
  Chapter 1601 Red Apple


Listen to the ghost , Rhodes faces his direction with interest.

I don't know how long the ghost has existed in the treasury. When it comes to the most precious treasure among them, he naturally knows more.

Although the ghost couldn't see Rhodes' eyes, he could feel that Rhodes' attention was on him.

"Take me to see." Rhodes instructed towards the ghost, with a bit of fiery in his words, he was very eager to get those powerful treasures.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, there is a powerful Guardian near the treasure, and besides me, there is only one living creature here that can move." The ghost reminded.

"I'm not afraid of any enemy, no matter what Guardian it is." Rhodes slowly said, "Just take me there, and I'll take care of the rest."

Hearing what Rhodes said, the ghost lowered his head and gave him a deep look, trying to see something from Rhodes' expression, but failed, and then quickly pointed the way ahead.

Under the guidance of the ghost, Rhodes crossed countless gold coins and moved quickly in one direction.

As he traveled, Rhodes noticed that the cane he was holding was getting brighter, not a flash of light like the treasure he had found before, but a continuous ray of rays emerging from within. of light.

The more you go in this direction, the more dazzling the rays of light from the cane. At the end, the orb on the cane is as bright as a small sun, even the farsighted pendant worn by Rhodes. It was also closed under the rays of light, unwilling to take another look outside.

Seeing this, Rhodes pondered for a while, and then retracted the treasure hunting stick into the space ring. The surrounding rays of light dimmed instantly, and the farsighted pendant opened his eyes again.

"We're here."

As Rhodes retracted his cane, there was a hint of the ghost in his ear.

Without his reminder, Rhodes' long-sighted pendant has already seen everything around him.

What surprised Rhodes was that the treasure mentioned in the ghost's mouth was not buried in the gold coin like the previous treasure, but just suspended in the air.

It was a bright red ball that could be held in one hand. The surface of the ball was irregular, with two opposite depressions. The depression on one side grew emerald green. twigs.

"This is..." Rhodes seemed to want to fight something, and his expression changed slightly.

Rhodes recalled that in the parchment Sally took out, there was a drawing of such a spherical object, which was said to be the key to the fall of Holy City.

After arriving at the Treasure House in the Clouds, Rhodes didn't know how to find this treasure at all. Didn't expect the powerful treasure in the mouth of the ghost, and it was it.

Rhodes was about to step forward and take the treasure when suddenly he felt a movement under his feet.

The gold coins all around began to tremble, the gold coins that kept jumping and falling collided with each other, making bursts of crisp sounds, and the spherical treasure slowly rose, together with the gold coins below it. rise.

Under Rhodes' gaze, in the gold coin pile in the treasure house, a giant transformed from gold coin slowly stood up. rays of light.

In this brief moment, Rhodes seems to realize why the spherical treasure floats above the gold coin heap, where it is, simply on top of the gold coin giant's head.

Rhodes immediately waved the Titan Arrow in his hand when he saw the enemy appear.

Lightning leaped from the blade, hitting the gold coin giant's body, blasting a small hole in its body, and between the gold coin splashes, the gold coin at a nearby location Constantly wriggling, it repaired its injuries in an instant.

Noticing the scene in front of him, Rhodes realized that ordinary attacks cannot be effective against this gold coin giant, and it may not have the weaknesses of conventional creatures at all.

Attacked, the gold coin giant let out a dull roar, then raised his foot, and fiercely stepped down toward Rhodes' position.

Beside Rhodes, the ghost spreads his hands and looks helpless. He will not be hit by ordinary physical attacks. Even if he is within the range of the gold coin giant's feet, he has no idea of ​​dodging. .

What surprised the ghost was that Rhodes, who was still beside him just now, disappeared in an instant, and he didn't know where he went.

The huge foot stomped heavily, and the strong impact caused the nearby gold coin to jump several meters high.

Without the feeling of stepping on the real thing, the gold coin giant was puzzled for a while, but at this time, Rhodes' figure appeared directly on top of its head.

The existence of spell made it unnecessary for Rhodes to fight against the gold coin giant. Using the existence of the flame to hide, Rhodes came directly to the top of its head and held the spherical treasure with his hand.

In an instant, as Rhodes once again cast the flame to hide, the treasure from the gold coin giant's head was taken away, and the gold coin giant let out a painful howl, and the whole body seemed to have lost its support and turned into the purest. gold coins, falling from the sky.

Bathing in the raindrops that gold coin turned into, the ghost showed an unbelievable look. He did not expect that the seemingly incomparably powerful giant of gold coin would disappear like this.

"Is this what you mean by treasure? Interesting..."

Behind him, there were muffled words belonging to Rhodes.

The ghost turned around slowly, and saw Rhodes behind him who was safe and sound, and also saw the spherical treasure that he was holding in his hand.

After taking this treasure, Rhodes noticed that it was not the powerful treasure he expected, but a special item, to be precise, a fruit that provided support and strength to the gold coin giant. .


[Red Apple]

Type: special item

Usage requirements: none

Basic attribute: ? ? ?

Special attribute: ? ? ?

Comments: The fruit of the ancient Wisdom Tree Yuke contains all the wisdom of the world.


The identification of the system made Rhodes realize that the seemingly ordinary red apple in his hand was obviously not as simple as he thought.

Originally, when Rhodes held the red apple, he was still puzzled for a while, but when he noticed the row of question marks in the system identification, his face suddenly became solemn.

In Rhodes' impression, the system has never had such a situation, no matter what level of treasure, or even the existence of Divine Item, the system can accurately give its data, even if it is System can also give some hints about things Rhodes has never known. As for the question mark, it is the first time Rhodes has seen.

To Rhodes' surprise, according to the hint given by the system, the fruit in his hand was condensed by the Wisdom Tree Yuke, and as early as before, the ancient Wisdom Tree, In the Battle of Shadow of Death, Rhodes was the first to die at the hands of Rhodes, and Rhodes also gained the power of the Dark Word.

(end of this chapter)

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