
  Chapter 1914 Opening the Teleportation Monument
  On the east side of the island, the long-abandoned bidirectional monument, in this brief moment Reactivated by spell.

The golden pattern continues to meander along the arch-shaped stele body, covering the entire stele body like a snake. With the golden light flashed, the vortex-like sunken passage is fully formed.

The passage of the two-way monument looks small, but under the action of the space spell, even a giant like Goliath can pass through it smoothly and go to the other side of the two-way monument.

"The opposite of the two-way monument should be Sau City, right?" Judging from the space fluctuations spilling out of the two-way monument, Rhodes quickly determined the location of the exit.

"Well, that's our city over there." Rowlin nods at the center of the Percy.

"Hopefully, as you said, those mages will forcibly connect to the activated two-way monument instead of waiting here in vain." Rhodes shook the head and said.

If it wasn't for Rowlin's persuasion, Rhodes would have taken Gwen from the trump card to Bracada, but in the end Rhodes obeyed Rowlin's advice.

"They will come," Rowlin assured.

Staring at the vortex in the two-way monument, the two waited quietly.

The emergence of the teleportation monument originated in the golden age of Bracada.

In that era, the Magic Academy reached the flourishing period, all kinds of magic bloomed, and almost every day all new spells came out, among which there are many spells that are widely circulated now. The teleportation monument and space spell also came from the talented spell scholars in that era.

Generally speaking, the space channel formed by the two-way monument is fixed. Once the two bidirectional monuments are connected, the connection cannot be broken unless one of them is destroyed.

Prior to this, the two-way monument on the island had been connected to the two-way monument in Sao City to form a fixed space channel. In order to prepare for a possible crisis, Rowlin had already closed the two-way monument on the island, but when she opened it again, the two-way monument was still connected to Sau City.

As the origin of spell, the magic guild that holds all spell knowledge on the world, the research on teleportation monument is far above other creatures. The spell scholar who developed the teleportation tablet at the time was a member of the Magic Guild.

Rhodes was not too surprised after learning from Rowlin that the Brakada mage, who threatened to threaten the island, possessed the means of forcibly connecting to the teleportation monument. The magic guild that has existed for countless years has The research on the teleportation monument far exceeded Rhodes' expectations. In addition to connecting the teleportation monument, Rhodes was more worried about their other means.

"The space fluctuation is more chaotic than before, and those mages have already begun to connect to the teleportation monument."

While Rhodes was thinking, Rowlin seemed to have found something, his eyes became dignified, and his body Subconsciously take a few steps forward.

Her voice still did not fall, the deep blue rays of light replaced the golden vortex in the teleportation monument, and the powerful impact from the teleportation monument made Rowlin unconsciously take two steps back until his back It was only after hitting the hard magic ship that he stabilized his body.

Two silver lights came out from the dark and dark blue teleportation monument, like two stars in the night sky, the rays of light wandered and merged into one person's eyes.

A silhouette walked out of the teleportation monument. He was wearing a silver white robe. The robes were patterned with mountains and lakes, flames and lightning with gold threads, symbolizing the elements of the Four Great Demons.

With his arrival, the nearby Water Element magic elements fluctuated violently. The Water Element magic elements that should have enveloped him, but formed a fault around him, unable to touch his body at all. , which also makes Rowlin eyes shrank.

"Big brother, that person's strength is very terrifying... No matter who comes to the Water Element plane, they will be suppressed by the Plane Rule. Except for the Water Element magic, the spells that cast other spells are all terrifying. half the results for twice the effort, unable to play the effect of 1/4/2022 in the main plane. But he is not suppressed by the Plane Rule at all, in other words, all spells he casts will not be affected by the Plane Rule Weakened!"

Looking at the man walking out of the teleportation monument, Rowlin looked nervous and hurriedly pulled Rhodes and said. In the face of a terrifying enemy, Rhodes' presence makes her feel extremely at ease.

Behind that person, there is a group of ordinary human beings who seem to be of ordinary strength. There are only two Legendary mages who come with him. The parts above the eyes are exposed, but the forehead is full of wrinkles and looks old. The other has white hair and an old face, but his eyes are bright.

The Legendary mage has a long lifespan, even surpassing longevity elves. Unlike melee professionals whose strength decreases with age, the older the Legendary mage, the more time he spends on studying spells, the more knowledge he acquires, the more power he has. also become stronger.

However, these two aged Legendary mages always followed behind the man, and there was a faint tendency to lead him, which made Rowlin's heart even more nervous.

Originally, Rowlin had a lot of confidence in persuading Bracada's mage. However, when she actually saw these mage, she realized how naive she was.

There are only three Legendary mages on the island, and the strength of the others can be ignored, but these three Legendary mages are enough to wipe out everything on the island and completely occupy the entire island, unless Rowlin can completely Summon the hero in the trump card, otherwise it will not be able to compete with it at all.

Aware of Rowlin's nervousness, Rhodes' expression didn't change, and he patted her shoulder, comforted: "Don't be nervous, Rowlin, you should have expected this from the moment you made this decision. The situation."

"Sorry, big brother..." Rowlin lowered his head slightly, "Perhaps your idea is right, the Legendary mage at the head, his strength has reached the level of Sally and Sally. On the same level, they're too dangerous, and I shouldn't be asking you to change your plans. The only thing we can do now is pray that they'll let us go because of Gwen."

Rhodes laughed: "You are wrong, Rowlin. I changed my plan, not because of your request, but because I wanted to. When you show that trump card, even without your request, I will take the initiative to go to Bracada, Find those mages."

"I know who he is." Looking at the man at the head, Rhodes slowly said, "He is the current leader of the Magic Guild, and he has given up the purity of all foreign objects. mage, he's more respectful to the mage god than you can imagine. I've seen him before, but he shouldn't recognize me now."

As Rhodes looked away at the man , the man also had a feeling in the heart and looked over.

(end of this chapter)

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