
  Chapter 1328 Engagement

Landing on the wreckage of the ship, watching most of the body float on the surface of the ocean , the monster about to take action, Rhodes felt a burst of urgency.

At this time, Rhodes has very little mana left, and it releases pure death energy like before. Obviously, it cannot be done again. Once all mana is lost, the Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique cannot play any role. .

Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, which is different from Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, which can truly achieve infinite transformation, is still limited by mana.

Although relying on the power of the Oracle crown, he obtained the Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique, but the basic attribute of this body is still limiting the original ability of Rhodes, making it difficult for Rhodes to exert his own power.

If the body is here, Rhodes has the confidence to completely solve the monster in front of him, but the body in the illusion does not have such power.

What makes Rhodes most concerned is how to meet the requirements of the illusion, so as to awaken Kane's consciousness. If Kane's consciousness cannot be awakened, even killing the monster will not be of any use, it will only destroy the original Conditions for awakening Kane.

Just as the monster was getting closer, lightning bolts fell from the sky, strikes on the flesh and blood outside the monster's body, and a large hole was cut in the surface of the monster's body in an instant, causing its body to tremble.

The damage caused by each bolt of lightning is naturally incomparable to that of Rhodes' Titan's Arrow, but when the amount of lightning is superimposed, it can still cause terrifying damage.

moved towards the direction of the mana wave and looked over, Rhodes saw a powerful sorcerer standing in mid-air, according to the words of the previous crew, Rhodes realized that he was one of the Legendary pirates, "Thunder's Fury "Cottrell.

At this time, Kertrey obviously didn't know Rhodes' identity. It was not worth paying too much attention to Rhodes as an ordinary crew member on Kane's side.

After using the lightning to blast away the monster's body, Kurtre's body flashed and appeared in the gap of flesh and blood.

Just appeared, looking at the things inside the monster's body, Cortrey's eyes were happy, and then he reached out and probed over.

Unfortunately, before Kertrey could touch the things in the monster's body, a large number of bone spurs burst out from the monster's body. In desperation, Kertrey's figure disappeared again.

Looking at Curterry not far away, although he couldn't see the specific situation in the monster's body, Rhodes knew that what he wanted to obtain was most likely the crown of Oracle that existed in the monster's body. Nothing but this unique treasure could allow this mighty sorcerer to risk his life for it.

With Curtrey's departure, the flesh and blood on monster's body twitched, and the broken gap closed in the middle, without even leaving a scar, and the injury healed quickly.

Under the constant changes in the knowledge of sorcery, the monster in front of him has long been unable to be measured by the common sense of normal creatures.

The lightning that Kotteri cast instantly attracted all the monster's attention, ignoring Rhodes beside him, the monster quickly waved his tentacles and moved towards Kotteri who was in midair.

Seeing that the monster's attention had all been put on Kurterry, Rhodes released his own death energy, trying to transform the other crew members who died at the hands of the monster.

However, the Soul Evocation Technique failed to achieve the desired effect. Rhodes could not perceive the existence of any corpses. The crew members who died in the hands of the monsters had either sunk to the depths of the ocean, or were covered with flesh and blood. Absorbed by the monster together, it became a part of the monster's body, and is no longer the applicable object of the Soul Evocation Technique.

If there is the existence of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes can completely change all of this, even if it is the flesh and blood absorbed by monsters, Rhodes can also complete the transformation of undead creatures. Unfortunately, Rhodes in the illusion does not do not have such ability.

Unable to carry out the transformation of undead creatures, when Rhodes was at a loss, a movement from a distance suddenly attracted Rhodes' attention.

On the sea in the distance, a vigorous silhouette was coming from the waves, and in a blink of an eye, he reached the monster's side, waving the machete in his hand, and easily separated the flesh and blood from the monster's body.

A harsh roar came from the monster, but it didn't stop her in the slightest. As the silver light flickered, the flesh and blood on the monster's side was completely destroyed, revealing a smaller body inside. The waters all around are dyed bright red.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Rhodes realized that this was the opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time, and immediately activated spiritual imprint, trying to control the body of the monster wrapped in flesh and blood.

In the sky, the lightning turned into a rain of light, falling constantly, strikes above the monster's body, suspended in the midair, and Kotteri, who was constantly casting spells, was like the Spiritual God who controlled the lightning.

Rhodes also reacted to the control of the spiritual imprint at this moment. The monster body wrapped in flesh and blood began to twitch frantically, as if he could get rid of the flesh and blood on the outer layer of the body immediately.

The two Legendary pirates didn't pay too much attention to the abnormal changes on the monster. They only thought it was a normal reaction after the monster was injured. Their attention was already attracted by the Oracle crown on the head of the monster. guard against each other.

Just as they were about to snatch the Oracle crown, after a while of struggle, the monster's huge body shrank down sharply, and the whole body sank directly under the ocean, splashing a huge splash of water.

The monster's unusual behavior instantly caught the attention of the two Legendary pirates, who were vigilant and prepared to deal with the monster's attack from below the ocean.

However, after noticing the monster's actions, Rhodes' expression was startled, and through the spiritual imprint, he had already sensed the monster's movement at this time.

In the perception, the monster abandoned the two enemies in front of him, and fled directly from the bottom of the ocean in one direction. It seemed to be fleeing, but through the existence of the spirit, Rhodes could feel the unwillingness of belonging to the monster. , it won't just escape like this, but is ready to find a way to further strengthen its own strength before fighting.

Among the various media used for witchcraft ceremony, the body of the creature is undoubtedly the most important material. Sorcery requires the use of the flesh and blood of the whole body. The flesh and blood monster that Cole transformed into is undoubtedly the product of the latter type of sorcery.

Rhodes believes that in this case, the fleeing monsters will give priority to finding creatures similar to the former Cole race, using their flesh and blood to strengthen their bodies, rather than going Devouring fish in the ocean.

After realizing this, Rhodes' expression changed instantly, and he seemed to have guessed the target that monster wanted to devour at this time.

The direction the monster fled to was the same as the direction Sylvia came from, and that place was exactly where Kane was.

(end of this chapter)

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