
  Chapter 1872 took the opportunity to threaten
  Parion saw Rhodes' anomaly and immediately took the space The secret is told truthfully.

"This is another space that is completely isolated from the outside world. Ordinary means can't get out of it at all. Apart from this, the mana of the creatures in it will not be restored. Only when the outside creatures enter the door of betrayal, they can Choose to take away a creature in the space."

Speaking of this, Parion's eyes showed a bit of unwillingness.

Before this, Parion had confirmed Rhodes' identity to the greedy king, and knew that his true purpose was the same as his own. Because of this, Parion did not hide anything about these things. Instead, tell it all to Rhodes.

"But I can feel that the use of space magic is not prohibited here." Feeling the rules of this plane, Rhodes seemed to have discovered something and said.

"This is equivalent to an independent plane. Only the highest space magic, the legendary 'door of different dimensions', can let you break through the limitations of the plane and return to the door of betrayal. Can you spell like that?" Parion asked.

"No, but Archfiend's flame hiding should be able to achieve the same effect, right?" Rhodes asked, seeming to have thought of something.

"Of course. But Flame Hide doesn't have the ability to track space. In other words, if you don't know the exact location of the door of treason, even Flame Hide can only let you go back. Going to the original place will not bring you to the door of treason."

Listening to Parion's well-founded analysis, Rhodes seemed to realize something, and his eyes changed slightly.

Rhodes admits that what Parion said is very reasonable. If there is a gate of different dimensions, based on this imprisoned plane, he can reversely determine the position of the gate of betrayal, but the flame escapes. Shape can't do that.

Flame Escape is more of the Archfiend bloodline's natural ability. Although it is extremely convenient to use, in some subtle ways, it is inferior to the Gate of Different Dimension.

Under Rhodes' gaze, Parion continued: "You asked that Archfiend to use his ability to send you to this space, not to the door of treason, which can only mean that, You don't even know the location of the door of treason. Maybe it was the greedy king who told you what this space looked like, which brought you here, but now you can only be trapped here like me."

"So what? I can have Archfiend cast Fire Hide at any time to get me out of this space." Rhodes asked rhetorically.

"But you can't go to the door of treason, you have to go back and forth from where. You can't go to Flame Seal city without going through the door of treason." Parrion loudly said, "I know Where is the location of the door of treason! I can tell you the location of the door of treason, but you need to bring us out of this space as well."

Facing an invincible enemy and being eliminated as much as possible The threat of , Parion resolutely fled to this space, even if he could only be trapped in this space later, it would be better than being wiped out in battle.

Selron, who was worried about losing his ranking and letting other demons take the lead, did not chase him all the way to this space. To him, these fallen people were just a group of defeated, and they ran away when they ran. Now, it's not worth his aggressive pursuit at all, and in terms of importance, it's not comparable to the ranking of the Gate of Betrayal.

After coming to this space, Parion is also very helpless. Unlike Archfiend, he has no way to escape. Even the gate of time and space can only be used in one plane. If you want to cross the plane, you can only use the gate of different dimensions.

If they can't get out of this space in time, they will completely perish when the whole trial is over. For this, Parion is convinced that he doesn't want to die like this, he has to go to Flame Seal city, try to rescue the greedy king.

The arrival of Rhodes and his party gave Parion hope to get out of here. Archfiend's flames escaped, which undoubtedly allowed Parion to return to the door of betrayal. The rest is how to get Rhodes to escape. agree to his terms.

Rhodes didn't change his expression after listening to Parion's conditions: "Is that so? How do I feel that I know the location of the door of treason?"

Parion He looked stunned for a moment, and just wanted to say something, but saw bursts of exclamations coming from behind.

A blood-bathed fallen person who was supposed to be dead suddenly climbed up from the ground. Not only that, but the wounds on his body also healed under the influence of some kind of power.

Looking at the fallen person, Parion asked in amazement: "Frya, have your injuries been completely recovered? Archfiend left you with irreparable scars. , I thought you couldn't hold on anymore..."

However, Fria ignored Parion and looked at the giant in the distance with admiration: "Thank You Master Give me a new life."

After listening to the fallen man's narration, Parion's expression changed, and with his extraordinary knowledge, he seemed to have realized what had happened to Freya.

Looking at the fallen from the dead, Rhodes said slowly, "Tell me about everything outside the door of betrayal." Ria came to his palm, and finally put him in the magic boat above his head.

With the help of the Fallen, Rhodes soon learns what lies beyond the gates of treachery, especially what kind of enemies they have encountered.

According to Fria, the entire team of the Fallen was defeated by a demon. That demon was General Selron under the arrogant king. His strength was deep and unmeasurable. The Fallen's team did not even organize a decent resistance, and could only escape into this safe space.

In the picture that Freya sent over, he also revealed to Rhodes the location of the door of betrayal. As long as the cooldown time for the flame to hide is over, he can let Aglan directly bring himself to the door.


The unique ability of Death Domain allows Rhodes to be transformed into undead creatures at the moment of Fria's death. In other words, the information that Parion thinks is important, that is, the door of treason The position of , for Rhodes, is nothing at all, he wanted to rely on this to blackmail Rhodes, obviously wrong attention.

After learning what Fria said, Rhodes looked back at the Fallen below: "Is there anything else you can get your hands on? Intelligence, or something else. If not, wait. I go to the door of perfidy, and you will stay here to die."

Considering the relationship between the Fallen and Messika, Rhodes has no plans to take action against them, but wants Rhodes to help They, must pay Rhodes to their satisfaction.

"What do you want?" Parion asked quickly, hearing the hidden meaning in Rhodes' words.

Rhodes extend the hand, pointing at Parion: "I think the long spear in your hand is good, what do you think?"

(end of this chapter)


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