
  Chapter 1873 Disputes and Far Away

"This is impossible! This is the Divine Item granted to me by the greedy king , I can't give it to anyone!"

After listening to Rhodes' request, Parion clenched the long spear in his hand, angrily roared.

Rhodes just shrugged: "Really? I already know the location of this space, it seems that I have to wait for the fire Divine Idol to start, and when you all die in this trial, come back and get this one Weapons."

"You..." Parrion seemed to realize something, that the situation was most likely going as Rhodes said, and he had no means of preventing it.

Parion took a deep breath and frowned, proving that his heart was not easy.

Rhodes looked at him coldly, and if Parion honestly told the location of the door of treason at first, Rhodes might be able to take him away for Messika's sake. Here, didn't expect him to be so ignorant, blackmailing himself with the position of the door of betrayal. Anyway, the flames are still cooling down, Rhodes is not in a hurry to leave, but hits the Divine Item in his hand.

Rhodes noticed that the Death Domain covered a huge area nearby, but Parion was not affected by this power, which seemed to be related to the Divine Item in his hand.

"Just think about it slowly. When I come back next time, I hope to hear your answer."

moved towards Parion said, Rhodes no longer paid attention to this fallen person, and instead talked to Fria, who was transformed not long ago, and learned more about those fallen people from his mouth.

Besides, Parion stared at the giant in the distance with an angry look in his eyes.

"Lord Parion...Although the Divine Item is very valuable, I suggest you seriously consider Elliot's proposal." A Fallen who was wounded in the previous battle took the initiative to come to Parion's Beside him, he suggested to him.

"Archfiend has the ability to hide in flames, so you don't have to worry about dying in the trial. Even if you don't agree with their request, they can wait until the trial is over, and when we are all dead, come back and get it. Take your weapon, it's better to give it to him now..." Another fallen person took the initiative to persuade.

Parion listened to the dejected words of these fallen ones, and glanced at them coldly: "What do you know? This is the Divine Item given to me by the greedy king, with the power of Supreme, why? Can I just leave it to that demon? If I do this, the king will definitely be disappointed with me!"

The eyes of the fallen people nearby flickered, and after a long time, one person said: " But you took the Divine Item, and you didn't defeat the Archfiend, so we had to hide in the door of betrayal... Elliot is also a believer of the king, maybe he can help us..."

The Fallen did not Going further, he saw Parion's furious expression.

"Dare you say it again? I'll let you experience the power of the Divine Item!"

The depraved people's chatter never stops, mixed with Parion's Roaring, Rhodes, who was beside him, didn't care what they said.

"Why does the master talk to those fallen ones so much? They are already very weak. If you want the Divine Item in that person's hand, I can get it for you." Beside Rhodes, Ah Gran listened to the quarrel of the fallen, with a bit of disdain in his eyes, and then proposed to Rhodes.

And Rhodes shook the head: "Don't worry, let them just keep arguing. Those fallen ones who want to live don't care about other things. More importantly, I don't Knowing what the effect of the Divine Item in his hand is, don't underestimate it."

Rhodes at this time already knew the scene where the door of betrayal was located, and even controlled the flame escape. The shape of Aglan, Rhodes also has his own plans for the next action.

"Send me to this location." After the cooldown of Flame Hide expired, Rhodes sent a picture to Aglan's mind, slowly said.

Death Domain had no objection to Aggran's control, and when the figure that was about to stand on Rhodes' arm leaned down and touched Rhodes' arm with his palm.

Soon, the same flames as before enveloped Rhodes' whole body, accompanied by a strong space fluctuation. Under the gaze of a group of fallen, fearful, or eager, Rhodes' figure was suddenly disappeared .

"That Elliot has left... We can't get out of here anymore! Parion, haven't you figured it out yet?" Later, moved towards Parion angrily roared.

"It's not your Divine Item, of course you don't care!" Parion glared at the fallen man, and then fell into a deeper dispute.

And Rhodes, who escaped by relying on the flames, also came to a position he was familiar with.

Amid the surging waves, the scalding heat continued to rise in the cold sea water, and the scalding temperature on the surface of the giant's body was being quickly taken away by the icy liquid.

"This is..." Agran, standing on the arm of the giant, exclaimed while looking at the nearby scene.

Agran was surprised to find that the giant's body was immersed in the dark blue liquid, and the nearby space was filled with such icy liquid, which was completely different from the hell in Agran's impression. This is simply another space.

"I'm finally back... This is the Water Element plane."

Aware of Aglan's surprise, Rhodes slowly said in the ocean.

Agrand's flames dodged, allowing Rhodes to travel across space and return to a place he was familiar with.

Compared with the trials in hell, Rhodes cares more about the power of the past, the body that is still trapped in the treasure house in the cloud.

If it wasn't for the appearance of the Death Domain, which gave Rhodes the ability to completely transform dead creatures, Rhodes would not be able to persuade Aglan to send himself to the Water Element plane, only According to Messika's design, go all the way through the trial of hell.

Although the trial went very smoothly, Rhodes knew clearly that it was thanks to the effect of fusion ceremony, but with the increase of the body, the ability of fusion ceremony was gradually weakened, almost impossible. Continue to improve, and when you reach the Flame Seal city, you still don't know what to face.

The unlimited fusion ceremony of Rhodes was taught by Messika. For that ancient prophet, Rhodes in the heart was secretly vigilant. Although he planned to go to the Gate of Betrayal to save her, Rhodes would not Put all hope on her.

At this moment, Rhodes has more choices, and the appearance of the flame, or the appearance of Death Domain, gives him more choices. When Rhodes controls Agran, he Immediately decided to return to the Water Element plane.

(end of this chapter)

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