
  Chapter 1888 Void Demon Eye
   As a product of sorcery, the devil eye and many secret techniques of sorcery , can produce an unexpected cooperation, sorcery and magic eye, not just the relationship between manipulating and being manipulated.

And Rhodes has the highest fusion ceremony.

Rhodes, who cannot fly, is severely restricted on the Air Elemental Plane. According to Goliath's body shape, even if many giant dragons work together, it is difficult to bring him on the Air Elemental Plane. move in.

To make such a heavy body fly, only the fifth-order magic flying thaumaturgy can solve it. Unfortunately, Rhodes at this time has no time to find the fifth-order magic.

After realizing that Rowlin and the others might be in danger, Rhodes made a quick decision in his heart. He wanted to find a way to find their location, and then use Aggran's flames to escape directly.

As for what Jadette mentioned, staying here and waiting for Moriel to return, Rhodes never thought about it, who knows how long it will take Moriel to hunt down the defecting giant dragon. time? Rhodes didn't want to wait.

More importantly, from Jedette's mouth, Rhodes realized that there seemed to be a giant dragon that could not be controlled by Moriel's bloodline. Could it be that the giant dragon was mentioned by Inota King of the Sacred Dragon? Rhodes doesn't know this, but if there is a way, Rhodes will get it and teach Inota the giant dragon.

The bloodline of the giant dragon is extremely powerful, giving those giant dragons a very high rank and considerable power, allowing them to essentially surpass other creatures. Ordinary creatures need hard-working bodies and skills that take a lot of time to learn. In the eyes of giant dragon, it is not worth mentioning at all. This is the ability of the ancient bloodline.

However, in some cases, the bloodline belonging to the giant dragon has also become a shackle that they cannot get rid of. When a hero who can command the giant dragon is born, all the giant dragons will acknowledge allegiance in this power.

Inota was no exception, and Rhodes had to figure out how to solve the hidden dangers in the Inota bloodline.

Defeat the hero Moriel? Rhodes doesn't think that's the best option. Facing the siege of several giant dragons, Rhodes can easily deal with it by relying on Goliath's body. Once the number of giant dragons increases to dozens or even hundreds, Rhodes will only be defeated.

In addition to the giant dragon, Moriel, who became the king of Nigon, also received the support of the sorcerer, and was carrying a rare treasure belonging to the sorcerer, the one inlaid with human eyes. The ring is one of them. In addition to the threat of giant dragon, Rhodes must always be on guard against terrifying sorcery, which makes Rhodes give up the idea of ​​defeating Moriel.

Rhodes wouldn't mind giving it a try if he regained the power of his body, but now, with only the body of Goliath, he had better be careful.

Pick up the fist-sized Void Demon eye, and soon Rhodes will use the fusion ceremony to fuse the Void Demon eye into the dark yellow body of the main body.

Different from fusing other complete bodies, Rhodes felt a strong resistance when fusing the Void Demon eyes, which were very repulsive to fusing ceremony.

Rhodes already has deep experience with the use of fusion ceremony. Rhodes can get out of hell, it can be said that most of the credit is on the fusion ceremony.

At this moment, Rhodes felt strong rejection from the eyes of Void Demon, but he was not in a hurry, but spread the effect of fusion ceremony little by little to the whole demon eye.

Once Rhodes didn't have the proper magic ceremony and didn't know how to use the Void Demon eye, but now, relying on the powerful effect of the fusion ceremony, he can turn the Void Demon eye into a part of his body, This achieves its use.

As the Void Demon's eyes sank into Rhodes' body little by little, Rhodes also felt a marked difference in his own body. Although everything in the vicinity was still the same as before, in his eyes, there was a lot more. A lot of different things came out.

The feeling was so wonderful that Rhodes began to try to see all around with the Void Demon eyes.

Whether it is human eyes or demon eyes, due to the structure, the things that can be seen are extremely limited. In many cases, they need to rely on perception as an aid to judge the nearby situation.

As every mage can use meditation, absorb the magic elements scattered in the space, and display the formed spell, but no mage can see the flowing magic elements with naked eyes. , There are many things in space that cannot be directly observed by the human eye.

The existence of the Void Demon eyes showed another form of the world to Rhodes.

Using the Void Demon eyes, Rhodes can see the magic element that turns into a streamer one after another, and there is nothing else apart from this, whether it is the giant dragon gathered below, or not far away Those sorcerers, under the watchful eyes of the Void Demon, no longer had a complete form, but were transformed into something more essential, a mass of magical elements piled up.

According to the theory of Bracada mage, everything on the world, whether it is the plane itself or the living creatures in it, is composed of the four Great Demon elements. For this, Rhodes has always Doubtful, didn't expect Void Demon's eyes on everything that seems to be able to provide evidence.

While on the side, Jedette discovered Rhodes' actions, and immediately face changed, cry out in surprise: "That's... the Void Demon eye? How did you have that creature? Are you a demon? A member of the Church of the Eye?"

As a sorcerer, Jadette immediately recognized the creature that Rhodes merged with, which was the Void Demon eye in the Church of the Demon Eye.

Jedette, who is not a member of the Magic Eye Church, has only heard of these unique creatures and has never really used them. He was naturally surprised when he saw Rhodes taking them out.

What surprised Jadette even more was that the method that the giant used to fuse the magic eye was so similar to the fusion ceremony that he remembered long ago?

Even the magicians in the Underground World don't know how to perform that fusion ceremony, how did the demon from hell that appeared on the screen of the human eye ring not long ago learn of?

Even so, the emergence of fusion ceremony, or let Jedette determine some things.

According to the previous temptation and the records in the book of greed, Jedette realized that the huge demon in front of him, his true identity, was Elliot who killed Goliath. What the human eye ring does not show is that after killing Goliath, Elliot used fusion ceremony to completely control the giant's body.

"Elliot..." Jadet recited the name silently, constantly recalling information related to this name, but he didn't have any clues, it seemed to be just an ordinary name.

(end of this chapter)

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