
  Chapter 1937 The City of Karna
   “This is the city of Karna and the borderline of Erathia The most important defensive fortress, not long ago, was captured by many corpse witch kings under the command of Lord Stephen. Unfortunately, after the battle, it was recaptured by the Erathia people. Now it seems that it is not very peaceful here."

Looking into the distance In a town full of gunpowder smoke, Tamik had a sneer on his face, didn't expect to see such a good show just after stepping into the border of Erathia.

As a vampire, she naturally hopes that the whole Erathia will be as chaotic as possible. Even if the end comes, as an undead creature, she can safely hide in the ground and sleep.

Of course, that's when she hasn't experienced all that before.

Thinking of this, she looked towards the man beside her, and carefully looked at the change in his expression.

"I sensed the breath of the devil... The one who attacked this city was the heretic who believed in the devil." The man seemed to have sensed her gaze, swallowed slightly, and replied.

His words were incoherent, and his tone was extremely rigid, as if those words were not what he meant to say, but were paraphrasing someone else's words.

Tamik had already noticed the abnormality on his body along the way, but he didn't say anything, but asked: "I heard that you were from Erathia before you became Lich. It's okay if you die, they are your compatriots, don't you plan to go and see?"

"It's just a pointless attempt, it doesn't matter if they are from Dia...or Erathia. I will Save them, but not now." The man looked embarrassed, but said after a while.

"Whatever you want, you have such power anyway." Tamick curled one's lip, seemingly dissatisfied with his answer, but didn't say anything after all.

"Go ahead, I'd like to see how you will save those people when you arrive at Standwick." Beside the two, the silent wizard Swordsman Eve took the initiative to say .

This is not the first time they have encountered war. As early as in Dia, they have encountered many conflicts caused by undead mage, and have even been involved in them. After losing Lich's restraint, the mad undead mage will not let go of any living creatures in Dia.

Every time, even if the battle is happening right in front of you, that person has no intention of taking action. Only when the undead mage, who is really blind, will come to the door, the wizard Swordsman will kill them all. During this process , the man did not intervene.

Yves didn't understand what he meant, and even had doubts about the salvation he said. The only thing that kept him from doubting was the extreme terrifying power of the man.

Not only that, according to what he said, he also knew the owner of Divine Sword and witnessed the moment when he became a hero. Far more mysterious than he imagined.

shook the head, just as Yves was about to move towards Erathia, he saw the man stopped and was looking at the city of Karna in the distance.

"What's the matter?" the elf Swordsman asked suspiciously.

"There is a demon who came here. I just saw him in hell not long ago." The man replied with a slightly puzzled answer.

"What did you say?" The doubts in Swordsman's heart increased greatly, he frowned and looked in the direction of the city of Karna, and soon he made new discoveries.

In the center of the collapsed building in the city, a huge giant appeared at some point. , compared to him, the other demons nearby are insignificant.

For some reason, when Yves saw the giant, an inexplicable emotion surged in his heart, and even the Wind Chasing Blade in his hand began to tremble.

Ever didn't understand what happened, he didn't even know who the giant was, but his heart couldn't calm down for a long time: "Who is he?"

Looking from a distance Looking at the giant in the city of Karna, the man replied: "I don't know. But compared to the last time, his strength has become a lot stronger, especially the Strength of Domain."

" Here! Here's a group of fish that escaped the net!"

Suddenly, a few loud calls made the elf Swordsman heart startled. He was so focused on the giants in the city that he ignored nearby enemies.

Those heretic who attacked the town apparently regarded them as people from the city of Karna. In just a short while, a group of green-skinned cavemen surrounded them.

"Kill them, Lord Minotaur said, no one is allowed to escape from the city of Karna, and you will be rewarded after the task is completed." Behind the cavemen, a man in a gray cloak The sorcerer reprimanded loudly.

"overestimate one's capabilities." Yves said coldly, then waved the wind-chasing blade in his hand.

The emerald green sword glow swept across the blade from the blade, all around, and everything it passed was cut in half, including the bodies of those cavemen.

"This is impossible..."

The blood stained the nearby land, looking at the stumps and broken arms of the cavemen, the magician's heart was startled, and his eyes showed a look of fear .

As soon as he turned around and wanted to flee, the sword glow came from behind, a bloodstain appeared in the middle of his body, and the whole person was divided into two halves.

After the enemy was resolved, Yves frowned: "The smell of blood here will soon attract new enemies, so let's leave as soon as possible..."

The words are not finished yet , in front of his eyes, there was a terrifying scene, those creatures that had died in his hands stood up again in this brief moment, not only that, they didn't even have a single wound on their bodies.

"This is impossible..." He shook his head one after another, with a look of surprise in his eyes, turned to raise the blade in his hand, and then killed the enemy in front of him again.

"This is the power of the domain."

Until the elf Swordsman completely eliminated the enemies in front of him, and even chopped the corpse into several pieces to ensure that it could not be resurrected again, there was no opening. That's what the man said.

"The realm? What realm?" The wizard Swordsman was extremely puzzled.

"I once heard Mr. Stephen mention the power of the domain." On the side, Tamick took the initiative to say, "It is said that it is the creature at the top of the Legendary, and it is a power that is qualified to master. Within the range, change the rules of the plane you are in. If you raise this power to the peak, you are even qualified to touch the realm above the Legendary..."

"She is quite right." That person Nodding, looking at the giant in the distance, "Death Domain... this is a good domain."

Seeing Yves' attention, still on the giant, he said: " Let's go, everything that happened here has nothing to do with us."

Listening to him, Swordsman the elf retracted his gaze, and several people slowly disappeared on the border of Erathia.

(end of this chapter)

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