
  Chapter 1876 Vera's Shock

"Lord Rhodes..."

Being watched by Archfiend, Vera only felt that she was being watched by some kind of terrifying beast, and she was in extreme danger, and there would be mortal danger at any time. This kind of feeling is not good, Vera's hair stands on the end for a while, and he must always be on guard against the Archfiend over there.

In this brief moment, how much Vera wants to return to the undead creatures, only the protection of the fish monster below can make him feel better.

"Agran, don't scare him."

Aware of the fear in Vera's heart, Rhodes was also a little helpless. He didn't expect it. After the transformation of the Ghost King's cloak, Vera, who has at least the biological strength of sixth rank, will tremble in fear in front of Aglan.

In fact, it's not Vera's fault. Before Vera became the Death Knight under Rhodes, he was just an ordinary undead mage. He had never seen the devil in the depths of hell. Only in legends.

At this moment, when Vera saw Archfiend who came from the depths of hell, like a demon, with terrifying power, and he was being watched by Archfiend all the time, he naturally felt fear in his heart.

"Okay." After hearing Rhodes' order, Archfiend let out a dissatisfied hum, but he couldn't disobey the order, so he turned his head and looked down at everything on the sea below.

This scene was seen by Vera, and she felt extremely shocked in her heart. The seemingly powerful and rebellious Archfiend actually obeyed Lord Rhodes' orders so obediently that even if he was reluctant, he still obeyed the orders, which made Vera feel a lot of speculation.

The more guessing, the more Vala admires Rhodes. For him, the stronger Rhodes is, the more likely it is to help him resurrect the man he has always remembered.

"Vera, tell me what happened on the island."

Hearing Rhodes' voice in his ear, Vera followed the sound, and finally in the middle of the magic ship, Ben. It should be where the mast is, and I saw the unique monster that made the sound.

What appeared in Vera's eyes was a monster that was many times bigger than his body. It had a terrifying mouth but no arms, and on the monster's back, there was a Another dark yellow monster. The voice came from the dark yellow monster's mouth.

If it wasn't for the strong death energy that existed nearby, Vera realized that this was also a part of Lord Rhodes' body, and Vera didn't believe that the Rhodes in his memory would become like this.

Vera, who had learned a little knowledge from the sorcerer in the restoration of the contaminated bloodline, realized that the dark yellow monster in front of her was the origin of all this body, similar to that of ordinary creatures. The heart, in other words, is where Rhodes is.

After hearing Rhodes' order, Vera did not dare to disobey, and quickly explained to Rhodes what happened on the island during this time.

During this period of time, Vera has been adjusting her contaminated bloodline, so she has a good understanding of the large and small things that happen on the island.

From Vala's mouth, Rhodes learned that Death Knight Kane has added a variety of defense facilities to the island, and has greatly adjusted the command strategy for the undead mage.

Among them, the most important one is to completely adjust the original dock on the island, using the undead creatures in the ocean as the core, instead of the original materials for building ships, for other undead mage to carry out the ocean. exploration.

The ships produced in the docks on the island are just the most common ships, without any special ability bonus, and their sailing speed is far slower than the magic ships in the Vulcan Trial. .

However, after Kane's adjustment, the undead ship made with undead creatures was barely able to match the magic ship in speed, which naturally surprised Rhodes.

According to Vera, this move by Kane greatly improved the overall efficiency of undead mage exploration.

Among them, the undead mages that Rhodes saw before, riding like sea snakes, are patrols around the island, responsible for reconnaissance and defense. Once the enemy is found, other defense methods will soon be displayed.

During Rhodes' absence, the exploration of the Water Element plane has made great progress. Undead mages have found many ruins in the depths of the ocean, and there are even many traces of the existence of intelligent races. .

"Kane..." From Vala's mouth, Rhodes realized that the biggest contributor to the construction of the Water Element plane naturally belongs to Death Knight Kane.

Kane is quite accomplished in navigation. For the exploration of the Water Element plane, one of the special skills most needed is navigation. The use of navigation is not simply reflected in the speed of navigation. How to make the Water Element plane more suitable for the existence of undead mage, all kinds of things need navigation as support.

Similar to the use of undead creatures to replace the sailing of ships, and even use them in the construction of ships. Without the navigation of Master Rank, it is impossible to make any progress on this point.

Kane was able to do this with the help of the special skill of navigation, but Rhodes knew clearly that he was willing to make such a change. The result of his order.

The former Kane, although he was transformed into Death Knight, still has reservations in his heart, secretly hoping that Rhodes will be killed by other creatures, so as to free himself, so Impossible does his best to help Undead mage for ocean exploration.

But under the order of the Holy Word of Darkness, everything is different. Kane's own will has been unable to take effect. All the changes that have taken place on the Water Element plane are all under the control of the Holy Word of Darkness. result.

The existence of the Dark Holy Word, combined with the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, enables Rhodes to command all creatures with Soul Evocation Technique, which is one of the most powerful abilities Rhodes has. If you give up the body, you will lose this ability, and because of this, Rhodes will take back the body no matter what.

Looking at the undead mage riding the sea snake below, the Legendary Grade Navigation, and the existence of the Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes can easily see the flaws in this method, that is. Death Knight A vision that Kane will never see.

Has two Legendary Grade special skills that are very suitable for exploring the Water Element plane. As long as Rhodes is given a certain amount of time, he can plan a more suitable exploration method for the undead. At that time, The exploration efficiency of undead mage will be much higher than it is now.

But at this moment, Rhodes doesn't have that much time to arrange this, the trials in hell are still going on, and his body is still trapped. Even if he completes the exploration of the Water Element plane, the help to him is not as great as the other two. Exploring the priority of the Water Element plane is still very late.

Rhodes cares more about Rowlin and Inota than that.

"What? You said they were missing? What the hell happened?"

After learning about the situation of Rowlin and Inota from Vera's mouth, the previous ones were all taken away. Rhodes left behind, he quickly asked the Death Knight.

(end of this chapter)

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