
  Chapter 1600 Magic Balls and Curses
   Looking at the ghost in front of him, what Rhodes did not expect was that he Even came into contact with the former god of mage.

"What did Gwen do... something special?" Rhodes asked quickly.

"A special thing?" The ghost frowned with some doubts, "He's just an ordinary pilgrim, is there anything special? I'd rather leave this ghost place earlier than this, you found Want the treasure?"

Looking at the ghost in front of him, Rhodes seemed to realize something.

Perhaps as the ghost said, Gwen at that time was not a real god of mage, and his strength had not yet reached the pinnacle period, but the ghost in front of him turned out to be the same as Gwen. An era of people, which also surprised Rhodes a little.

In Rhodes' impression, Erathia's most powerful period should be in the era of ghosts. After that, due to the appearance of the god of mage, Brakada rose strongly and belonged to the golden age of mage. This is coming, and Erathia is gradually weakening. Although it still occupies the center of the continent, its comprehensive strength is far worse than before.

After a little thought, the gold coin under Rhodes' feet was almost moved, and the buried treasure below was also exposed to Rhodes' eyes.

As the ghost said, it was a round orb with a gorgeous red pattern on it, and it was made into a pendant shape, which could be hung on the body and looked like a It is not Mortal Grade, and I don't know how long it has been buried under this pile of gold coins.

Picking up the orb from the ground, just touching this treasure, all the magic elements nearby, looking towards Rhodes' hands converge, in this brief moment, Rhodes' intuition is light, and the whole body is covered with strong Magic element wrap.

In the system log, the information belonging to this treasure also passed to Rhodes' mind.


【Magic Ball】

Quality: Treasure

Type: Pendant

Equipment Requirement: None

Basic attribute: Each hour restores 20 additional mana

Special attribute: activates the magic elements in the surrounding space, making them gather around the amulet, exempting the next spell from being cast. Mana cost. Cooldown: 1 day.

Comment: The treasure used by a powerful existence contains the magic of Supreme. Collect items similar to this talisman and it will change amazingly.


Staring at the magic ball in his hands, Rhodes felt that he had found the Divine Item part he wanted most for this trip.

Up to now, all the Divine Item parts belonging to the source of magic have been collected by Rhodes. As long as Rhodes is willing, he can combine this powerful Divine Item with next moment.

There is no rush to carry out this process. It is not safe to be inside the Treasure House in the Cloud. This is definitely not a place to combine Divine Items with peace of mind. The first thing Rhodes has to do is to quickly escape from the treasure house. As long as he returns to his own territory, Rhodes can combine this powerful Divine Item.

After putting the magic ball into the space ring, Rhodes only felt that he was mentally stagnant, as if he had lost something, and a chill appeared all over his body.

"How do you feel when you get this treasure?" On the side, the ghost asked actively.

Did not answer the words of the ghost, Rhodes did not forget that the ghost became what it is now, and even was always trapped in the treasure house in the cloud, because he took too much treasure and was cursed too much. backlash.

Realizing this, Rhodes immediately checked the system log for what was going on.

According to his previous attempts, as long as the things in the treasure house are received into the space ring, he will be cursed by himself. I don't know what kind of powerful curse will be after the magic ball is collected into the space ring. .


"You are under a unique curse [Mana Collapse]. Whenever you cast spell, there is a 75% chance to consume double mana, a 25% chance Consumes three times the mana. You can cast spell with health.”


Noticing the existence of this unique curse under the character attribute, Rhodes twitched the corner of his mouth. .

For ordinary mages, after receiving this curse, I am afraid it will announce the end of their spellcasting career.

Consume double mana to cast spells, sometimes even three times, making it more difficult for mage with insufficient mana to cast spells continuously. Mana drained.

apart from this , what makes Rhodes more concerned is the ability to cast spells with health as mentioned in the back of this curse. If the mana value bottoms out, it is necessary to cast a powerful fifth-order magic, and with the effect of this curse, I am afraid that mage will lose all of its health in an instant.

Under other circumstances, Rhodes would have been reluctant to be cursed so badly, that he would even consider letting go of the treasure he had obtained, but now, the situation is different.

The Rhodes who already have three Divine Item parts, just combine them to get the powerful combination Divine Item [Magic Source]. The effect of the source of magic power can just solve the problem of insufficient mana of mage.

As Sally said, everything in the treasure house has a deep curse. If you take a few more treasures, Rhodes will be cursed even more severely.

Ignoring the extra curse on his body, Rhodes was about to cast spell and leave the Treasure House in the Clouds, when suddenly, he hesitated.

After getting the Divine Item part he wanted, Rhodes was in no hurry to leave.

In the Treasure House in the Clouds, there are all kinds of powerful treasures, and getting any one of them is enough to enhance Rhodes' strength.

It's a pity to leave like this. In Rhodes' perception, there is also a certain kind of ceremony in the treasure house in the cloud, which can protect external creatures and use the space spell to enter, but it does not prohibit internal creatures 's departure. I want to come to the treasure house again, but I don't know when I will wait.

"Are you ready to leave? You said you wanted to get me out of this space." As Rhodes was thinking, the ghost said actively.

"Don't worry." Rhodes said solemnly, "I'll look for more treasure."

In addition to the treasure Rhodes needs, Sally has mentioned that the The hidden treasure that Holy City has fallen from is also hidden in the treasure house in the cloud. As long as it is found, Rhodes may be able to greatly improve his abilities.

Thinking of this, Rhodes firmed up his thoughts, and re-pointed the treasure-hunting cane that Sally gave him to the ground, and probed all around.

Besides, the ghost looked at Rhodes in this state, inexplicable rays of light flashed in his eyes, and he said, "You want those powerful treasures, right? I know a special treasure, it will definitely be able to. Makes you happy."

(end of this chapter)

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