
  Chapter 1939 Battle
Intense    mana waves spilled out from Rhodes, and Rhodes raised his arms With a wave, the dark green cloud was released from his body, looking towards the commander's direction in a blink of an eye.

"Be careful, that's the cloud of death that only undead mage can do! The priests hurry up and cast spell, don't let the cloud of death spread to the city!"

Not far away, the commander saw the dark green In the blink of an eye, he recognized the origin of the spell, and immediately ordered the priest beside him.

The former Rhodes, under the blessing of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, can transform the death cloud released by himself into a pure black color, but now he can't do this. a little. Dark green's cloud of death, instantly recognized by the commander.

Those who reacted faster than the commander were the priests around him. He didn't even need to issue an order, the priests responded first. After the previous battle with the undead mage, the priests had already mastered the countermeasures for the cloud of death.

A pure white barrier rises from the surrounding of the priesthood, resisting the eroded death cloud. Not only that, the barrier is getting bigger and bigger, purifying all the death clouds that are close to the barrier. .

Looking at this scene, Rhodes frowned, the pure white barrier is condensed by the spirit strength of the priests, and it needs more powerful death energy to break down.

If there are hundreds of corpse witch kings, and only two salvos are needed, none of these priests will be able to stand up, and the cloud of death after the superposition of many corpse witch kings is enough to form destroying heaven extinguishing The power of earth, unfortunately, Rhodes did not bring those corpse witches with him. The cloud of death released by himself alone, even if he exhausted all the mana, was not enough to threaten the priests behind the barrier.

"That's it! That giant has run out of tricks. If he dares to rush over, he will have to go back and forth!"

The commander's passionate words resounded through the air. Around the priest's ears.

The monk priest, who has always been taciturn, indifferent as water, and not motivated by foreign objects, in this brief moment, only felt a heat in his heart, as if his blood was boiling. The enemy at the place fought a battle, and the spell displayed was even more violent.

In this brief moment, the morale of the Erathia people in the city reached Peak, and even if everyone died in battle, none of them would back down.

"Leadership... It seems that you have reached the limit of Epic Grade, breaking through the limit of Grandmaster Level." Skill leadership can achieve such a superior effect. If you can't get rid of the commander in time, the Erathia in the city, who don't even have a Legendary creature, can bring him a lot of trouble.

Erathia people, they do not have the strong physique of Barbarian, nor the sharp mind of Bracada mage, but relying on the cooperation between different arms and a commander with strong leadership skills, they Not afraid of any Legendary creatures.

Relying on the strength of Goliath's body alone, and fighting serious injuries, Rhodes is sure to break through the spell defense of the priesthood and destroy all enemies in the city, but his purpose is not as simple as a victory. His real enemy did not appear at all at this moment.

Fortunately, Rhodes did not come here alone. He leaned over slightly and looked towards the pure white barrier not far away: "Agran, those priests will be handed over to you."

"Yes, my master."

Archfiend, holding a scythe, walked towards the pure white barrier raised by the priest. The pure white barrier that can only isolate the energy of death can not stop him. entry.

If Goliath's body is too large to escape the spells cast by the priests, then the Archfiend, which is slightly taller than ordinary people, strong in stature and designed for battle, is Best weapon against sorcerer.

The priests in the barrier found Agrand who was approaching, and they condensed their own spirit strength to form terrifying energy groups, which moved towards Agrand and shot straight away.

Different from Bracada's mage, although priests also master spells, most of the time, they prefer to use a rough way to directly condense psychic energy groups to kill the enemy.

Looking at the rapidly approaching energy group, Aglan's speed suddenly accelerated, and the giant sickle dragged on the ground behind him, drawing out a series of fire stars.

If the commander who was able to cast Fire Hide and hide in the priesthood could not escape an attack from Aglan, he would be instantly killed by the giant sickle in his hand. After Rhodes came to the city of Karna, Aglan's Flame Hide was still on cooldown.

Even so, Aglan's combat experience in the bloody battle in hell is still far beyond the enemy's imagination. As he moved forward at high speed, he only slightly turned his body and attacked all the enemies. The energy group escaped as much as possible.

The energy group strikes on the ground under his feet, blasting terrifying deep pits, and rubble flying around, but he was not affected in any way, but laughed wildly: "Your spell , it's not as good as the Fireball in Magog's hands!"

"Magog?" The commander heard Aglan's sarcasm clearly, and a puzzled look appeared in his eyes, and soon, he seemed to have thought of something, The doubts in his eyes turned into surprise, "Only in the depths of hell, there are such creatures. There was no Magog in the previous heretic army. Who are you?"

"My name is Agrand Kerrigan is the master Luo... Elliot's Archfiend, you must remember!"

Before he finished speaking, Agrand had already rushed into the priest's rising purity. The white barrier, moving at a high speed while waving the giant sickle in his hand, overflowing with blood, destroying the lives of one priest after another.

At the same time, the flames from hell burned violently on his body and spread to his weapons, which made Aglan unstoppable. In the commander's ear, it was the cry of the priest before he died.


However, the commander didn't respond in time. The identity of Archfiend was far more shocking to him than the previous giant, and he deeply understood. , what exactly does it mean once Archfiend appears on the battlefield.

"Lord Kendall, that's Archfiend in the depths of hell, it's definitely not something we can deal with! Please seek reinforcements from Cloud City!"

The power displayed by Archfiend , suppressing the originally high morale, a high-level priest took the initiative to propose to the commander.

"No... Defending this city is a task assigned to me by the City of Clouds. I don't want to fail like this! My ballista troops haven't shot yet, I still have a chance!" He bit Gritting his teeth, he rejected the high priest's proposal.

(end of this chapter)

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