
  Chapter 2092 Channel Distress    Looking at the vacant position on the stone gate, Fareze replied, Having Rhodes remove three of these options, there are now only two to choose from.

Rhodes' eyes also fell on the ancient world map, which drew the east of Dia and the south of Bracada. The location of the coat of arms is to be selected in one of the locations.

The choice has gone from five to two, which was exciting, but Rhodes wasn't happy, didn't expect that in the end, he still had to guess.

"If the coat of arms of the Bragg family is only painted with the hammer, the coat of arms in the ruins should obviously be from earlier deeds, and the corresponding one should also be Bolah. The east where Duke Ge used to be."

Rhodes, while guessing, looked towards the extra dyed Blood Sword blade on the coat of arms.

In the previous life, the weapons that the members of the Berrag family were good at were not hammers. All of them were good swordsmen. According to the division of special skills, they even reached the limit of being an ordinary person. , into the sword technique of Epic Grade exists.

This memory also made Rhodes confirm a lot of things. The coat of arms in front of him, as Farezer said, must have something to do with the ancient Berrag family.

"Why, the family crest of the surface world appears in the royal tomb, and it is used as a part of the test?" Rhodes showed a puzzled look. The more he checked the crest, Rhodes felt Feeling more and more puzzled.

Rhodes thought that he would have to wait until the awakening of the elemental monarch before he could get in touch with the members of the Bragg family. He didn't expect to be in the tomb of the sorcerer deep underground, but he took the first step with his uncle. The Lager family is somehow connected.

"What is that? Who can tell me what it is?"

As Rhodes and Faarezer were talking about the coat of arms, a demon's surprise suddenly came from behind. Shouting, it was unexpected that Archfiend, who was accustomed to being majestic in hell, fell into a deep panic in this brief moment.

"Damn, don't make any noise! ​​Hurry up and inform the master about this."

In the team, the Captain arranged by Farezer quickly maintained discipline, letting those noisy The evil Demon General closed his mouth and looked towards where Rhodes was.

"I saw...can anyone tell me what that is?"

Without needing a reminder from the Legion members, Rhodes realized as early as the exclamation came. Aware of the abnormality, he turned around and saw that the passage from where he came, suddenly appeared a large mouth made of flesh and blood, which almost filled the entire passage. The sharp teeth were extremely frightening, and they were rushing towards Rhodes.

"Master, when you were talking to the commander, the demon who was exploring the back road before found the end of the back passage, and I don't know when it was occupied by the monster. It didn't take long for the monster to wake up, And moved towards we rushed over..." Broken Angle Archfiend said in a panic.

"Don't panic. This is the punishment for staying too long in the royal mausoleum. If you can't cross the stone gate in front of you as soon as possible, I'm afraid there will be even more difficult alien creatures."

Having said that, Rhodes glanced at Archfiend, who was standing next to the broken corner: "Go and put this badge in the hole on the far right of the stone gate."

Archfiend did not dare to disobey Rhodes' order, Turning around, he placed the badge in the stone gate according to Rhodes' request. At the same time, Rhodes also looked towards the monster behind him.

There is no doubt that it is a alien creature. It is not surprising to meet such a monster in the Mausoleum of Hex, but Rhodes does not know whether the Legion members who left before are safe.

Thinking of this, Rhodes quickly waved the Titan Arrow in his hand, and countless lightning bolts moved towards the incoming monster strikes. Amid the violent explosion, the monster's forward offensive paused and let out a whimper. The tragic sound of Rhodes, the lightning released by Rhodes, instantly blasted the epidermis of its body, revealing the part under it.

In this brief moment, Rhodes realized that he had guessed wrong, that it was not a monster with a big mouth, it was a long, spiral-shaped monster with sharp teeth in a narrow underground passage. In the middle, even Archfiend can't stop the strangulation of those sharp teeth.

The life force of the monster is also extremely powerful. In a short moment, the flesh and blood on its body will quickly recover, and it will continue to charge towards Rhodes. It can be said that, in addition to being unable to cast spells, the monster's melee ability is already higher than that of many Legendary creatures. In Rhodes' impression, only melee creatures similar to Beamon giant beast can resist the monster's attack head-on.

In order to solve such a monster, Rhodes can only rely on a powerful killing move such as Ultimate Lightning, but Rhodes is reluctant to hand over mana to such an alien creature. Not long after he entered the Mausoleum of the Demon King, he encountered such a monster. I am afraid that he will face all kinds of dangers without waiting for the blessing of the source of magic to restore all the strength of the movement method.

shook the head, in addition to the ultimate lightning, the power of the Titan's Arrow itself is still not to be underestimated. Rhodes shook his wrist, and he quickly pulled out the afterimage. In just a moment, hundreds of lightning bolts were released. Under the continuous strikes of lightning, even the long monster could not recover his body. It was blown into a pile of rotten meat.

Looking at the dead monster, Rhodes took a deep breath. This was just the first Legendary alien creature they met in the tomb of the magic king. Archfiend, who was unable to cast Flame Hide, and whose strength was greatly reduced, could only be pushed back by the long creature, and finally died in front of the stone gate that could not be opened.

Compared to other Legendary creatures, although Archfiends are very powerful, their weaknesses are also very obvious. They have lost their flames to hide. Facing stronger Legendary creatures, they can't even escape. Their overall attributes are not particularly prominent.

shook the head, if Rhodes was in command, when the long monster attacked and found that it could quickly recover from the injury, what Rhodes did immediately was to let his Archfiend cast Cloud of Death one after another. , to fight the enemy with the power belonging to the corpse witch king.

"Master, as you said, I put the badge in the hole on the far right of the stone gate. Look, the stone gate is now open!"

Just as Rhodes When I was going to check the long monster's body to see why it didn't respawn in the Death Domain, I heard a demon's cheering cry.

Rhodes looked back and saw the broken-horned Archfiend, who had put the badge in according to his instructions, was looking at him with incomparable excitement. In a brief moment, what kind of death threats did the Legion members in the rear experience.

(end of this chapter)

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