
  Chapter 1884 The former protagonist

Appears before Rhodes is a man in a dark yellow robe The man, from the point of view of dressing, he is more like the fallen person Rhodes met before, that is, the sorcerer.

As soon as he appeared, he attracted the attention of the nearby giant dragons. Those Black Dragons didn't have any objection, but in accordance with his command, they gave up the attack on Rhodes and flew back to his head.

The only exception is the Black Dragon, the Death Domain converted Black Dragon, which is now a member of Rhodes. Looking at the Black Dragon who turned into an undead creature, the man's complexion changed slightly.

In addition to the man, several sorcerers followed behind him. They looked at Rhodes' figure, and their expressions suddenly changed.

Aware of the appearance of these sorcerers, Rhodes no doubt determined something. Those who can mobilize those senior sorcerers and the Black Dragon of the Underground World at the same time, Rhodes can't think of anyone other than the hero Moriel. .

"It's the giant Goliath... How could he be here? Isn't he supposed to be in hell and take part in the devil's trial?" How many times bigger, the giant who has to look up to see the whole picture, a sorcerer muttered.

"He's not Goliath. Have you forgotten what we saw in the human eye ring? The real Goliath, killed by other demons, just don't know, he Why did he come here and control Goliath's body... Could it be that he found out that we spy on him with human eyes before, and is going to come to settle accounts with us?" Another hexman retorted, with a stern expression on his face. Unstoppable panic.

"I can feel the ultimate energy of death from him... He, like the adult, has studied Soul Evocation Technique and has extremely high attainments..."


Looking at the oppression-filled giant, the sorcerer below discusses spiritedly, with a look of shock or fear in his eyes, no one knows, for the horror monster seen in his eye ring, will appear in in front of them.

And Rhodes' eyes, from start to finish, were all fixed on the same man. That man was the sorcerer who first appeared and ordered the giant dragon to stop.

"Jedette..." Looking at the man's face, Rhodes had already recognized his identity, and this is where Rhodes complexion slightly changed.

It wasn't because of Jedette's power, or even Jedette himself, that changed Rhodes' complexion, but the person behind Jedette.

Rhodes recalled that Jadet and the protagonist of the second expansion, who should have held two Divine Items, had a very deep connection with Sandro, who started the Shadow of Death campaign. sect, studied with the Legendary mage Eric of Bracada, and showed a very high innate talent in the study of spell.

When Sandro fell into the darkness, betrayed the former spell Academy, learned the Soul Evocation Technique of the undead mage, and tricked other heroes into collecting Divine Item parts for him, Jadet once represented cloth. Lakada's mage visits Sandro, hoping to use the same sect friendship to bring the talented but misguided undead Mage back on the right track, but the result is beyond everyone's expectations.

No one knows what Sandro and Jedette said, they made some kind of agreement. Not only did Jedette not persuade Sandro to return, he also gave up his identity as mage and went to Underground World to study sorcery, never returning to Bracada.

According to the mage at the time, it was speculated that perhaps earlier, Jadette had reached an agreement with Sandro, but it was never known. The reason why he took on the task of persuading Sandro to return is precisely to confirm this agreement.

Rhodes recalled that after he successfully won the Ghost King cloak, Sandro, who understood the power of this Divine Item, knew that he could not defeat the Witch King who was hiding the sky and covering the earth. Abandoning the competition for the Divine Item, he contacted Jadet of the Underground World and used the underground passage of the Titania Marsh to escape into the deep Underground World in advance, and no news came.

As the protagonist of the second expansion, Sandro still lives somewhere in the Underground World, and Rhodes dares not underestimate him. No one knows when he will make a move that will shock the world. The protagonist of an expansion will always have infinite potential, even more how he still has the Divine Item of Cursed Armor.

Any creature who underestimates the protagonist of the expansion will pay a heavy price. Before the protagonist of the first expansion, the hero Tanan, no one could believe that the barbarians who were barren and thin and only worthy of becoming slaves almost overthrew the once glorious Mage Empire.

Rhodes has deep guards in his heart for the still alive Sandro, knowing that he will definitely make moves that will shock the world in the future. This is the power of the protagonist of the expansion, as long as he is still alive , there are infinite possibilities.

Rhodes looked beyond Jadet to the kingdom of dragons, the giant dragons who seemed to be bound by some kind of force and could not leave the place, no doubt realized something in their hearts.

Judging from Jadet's command of Black Dragon, he obviously made some kind of covenant with the king of Nigon, the hero Moriel, who Rhodes had never met, and became Morril's subordinate. One of the members, even highly regarded by Moriel, handed over the command of the Black Dragon.

Jedette, a sorcerer, was not surprised that he was able to do this. He was also a genius of Spell who stood out from the countless mages of Bracada. It's just that the halo on his body is often covered up by Sandro.

As the same sect of Sandro, Jedette is the one who reached some kind of agreement with Sandro. His appearance also explained to Rhodes that it is the mountain that has been lurking for a long time. Drew, it is very likely that he has made sufficient preparations and intends to take advantage of the general trend of the third expansion to re-enter the stage of Doomsday.

Judging from Jadette's choice, the object Sandro supports is likely to be the Hell Legion to which Moriel belongs. The appearance of this situation also makes the situation of the surface world even more difficult.

Just being the protagonist of the third expansion, the initiator of the Doomsday War, and Lucifer holding the Divine Item Doomsday Blade, is not something that the creatures of the surface world can deal with, let alone any more. Plus the protagonist of the second expansion.

As the protagonists of the two expansions unite, Rhodes can't imagine what will happen to the human beings in the surface world.

Although Rhodes has been obsessed with improving his power since he came to this world, his power is still not enough to see in the face of the doomsday battle involving the entire world.

Even Sandro, the protagonist of the second expansion, now needs to rely on the general trend of the third expansion to get on the Doomsday War. In Rhodes' view, join the Hell Legion as soon as possible. One side may be the best option.

(end of this chapter)

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