
  Chapter 1327 Black Magic Transformation

Was rolled out of the cabin by purple red tentacles, controlling the Rhodes in Lean's body was stunned for a while. He clearly did not give such an order to the monster who was controlled by the spiritual imprint, but the monster suddenly acted without authorization.

Somehow, Rhodes sensed danger from the tentacle's movement.

Sensing the danger, Rhodes immediately sent an order to the monster through spiritual imprint to terminate the move. The monster also accepted the order, but the tentacles did not stop at all. As the tentacles continued to shrink, Rhodes' current body could hardly breathe, and he could almost hear the sound of the skeleton being squeezed.

After discovering this, Rhodes did not dare to hesitate, and immediately used the effect of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique to display a large number of dark clouds. Although the effect was not as good as the pure cloud of death, Also enough to loosen the retracting tentacles.

With a sound of burning corrosion, monster's tentacles twitched violently, throwing Rhodes aside, who just landed on the small wreckage of the ship.

The tentacles were temporarily repelled, giving Rhodes time to observe the monster carefully.

If he hadn't personally felt the appearance of the anomaly, Rhodes would never have imagined that the monster, controlled by the spiritual imprint, would be able to attack himself.

In the perception, the spiritual imprint belonging to the monster still exists, without any trace of dissipation, and can accept the orders belonging to Rhodes very well. However, the monster's actions are not like this, and it is not constrained by the spiritual imprint at all. Instead, Rhodes is full of offensive.

It stands to reason that this is impossible. It is not a monster of Death Knight at all. It has no strong will of its own, and cannot break through the restrictions of spiritual imprint. It will only act according to Rhodes' orders. At this time, this change will occur, and there must be something abnormal.

After realizing this, Rhodes keenly observed the abnormality in Monster, trying to see some clues.

Rhodes noticed that compared to when he first controlled the monster, its size had expanded several times, from the original brawny man size to the size of a giant ship, and its strength also changed accordingly. It can no longer be measured by a general degree, and only true Legendary creatures can compete with it.

The monster in front of him is almost a small sea monster. If it weren't for the fact that it only had two tentacles growing, and the huge body was full of flesh and blood, plus bone spurs that grew recklessly, Rhodes almost doubts the origin of the sea monster.

After discovering the changes in monster's body shape, Rhodes also vaguely realized why spiritual imprint would fail.

According to Rhodes' understanding, the changes in monster's body obviously originate from sorcery. The constantly expanding flesh and blood of the monster's body must not have grown out of itself, but by the catalysis of sorcery.

In order to better awaken Kane, Rhodes decided not to change the events in Kane's memory too much. After obtaining the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique through the Crown of Oracle, Rhodes chose to transform Cole's corpse into an undead creature. , and at the same time put the crown of Oracle on the top of the monster's head again.

Consistent with what Rhodes expected, even monsters in the form of undead can continue to receive all kinds of esoteric knowledge of sorcery from the crown of Oracle, far from the moment they stop.

Under the circumstance that the monster itself cannot control this knowledge, its body is constantly changing under the influence of these magic knowledge, and it evolves towards a more powerful and powerful form. It also continues to expand, and this is the root cause of all anomalies.

Undead spell and sorcery are largely incompatible, for example, an undead creature, whose nails or hair will stop growing due to the dead body.

During this process, sorcery can play a role, low-level sorcery can make the hair of undead creatures continue to grow, and high-level sorcery can make it grow a lot in a short time, And the most Peak's sorcery, can make hair and nails grow infinitely, and finally completely wrap the body of the undead creature, and give hair and nails new consciousness, so as to achieve the transformation of life essence.

The monster in front of Rhodes undoubtedly used this method to achieve this transformation, but it was not nails and hair that wrapped the monster body, but layers of flesh and blood, and violent Bone spurs out of the body.

Although the body of the undead creature monster controlled by Rhodes is still alive, it has been firmly wrapped in the new flesh and blood, and has lost all control over the body. The flesh and blood monster.

The current monster still has two consciousnesses in the body, one is the monster body originally controlled by the spiritual imprint, and the other is the new consciousness generated by the expansion of flesh and blood, just waiting for the body controlled by the new consciousness to transform the body. Completely devoured, it can complete the transformation of undead creatures into ordinary creatures.

In this way, no matter how Rhodes gave an order to the spiritual imprint, the monster's body accepted the order, but because he was imprisoned in a large amount of flesh and blood, he couldn't make any response.

The Peak sorcery given to the monster by the Crown of Oracle gives it enough power to finally complete such a transformation.

Rhodes has never seen undead creatures, and can rely on his own strength to get rid of the shackles of spiritual imprint and restore himself to the body of ordinary creatures. With the help of the most Peak magic, monsters may succeed make it happen.

Rhodes realized that, not only the monster in front of him, any being who has mastered this level of sorcery has the ability to get rid of the control of spiritual imprint, but there are only a few beings with this ability, In the entire underground world, it may not be possible to find several such existences.

What makes Rhodes more concerned is the new consciousness belonging to the flesh and blood monster. Whether this consciousness contains the consciousness of the monster's body or a brand new consciousness, Rhodes really wants to know.

How long has passed since the transformation of Rhodes, and even the consciousness of the monster's body has just been born. Control, allowing the new consciousness in the flesh to control the entire body.

Not hesitate to give up the original consciousness, the monster also has to get rid of the shackles of spiritual imprint, which also surprised Rhodes for a while.

Without the existence of the Oracle's Crown, and the knowledge of sorcery that resides in it, the monster simply couldn't do it.

The existence of sorcery has various magical effects and can completely change the form of life. The most Peak sorcerer can hardly be killed by any means. It is a pity that Brakada has always prohibited sorcery and does not allow any relevant information to be circulated in the territory.

(end of this chapter)

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