
  Chapter 1887 The ability of the human eye ring
  Although I don't plan to delve into the picture projected by the ring, But Rhodes was intrigued by the unique ring itself.

"What is that treasure? Why does it show a picture of hell?" Rhodes asked Jadet, looking at the ring with one eye inlaid.

Listening to Rhodes' question, Jadette's complexion changed slightly, but still faithfully replied: "That's a treasure called the Ring of Human Eyes. Because of Lord Moriel's agreement with the King of Hell, it can show The battle scene in the trial of hell, by the way, your previous battle, also appeared in the picture. I remember...you seem to be called Elliot, right?"

Rhodes seems to realize something, facial expression grave up.

Although Jadette's words were a kind of temptation, they also conveyed a lot of information to him.

His existence, through the ring of human eyes, was exposed to those giant dragons, and it is unclear who else knew about it.

Rhodes recalled that after his battle with Goliath, a gate of another dimension briefly appeared beside him, but no creature passed through, and the spell dissipated again, probably because his identity was revealed, but Rhodes didn't know who was the one who cast the gate of different dimensions.

The existence of the human eye ring also explained one thing to Rhodes. The various situations that happened in the trial of hell may have been seen by some kings long ago. In the hands of those kings, there must be a treasure that is similar to the human eye ring.

Fortunately, Rhodes at this moment has used the power of Death Domain to control Archfiend Agrand and left hell, so there is no need to worry about the threat of the king. If he knew everything about the trial before, Rhodes is likely to change the original action.

However, some thoughts flashed through Rhodes' mind, looking at the picture the human eye ring showed. The trial of hell is not over yet, and the battle in Flame Seal city has not fully begun. If he can get his power back as soon as possible, Rhodes still has a chance to rescue Messika

For this reason, it can show the picture of hell Treasure is undoubtedly very important. Relying on the prompts on the screen, coupled with Archfiend's flame hiding, Rhodes can go directly to the position shown on the screen.

Thinking of this, Rhodes asked Jadet, "Where is Morrell now? The giant dragon I'm looking for is not under here."

"Mr. Leading a lot of giant dragons to hunt down a giant dragon who defected, the giant dragon you are looking for is likely to be following the action of Lord Morrell. Lord Morrell admires powerful creatures very much, as long as you acknowledge allegiance to her, When she returns smoothly, she will definitely reward you with the giant dragon you are looking for." Jedette replied.

"A reward? What is a reward?" Rhodes stared at the sorcerer and asked, "I don't intend to acknowledge allegiance to her, and I don't need her reward, that's my giant in the first place. dragon."

"You're wrong." This time, facing Rhodes' questioning, Jedette showed an unrelenting imposing manner, "No matter what your previous status was, no matter what hell you were in Among the demons, no matter how high the prestige is, you cannot have any giant dragon. All the giant dragons in the world belong to Lord Morrell, and there is no exception for a giant dragon.”

Jade Te continued: "Only with the approval of Lord Moriel, can you be qualified to have a giant dragon. If you don't believe it, look down. The giant dragons below are willing to stay here because of the order of Lord Moriel. Do you want to control a giant dragon without permission? That's an enemy of Lord Moriel."

Listening to Jedette's remarks, Rhodes' expression remained unchanged. Moriel's hero speciality, it is a bloodline control for all giant dragons, which can command all giant dragons in the world.

From this point of view, Jedette is right in saying that all giant dragons belong to Morrel.

However, there are always exceptions. As if hovering above Rhodes, the Black Dragon transformed by Death Domain is no longer under Morril's control.

Speaking from a certain perspective, the Black Dragon is dead, but because of the Death Domain, he can still use the power in the bloodline, just like Agland.

Rhodes was more worried about the safety of Inotar and the others than Jedette in front of him.

"You said that Moriel was chasing a giant dragon who defected? Can't she use bloodline to command other giant dragons, why is it so troublesome?" What was found in the words, he immediately asked.

After listening to Rhodes' question, Jedette seemed a little hesitant, but he explained quickly: "There is some secret in that giant dragon, which can resist the bloodline recruitment of Lord Moriel, apart from This, her identity is also special."

Rhodes' expression changed slightly, and then he issued an order to Agland.

When passing through the island, Rhodes deliberately brought some demon eyes on him, including the highest Void Demon eye.

Ordinary earth-moving magic eyes can only monitor an area in one place according to the user's control, and at the same time transmit the picture to the user's eyes, the high-level flying magic eyes can monitor the range More expansive, no longer limited to the ground.

The highest Void Demon eye, which generally needs to be used with various ceremony or treasure, can break through the limitation of space and see extremely distant places, even the scenes of different planes.

Rhodes brought those magic eyes here to better scout this area. As early as when he arrived in the Land of Dragons, Rhodes released the floating magic eyes and let them explore the surroundings to find the person they care about.

Unfortunately, the effect of the floating magic eye is not as powerful as Rhodes imagined, and the speed of flight is extremely limited. In addition, there is no land on the air element plane, except for the sky, which is a floating island. It will take longer for the floating magic eye to detect the surrounding illusion.

For this reason, Rhodes can only put his mind in the eyes of the Void Demon.

The Void Demon eye is powerful and has the ability to penetrate Space Power, but under normal circumstances, the Void Demon eye hardly moves, and only when it is controlled by the power of ceremony will it show its power.

The Void Demon eyes in Rhodes' hands were all made by Margaret of the Devil's Eye Church on the island. If Rhodes really made them, I'm afraid it would take a lot of energy to make a Void Demon. Eye.

Rhodes doesn't know much about the secret technique of manipulating the demon eye. If Margaret is here, maybe she can directly control the Void Demon eye and see the situation of Rowlin and Inota , unfortunately Rhodes doesn't know those black magic secret techniques.

In the past, the treasure on Rhodes was created by Margaret, and the farsighted pendant used the power of the Void Demon eye to explore remote areas. Unfortunately, That treasure was also silent with Rhodes' body.

(end of this chapter)

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