
  Chapter 1883 The giant dragon

The rising flame gradually subsided, and the silhouette of Rhodes, also Appeared on the floating island surrounded by clouds.

Due to the fact that there are many spell barriers in the dragon country, just like the previous islands, they can isolate the space spell. Rhodes ordered Agland to send him to a relatively safe floating island. , there is no magic barrier in it.

The floating island is above the land of dragons. It is still a long way from the land of dragons, but it can fully take in the scene below, and can better observe everything below.

If Aglan was alone, he might be able to lurk here until he finds out everything below, and Archfiend's relatively small size makes him not so easy to spot.

However, Rhodes couldn't do this. The huge figure belonging to Goliath, the moment he appeared on the floating island, it attracted the attention of many giant dragons below. Rhodes wanted to hide his stature, but he couldn't do it at all. The abnormal shape of Aglan when he cast the flame to hide was impossible to hide from the eyes of those giant dragons.

This is also the disadvantage of the giant's body. Aglan casts Flame Hide to transport such a huge giant's body. It is not an easy thing to do. It is necessary to cover Rhodes' whole body with flames in advance to ensure that no accidents will happen.

Without the protection of those flames, the giant's body is likely to fall apart in the process of the flames evading, and the final delivery to the destination may only be the topmost Percy. But fortunately nothing will happen.

Rhodes looked down and saw that the dragon kingdom, which once belonged to the elemental plane of air, was full of giant dragons from all over the world. It's like some kind of ceremony is going on.

Soon, several heads were in charge of vigilance, and found Rhodes' Black Dragon, and flew towards the floating island where he was located. Rhodes could see the flames condensed in their mouths, which were breathing dragon breath. omen.

"Master beware!" Agland immediately warned Rhodes on the Percy.

Archfiend, who had just finished using the Flame Hide, couldn't use this ability again for a short time, and then flapped the wings behind him and quickly approached one of the Black Dragons, holding a scythe to fight against it.

Among the four flying Black Dragons, one of them was stopped by Agran and entangled with him to fight. No one could do anything for a while, while the remaining three Black Dragons were entangled with each other. With Rhodes' huge body, from different angles, breathing dragon breath at the same time.

The body was scorched by the dragon's breath, Rhodes' complexion remained unchanged, belonging to Goliath's body, and the tolerance to high temperature reached a terrifying level, able to use only fleshy body, in lava. Walking freely in the middle, even the breath of the Black Dragon only made his body slightly hot.

Compared to Goliath's huge body, Black Dragon's body, not even his arms, is as thick as his arms, in this brief moment, size is no longer the giant dragon's advantage.

Rhodes stood there, letting the dragon's breath burn until the Black Dragons didn't have the strength to continue breathing, and his Goliath body didn't take any damage.

However, unlike Goliath's body's resistance to high temperatures, Rhodes' body located in the center of the Percy cannot resist the dragon's breath breathed out by the Black Dragon. The Black Dragons, seeing that the breath of the dragon could not work, began to look for weaknesses in Rhodes.

The strangeness of the Percy naturally attracted the attention of the Black Dragons. Just as one of the Black Dragons flew high and was about to move towards the top of the giant's head, the giant's body flickered for a while. , and then a giant hand firmly grasped on his dragon wings.

With a clatter, Black Dragon's wings were torn off, and the entire body was caught in the hands of the giant. Before Black Dragon could roar in pain, the fists of giants attacked one after another, shattering Black Dragon's body, and no part of his skeleton was intact.

Under the stunned gaze of the other Black Dragons, in just a short while, the Black Dragon that was caught by the giants was left with only a puddle of muddy flesh. The strong giant dragon body could not bear the giants at all. s attack.

Rhodes watched this scene with satisfaction, controlling the body of the giant and fighting the Black Dragon. It was not the first time for Rhodes to do so. As early as in the Titans' memory illusion, Rhodes controlled the Titans. body, struggling to solve a Black Dragon.

Compared to the Titan's body, Goliath's body is larger and contains more powerful strength. Rhodes had hardly seen a creature that could withstand the full strength attack of Goliath head-on.

According to Rhodes' expectation, even the Titan shield released by Legendary mage will be smashed by Goliath, which is enough to prove the terrifying of this body.

Rhodes was able to kill such a terrifying Goliath, thanks to his opponent's carelessness and Tis' heroics. Such a powerful Goliath, after losing both hands, exerted an incomparable strength, coupled with the armor piercing effect of Beamon sharp claw, this allowed Rhodes to obtain such a powerful body.

Compared with the body of the Titan, Goliath's body is better at fighting and can exert its power to the extreme, which is the result of Goliath's devouring countless demons.

Rhodes suspects that the power of the current gluttonous king is probably similar to that of Goliath, which relies on devouring countless other creatures and obtaining unimaginable attributes, so as to achieve the crushing of other creatures.

shook the head, tossing the giant dragon mince in his palm clean, Rhodes looked at the other two giant dragons.

The minced meat thrown away by Rhodes, as if being pulled by some kind of force, began to gather towards the giant dragon corpse thrown by Rhodes, even the dragon wings torn off by Rhodes at the first time. .

Soon, a brand new Black Dragon climbed up from the ground, and the Black Dragon's body contained the familiar breath of Rhodes, the breath of undead creatures.

The Death Domain, which cannot be closed, is playing its role all the time, turning all the dead creatures around Rhodes into undead creatures.

Looking at the companion who climbed up from the ground again, the nearby Black Dragon roared one after another, trying to get the companion's response. But what they don't know is that the newly born Black Dragon, although it looks the same as before, is two completely different creatures.

As soon as the Black Dragon was transformed, it looked towards the companion who came to meet it, and exhaled the scorching dragon breath of destruction, which also caused confusion among the other Black Dragons.

Rhodes watched this scene with satisfaction, and was about to pursue the victory, turning all the nearby Black Dragons into his own undead creatures, when suddenly a voice came: "Stop!"

This sentence was spoken in common language, which also changed Rhodes' expression slightly, and then looked in the direction of the voice, but saw a silhouette that he had not expected.

(end of this chapter)

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