, and his figure was disappeared in flames.

(end of this chapter)

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