
  Chapter 1915 Arrival mage

"Is this the Gwyn Island mentioned in ancient texts? Why, there are demons here?"

Eli, who came to Gwen Island, stared at the giant in the distance and asked.

Although the strength of the giant was powerful, he was never in his eyes. He walked slowly forward, his silver white robe slightly raised.

"He is not an ordinary devil. He has a strong Death Aura on his body. He has mastered the Summoning Technique, and his level is not low." Beside him, the white-haired old man glanced at the giant , a gleam of dive light flashed in his deep eyes, which was a sign of the Eye of Perspective being activated.

"It's just some trivial tricks." Eli shook the head, a look of contempt in his eyes.

"Please also ask the leaders to focus on the overall situation of Brakada. According to the results of the divination, Gwen Island has the key to our end of the battle." The old woman in purple robe reminded in a hoarse voice road.

Eli's footsteps were paused, and even he was not at all sure about the doomsday battle that the old woman mentioned, about to sweep the entire world:
   "Why did you choose this place? If we want to preserve part of the mage, with our ability, we can choose from the four elemental planes, not to mention that there are countless half planes for those mage to live in. Is there anything special about this island?"

The old woman in purple robe raised her head and looked towards the sky that was already covered by black clouds: "Because this is an island built by the god of mage, and there are traces left by the god of mage on it."


"The plane of the Water Element has only the ocean. A long time ago, the god of mage came here when he was exploring the plane, but could not find a place to rest, so a piece of land rose up from the boundless ocean. At first, grid Wen Island has only a very small area, and after the continuous transformation of many mages, it has grown to its scale." On the side, the white-haired old man sighed.

"Hundreds of years ago, the teleportation monument on Gwen Island was suddenly closed, and the connection with Brakada was lost. The spatial coordinates of Wen Island, that can only be the meaning of the god of mage... Until not long ago, we detected that the teleportation monument on Gwen Island was activated again, and it also appeared in my divination to resolve the doomsday crisis. Gwen Island." The purple-robed old woman followed his words and continued.

"I know all this. I only care about whether there are any traces left by the god of mage on Gwen Island." Eli said slowly.

Originally, taking over Gwen Island did not require him to take action in person. In the headquarters of the Magic Guild, some Peak mage was willing to complete the task, but Eli came over in person.

Not only that, Eli also brought the Peak power of the magic guild, and the two who followed him, went to any magic guild in any place, and they would be warmly received by the local guild leader. Getting all the respect from mage is enough to make sure no surprises happen.

There is only one reason for him to appear in person, and that is Gwen Island, which has traces left by the god of mage. As the leader of the magic guild and the most loyal follower of the mage god, Eli could not miss this moment. He wanted to see everything that belonged to the mage god with his own eyes.

A little closer, looking at the giant in the distance, Eli loudly said:

"You are the ruler of Gwynn? According to the ancient written in ancient records, under your feet This land, all is owned by the Mage Empire, Bracada, Mage made this island, and it will go back to Mage. I'm glad you made a wise decision, I don't want to hurt anyone, just You guys are obedient, I allow you to take refuge here when the end comes."

Speaking, the team that followed them to Gwynn Island took action, and they dispersed and began to take refuge in various places on the island. Search everywhere. With the teleportation monument in the east as the center, it began to spread to all parts of the island, even the homes of the island residents.

The undead mage, who had already been ordered by Rhodes, did not resist violently when the mage team approached, but fierce killing intent appeared in their eyes.

Undead mage is not easy to mess with, although on the island, the undead mage does not need to kill each other, the vast and endless ocean is enough for all the undead mage to explore and get unimaginable harvests from it , but the ferocity of the undead mage in the bones will not change in the slightest.

"Big brother, they're bully intolerably!" Rowlin looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes almost bursting with flames.

Searching for the island's mage, using the power of spell, to overthrow the buildings that were originally neat and tidy, even Rowlin took a lot of effort to cover the flat ground for the road that the Island Lord wanted. Being blasted away by those mages.

Those mages seem to be looking for something, and they have to dig three feet to find it. The way of searching is even more simple and crude. What hinders their search, they destroy what.

The places where the mage traveled were only a mess. Seeing the hard-built island being destroyed, Rowlin couldn't bear it, so he could only look towards Rhodes.

"They have the strength to do so." Rhodes' expression remained unchanged, always looking calmly at what was happening below.

The arrogance of the mage has a long history, and in the golden age of Bracada, even a low-ranking mage had a higher status than the nobles of Erathia.

During the most prosperous period of the Mage Empire, it directly enslaved many surrounding areas including Krulod wasteland and Taitalia Marsh, and even set its sights on the most fertile areas in the center of the continent. The land, the kingdom of the god Saint King Erathia, and fierce conflict broke out, but in the end, fearing the angel among the clouds, a reconciliation was reached after annexing part of Erathia's land.

Even if the magician and the undead mage split in the future, and a large number of talented mage choose to travel far, the mighty mage empire will inevitably weaken, but in the battle, Spell still dominates. Full advantage.

For countless years, Bracada has always maintained the enslavement of the surrounding area, until a natural hero appeared, wielding the forbidden magic ball that isolates magic, and cut off the shackles of the slave he was carrying. Free the surrounding area from the slavery of Bracada.

As the supreme leader of the magic guild, Eli has extraordinary strength, and at the same time inherits the arrogance of mage that has been handed down from the golden age.

In his eyes, the island is just a group of low-strength creatures, and even the undead creatures that he has always disliked and desecrated life are mixed in, which makes him even more annoying.

For this reason, he doesn't care about everything on the island, and he doesn't need to consider the feelings of the undead mage. The only thing he needs to look for is the traces left by the god of mage.

(end of this chapter)

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