
  Chapter 2093 Legend of Heroes   Looking past the broken corner Archfiend, Rhodes looked towards the open stone among the gates.

After letting Archfiend confirm that there was no danger ahead, Rhodes soon passed through the stone gate and entered the passage behind him. What appeared in front of him was a hard stone platform similar to the previous one, except that this What time is placed on the stone platform is no longer a thin parchment roll, but a heavy book.

Rhodes picked up the tome, and I don't know how long it had been there, but there was no dust on it. It looked like it was being cleaned up from time to time, but Rhodes knew that in the sorcery full of alien creatures In the royal mausoleum, this is almost an impossible thing, those alien creatures are not interested in this kind of thing.

"This is... the Chronicle of Heroes of the Light? Is this a bard's storybook?"

Quickly flipping through the tome in his hand, Rhodes quickly confirmed it. The contents of this book were immediately stunned. This heavy book was actually just a story book, and it did not contain any knowledge of sorcery.

Apart from this, Rhodes was a little surprised to find that the book in front of him is actually a treasure, which can be equipped in the pendant bar and increase his knowledge attribute by 5 points.

Putting it on other creatures can increase the knowledge attribute by 5 points, which is already a very good treasure, but for Rhodes, this treasure seems to be of little use, and he has no spare time at all. To equip it in the pendant bar, it can only be handed over to the subordinates for use.

In the Mausoleum of the Demon King, all the treasures of the Magus King are placed. Rhodes was not surprised by this tome in his hand. In his previous life, some players even got one here. A frog, after careful study, discovered that it turned out to be the king who ruled the party hundreds of years ago, but he offended the king of magicians and was transformed by him.

I didn't have time to read the contents of this book, Rhodes put it into the space ring, and led the members of the undead Legion to continue to move towards the depths of the passage.

Under Alama's eyes, Rhodes stepped down after walking a few steps, but instead of stepping into a pile of rubble instead of the solid and flat passage of the royal mausoleum.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Rhodes complexion changed slightly. He saw that on the ground in front of him, there were deep and flat cutting marks, as if a fierce laser was ploughing through here. Even on the walls of the passage.

The various signs in front of him made Rhodes vaguely guess what happened here. It must be an extremely fierce battle.

On the passage ahead, the passage has been blocked by the collapsed gravel. After all, this is the deep Underground World. If the entire passage collapses and the Rhodes of the space spell cannot be used, I am afraid it will take some effort. to get out of here.

What made Rhodes most concerned was that the tragic sign in front of him even destroyed the original magic ceremony in the royal tomb, which also surprised Rhodes, even he did not dare to destroy it. All kinds of ceremony in the tomb of the sorcerer, so as not to cause more disasters, I don't know how the almighty eye that caused the mutation of the tomb of the king did all this.

Because he couldn't cast his space spell and waited for the other Legion members to clear the gravel in the way, Rhodes also turned his attention to the tome he just got.

Quickly browsing the contents of the books, the Legendary Grade wisdom technique, brought about the ability of unforgettable, let Rhodes quickly understand and memorize the contents of the books, even if it is just like now, cleaning up. After reading it under the noise of the passage, Rhodes can also memorize the contents recorded in the ancient books.

Not only that, the tongue twisters used by the bards are also slightly different from the current common language, but Rhodes, who has the Legendary Grade wisdom, understands everything recorded in the books, still There is no difficulty.

"Justice is hard to find in the sufferings I have gone through..."

Soon, Rhodes finished browsing the contents of the classics, and said slowly, the opening of this classics. recorded matters.

According to the autobiography of the bard who wrote the tome, this is the immortal poem, the original text of the third subsection of the sixth part of the War of the Light Heroes, Rhodes browsed and found that just as the bard said. As recorded, the psalm is grand in its content and imposing manner, especially about the deeds of the heroes of the light.

It is recorded in the classics that the hero of light was wrongly imprisoned, and his companions came to rescue him, but he did not want to leave like this, but stayed in the prison where he was imprisoned. This proves his innocence. When this story spread, the hero of light was also rewarded by the Duke of the South of the Kingdom of Saint King for this deed. Not only was his partner released completely, but he also obtained the Sword of Divine Judgment from the Duke's hands.

After reading the stories in the classics, Rhodes took a deep breath. He knew that bards always like to process stories. For a time, he did not know that what was recorded in the classics was just a story. Or what really happened.

Recalling the test of entering the stone gate, that is, the task of putting in the badge, in this brief moment, Rhodes undoubtedly realized something, and there was a little more clear comprehension in his eyes.

In his memory, on the coat of arms belonging to the Bolag family, there was only a hammer, which was the hammer of divine judgment in Fareze's mouth. However, on the previous coat of arms, the same The hammer of divine judgment intersected, and there was a blood-stained blade, perhaps that was the sword of divine judgment mentioned in the classics.

If it is said that because of the loss of the Sword of Divine Judgment, the Duke of the South modified his family coat of arms after that, and crossed out the traces left by the Sword of Divine Judgment from the coat of arms. Leaving the Hammer of Divine Judgment that he still holds is undoubtedly a reasonable thing. Thinking of this, Rhodes has also determined many things in his heart.

After understanding this, Rhodes looked towards the book in his hand, and it became different. He thought it was just an ordinary book, and it didn't even record much magic knowledge. Unexpectedly, such a revelation could be brought to him.

"Heroes of Light..."

While chanting the name mentioned in the book, Rhodes' complexion changed slightly for a while. Before that, he had heard many times about Heroes of Light. It was rumored that they even fought against him, but unfortunately, after countless years, even the hero of light seems to have lost his will.

Rhodes knows that the current hero of light should be in hell, receiving the rewards that belong to the winner of the trial, and he used to use a powerful Divine Item, and later fell into the elf After Yves, Rhodes once caused a lot of trouble.

(end of this chapter)

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