
  Chapter 1875 Octopus and Vera
  Under Rhodes' gaze, soon, a huge burst of Shadows surged from below the ocean.

Rhodes couldn't see the full picture of the shadow because of the sea water, but he could feel the pure death energy contained in that creature.

Rhodes thought to himself, the monster who couldn't see the whole picture should be the fish monster mentioned by the undead mage.

"Fish monster..."

Rhodes silently recited the name that didn't sound very loud, and a bit of admiration passed through his heart. He has the Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Naturally understands what the death energy of the fish monster means.

Soon, a huge skeleton creature broke through the sea and attacked Rhodes from below, which also allowed Rhodes to see the whole picture of the monster.

It was a monster piled up by countless tiny fish corpse witches. They were supported by the skeleton of a whale and filled it like flesh and blood. From a distance, they looked like layers of fine scales. Their scarlet eyes make the whole surface of the fish monster red light flicker.

The strong death energy Rhodes felt before came from the small fish corpse witches that formed the fish monster. Rhodes roughly estimated that the total number of these tiny fish corpse witches even exceeded several millions. Closely arranged in the skeleton of the whale, the clouds of death that spew out together are superimposed and can even threaten the creatures of Legendary Peak.

Apart from this, Rhodes was also on top of the fish monster and saw a silhouette he was familiar with, that was Death Knight Vera's silhouette.

During Rhodes' absence, Vera has recovered from the state of being contaminated by the blood of hydras, and now Rhodes appears in front of him in human form. There are no other exceptions.

"humph." Looking at the fish monsters that are constantly approaching here, Agran snorted on Rhodes' arms, although he is somewhat disgusted by the environment where it is all sea water, his combat capability is not enough. There will be a slight reduction, "Master, please let me deal with those enemies."

Hearing Aglan's proposal, Rhodes did not agree, but laughed: "They are not enemies, they are They are all my subordinates, don't hurt them."

Hearing this, Agland looked at the fish monster below, and then silently flew into the magic boat above Rhodes' head, in the arm's Sit down in the vacancy.

And Death Knight Vera, who was riding on the fish monster, also had an inexplicable feeling in his heart as he kept approaching the giant.

For some reason, the giant gave Vera a familiar feeling and a deep coercion. Vera could deeply feel that in the energy of death, he and the giant There is a complete gap, it can even be described as the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Not only that, the fish corpse witches among the fish monsters, after approaching the monster's side, gave Vera an uncontrollable feeling. It will be suspected that the fish corpse witches who make up the fish monster will all get out of control.

At the moment, Vera still doesn't know the identity of the monster, let alone why there are such abnormal changes. After seeing that the giant does not mean to take the initiative to attack, Vera controls the fish monster. Rhodes stopped some distance away.

Looking at the giant who kept swimming towards this side, Vera loudly said: "I am the Guardian of this Sea Territory, Death Knight Vera. Giant, you have come to a Sea that does not belong to you. Territory, hurry back to the place that belongs to you, otherwise, I will not let you go easily, and many undead creatures will drown you!"

"Vera, I am glad that you came to greet me, Where is Kane now?" Rhodes replied slowly.

"You are..." Vera seemed to have thought of something, with a look of disbelief in his eyes, he carefully looked at the giant's eyes, which was soaked in sea water, and murmured, "This is impossible. , you are impossible to be him, I did not feel his breath from you, nor did I feel the existence of spiritual imprint."

"Inform Kane, and Rowlin and the others on the island, Just say I'm back," Rhodes said without question.

"I don't believe you are him, unless you can prove it!" Vera shook the head, with a firm look in her eyes, still controlling the fish monster, blocking Rhodes in front of him.

Rhodes glanced at him reluctantly. If it were Rowlin and Inota, Rhodes could still rely on the familiarity in their souls to make them believe what they said. Death Knight, after changing a body, without the control of spiritual imprint, Rhodes really couldn't make him believe it for a while.

After thinking for a moment, Rhodes said, "Remember the order I gave you earlier? I asked you and Kane to transform the undead creatures of the entire ocean. If you can do it, I will. I will give you freedom, or promise you other conditions."

Hearing this remark from Rhodes' mouth, Vera's complexion changed slightly, and after a while, he took a deep breath and said : "It's really you... Lord Rhodes."

A task belonging to the Death Knight, except for Vera and Kane, only Rhodes himself knows. In order to complete this task, Vera paid a lot. He once went deep into the seabed, only to transform more undead creatures, and was eventually contaminated by the blood of the ultimate hydra. It took a long time for his body to recover.

For Vera, if he can accomplish this task one day, what he wants most is not freedom, but for Rhodes to grant him a request to resurrect a dead person for him.

Feeling the energy of death on the giant, Vera sighed slightly in his heart. He only felt this level of energy of death from the former Rhodes. like power.

After confirming Rhodes' identity, Vera naturally had no reason to continue to stop him. Soon, he followed Rhodes' proposal and came to the magic ship above Rhodes.

As soon as she boarded the magic ship, Vera was taken aback by the Archfiend beside her. The breath emanating from Archfiend's body all explained to Vera that it was the Legendary creature of the genuine, and it was also the most terrifying demon. In the face of this creature, even if it was a powerful mage, if you weren't careful, they would be killed by them. .

Feeling the fear in Vera's heart, Agland showed a slightly interested look: "You are not a pure-blooded human, nor a dead human, your bloodline is very special, like a kind of terrifying The ancient creatures of..."

"Enough, Aglan." Rhodes' words came, breaking Archfiend's voice.

The words were interrupted by Rhodes, Agland showed unhappy eyes, but didn't say much, his eyes always stared at Vera who had just boarded the magic ship.

(end of this chapter)

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