
  Chapter 1940 Commander

After the initial chaos of Aggran, the priesthood quickly calmed down Down, using the Titan shield, greatly slowed his offensive.

At first, they were frightened by the name of Archfiend, and many priests died under Aggran's raid before they could react, but when they calmed down, they discovered that the original rumors The incomparably terrifying and absolutely invincible Archfiend is at best faster and more powerful than a normal warrior.

Of course, this is also related to Aglan's inability to cast Flame Hide. Without this Archfiend's innate teleportation method, Aglan's strength will undoubtedly drop a lot, if not so. , the priest group in front of them couldn't last for so long.

Different Legendary creatures have completely different fighting fields. For Archfiend, relying on the high-speed movement brought by the flames, they can kill the enemy in an instant.

In this regard, they are similar to the magic assassin in Thief Guild, but those heavily armored enemies that the magic assassin can't deal with, Archfiend can easily kill with his scythe.

Seeing that Aglan, who was unable to cast Fire Hide, was dragged by the priests who adjusted his state, Rhodes naturally would not let this happen.

Rhodes was also not idle when Aggran was facing the priesthood. Taking advantage of the emptiness of the city's defenses, he quickly came to the city gate and easily eliminated the guards standing on the city wall. At the same time, the city gate was opened, so that the heretic outside the city could enter.

Under the action of Death Domain, those Erathia who died at the hands of Rhodes, in this brief moment, stood up again, and took up the weapon that was most convenient, and aimed it at the not so long ago. companion.

Agran sensed the change behind him, and turned around suddenly to look, only to see the arrows of the crossbow falling rapidly from in the sky.

Faced with the crossbow arrows fired by the marksman, even Aglan didn't dare to take all the damage from the armor piercing arrows. Seeing that the crossbow arrow was about to approach, Aglan did not dodge or dodge, but instead quickly swung the scythe in his hand.

For a time, the giant sickle brought out an afterimage in Aglan's hands. The huge sickle became extremely flexible in this brief moment, accompanied by a series of sounds of ding ding dong dong, from He shot down all the arrows that fell from the air.

Agran can use the weapon in his hand to shoot down the crossbow bolts falling from the sky, but the group of priests behind him are not so lucky.

Attracted by Aggran, the priest who didn't have time to cast the Titan shield was directly shot into a hedgehog by a crossbow arrow that fell from the sky without warning, and fell to the ground, wailing more and more weakly.

"Marksman, what are you doing? I didn't order you to shoot that Archfiend!"

The commander turned pale when he saw this, he didn't understand those marksman What are you doing, even without his own orders, he shot the crossbow in advance, causing a lot of losses to the priest group, unable to resist the incoming Archfiend.

He thought to himself that after the battle was over, Must would marshal Marksman who took the lead in shooting arrows, but the words of the high priest beside him brought him back to reality.

"Lord Kendall... those marksman who were already dead, now, now stand up again..." the high priest said in a panic, even in the previous battle with those evil undead mage, Not like now, which made him feel so panicked.

"What did you say?" The commander swept his gaze across the battlefield. If it was true as the high priest said, the priests who had fallen to the ground by the arrow of the crossbow were crawling one by one. He got up and pulled out the crossbow arrows stuck in his body one by one, without any pain on his face.

"Undead creatures...Is this a Soul Evocation Technique? No, what the heck is this?" Recalling the battle with the undead mage, the commander showed deep consternation, he didn't understand those hell demons , how to do this, but one thing, he deeply understands, this time, he may suffer.

"Hurry up and contact the angels in Yunzhong City!" At this time, he has disregarded his own tasks and put all his hopes on the angels in Yunzhong City. He knows that only those angels , in order to defeat the enemy in front of you.

Obtaining his order, the high priest showed a dive light in his eyes, and at the same time, a strong magic element was released from his whole body.

On the battlefield not far away, with the addition of those undead priests, the priest group, which was already difficult to support, was even more unable to resist the enemy's attack.

Seeing that the nearby priests were about to be wiped out, many priests were ready to use teleportation to evacuate. At this moment, there were several loud vibrating strings, like the thickness of thighs and the length of one person. The huge crossbow arrow shot from the rear.

The huge crossbow arrows were unstoppable. Among the undead creatures that came in, a path was opened, and all the creatures blocking the front of the crossbow arrows were instantly penetrated by the crossbow arrows.

Several ballistas designed for war were pushed over by some stiff soldiers. Listening to the familiar sound of ballistas, the commander seemed sighed in relief.

With the existence of these ballistas, he seems to see the hope of sticking to the arrival of angels. He believes that as long as those angels arrive, neither the giant in front of him nor the Archfiend will be the opponents of angels.

Beside the commander, the high priest's spellcasting did not end, and the dive light in his eyes became stronger and stronger, and he recited loudly in his mouth: "Merciful God, I pray to you, please. You have sent your faithful messengers to destroy those evil enemies!"

The golden door opened from the sky, and a huge force shrouded down, and the holy angel seemed to hear the devout voice from the high priest's mouth. Eulogy, opening the gates of Cloud City in response.

Looking at the pure white wings that symbolize angel protruding from the golden gate, the commander smiled. Even if his mission to defend the city failed, he could see that angel was destroying the enemy with divide force. It's the best way to deal with a dead comrade.

The vibrating string of the crossbow machine reminded me again, and the commander saw the huge black shadow approaching rapidly from the corner of his eyes, and the smile suddenly solidified on his face.

He was horrified to find that the huge crossbow arrow was aimed at him. The strong fear had already made his body unable to move even a little bit.

He subconsciously looked at the soldiers who were manipulating the ballista, only to find that those soldiers had an indifferent look on their faces that he did not recognize. Reanimated undead creatures.

With a hint of disbelief, his body was penetrated by a huge crossbow arrow, and after flying for a distance, he finally fell to the ground.

But soon, he got back on his feet and ushered in a new life in the Death Domain.

(end of this chapter)

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