
  Chapter 1936 Eli's Discovery

Sally's suggestion made Rhodes stunned for a while.

If it was him in the past, I'm afraid he would agree to Sally's request without hesitation, and get the actual benefits first. Then, he still needs to rely on Sally's power, and even the leader of the Magic Guild agreed to take action. , also for Thief Guild's sake.

However, Rhodes' thoughts changed after going through the phantom of shattered love in hell, and certain emotions grew in his heart, which was the will he once yearned for and could bring about great power.

"Okay. I'll give you the Scarlet Eye when I get my body back." Rhodes replied calmly.

Sally looked happy when she heard Rhodes' answer, however, the content of the second half of Rhodes made her not happy at all.

"You said What?" she asked in surprise.

"Isn't this what you asked for? I will give you the eyes, don't worry about breaking the agreement, I don't want to be stabbed endlessly." Rhodes replied.

Sally opened her mouth as if to say something, but in the end she just sighed deeply: "I'd rather you make another choice."

"You wish Did I lie to you? Lady Shadow, I remember you hated lying." Rhodes said, looking into the darkness before him.

"After all, you are the first person to see me in countless years. If it were you, I would rather you lie to me." Sally said, looking at Rhodes' dark yellow body.

Rhodes was silent for a moment, then asked, "Should we discuss how to attack the Treasure House in the Clouds? If you know where the heretic are, you'd better let me know in advance, and I can use Goliath's identity, let them storm all over Erathia and attract the attention of those angels."

"Okay..." Sally's voice also calmed down, and it seemed that there was no more emotion in it, "At the border of Erathia, at least There are three known large gathering places of heretic, those heretic come to the surface world through underground passages, only at the command of the hell king. Are you really sure you can control them?"

"Of course." Rhodes Nod, if it is the previous body, it is hard to say, but now this body was born from hell, and it also integrated the long-established strong Archfiend like Goliath. Taking advantage of the sight of other strong Archfiends, it was all destroyed by hell. It's no problem to control those heretic.

Under Sally's narration, Rhodes roughly knew the location of the heretic gathering place, which made him a little fortunate that it was close to Dia where the undead mage was located. If there was a suitable space to spell, Rhodes could directly catch it get there.

"Since the last time I let you break into the treasure house in the cloud, angel has strengthened the defense there, and it is not so easy to imagine the same as before, to attract the attention of those angels and break in. "

As if thinking of something, Sally added: "If you can get enough of the doomsday crystals from those heretic, I can mobilize thieves all over Erathia to create a doomsday." The scene."

"The Crystal of Doom..." Rhodes no doubt realized something after listening to the special term in Sally's mouth.

A long time ago, Rhodes had obtained those special red crystals from creatures lured by demons.

Using the Doomsday Crystal is equivalent to unleashing the magical Doomsday Judgment, which rains fire in the sky and burns everything on the earth. Activating the Doomsday Crystal requires the price of life. Even if Rhodes has this item in his hand, he can use it himself.

It was Sally's suggestion, which immediately made Rhodes' eyes shine. As the advance troops who came to the surface world from hell, those heretic must have enough doomsday crystals in their hands, and relying on the heritage of Thief Guild, Also find enough dead men to cause Doomsday all over Erathia.

If there are only one or two doomsday trials, it will not attract the attention of those angels, but if dozens of doomsday trials come at the same time, the entire Erathia will not be able to bear such a loss, as if the doomsday has come early. The situation will definitely make those angels relax their defense against the Treasure House in the Clouds.

"If I find Doomsday Crystals, I will bring them to you immediately." Rhodes immediately nodded, replied. Sally's few words made him see the hope of success. As long as there are enough doomsday crystals, those angels can't doubt his true purpose.

After discussing the strategy after that, Sally left first, and the dark mist that enveloped Rhodes completely dissipated.

Seeing the dark brown rays of light shining down from the sky of the Shadow Plane again, Rhodes also sighed, Sally is far superior to all the others around Rhodes in terms of knowledge and strategy. Man, if it weren't for the Scarlet Eye, he wouldn't be able to unite with such a powerful thief leader.

It didn't take long for Marion to return with Eli.

"We're going back to Gwynn Island, and when everything is ready, the Thief Guild's people will help." Rhodes said that he had no room to spend and had to return with Eli.

Eli nodded, then opened a bright yellow Transmission Gate.

"This time I came to the Thief Headquarters, and I have another harvest. During the process of querying the Thief Guild records, I found an interesting thing." After opening the Transmission Gate, Eli was not in a hurry to enter , but said with interest.

Rhodes gave him a strange look and asked, "What's going on?"

"There was one thing that bothered me a lot while fighting the hero Durken. Those The mage in the Academy can always immediately know the magic guild's strategy and make the best response."

Eli didn't pay attention to Rhodes' expression change, but continued.

"At first, I thought they got the secret information through the Thief Guild, and even got angry about it. But when I checked the records of the Thief Guild, I found out that it was not what I thought So simple, the records of the Thief Guild are far less detailed than I thought, and there are even many mistakes in them. With the records here alone, the hero Durken cannot achieve this level. In other words, the Magic Guild There is a traitor leaking information inside."

Rhodes frowned: "Why tell me this? I'm not a member of the Magic Guild, so it's impossible that I broke the news to them?"

"I think you might be interested in these, after all, according to the records of those Legendary thieves, the hero Durken always says your name, Rhodes." Eli gave him a deep look and said.

Rhodes was stunned for a moment, and before he could answer, Eli turned around and entered the gate of another dimension, disappeared.

(end of this chapter)

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