
  Chapter 1054 Civil Chaos I

Due to the emergence of civil strife, the main battlefield of the second expansion in the previous life , it is rare to see the silhouette of the orthodox mage, which is undoubtedly excellent news for Rhodes.

The spell-casting ability of mage enables them to gain a great advantage by casting spells in a wide range when facing undead creatures.

Without the existence of the orthodox mage, the trouble faced by the undead mage will undoubtedly be reduced a lot, and Rhodes does not have to worry about these extremely powerful sorcerers interfering with the progress of the battle, especially some of the Legendary mage. Under the spell, even Lich can't compete.

From the information in Mandy's memory, after confirming that the situation in Brakada is not much different from the previous game, Rhodes can also relax and don't have to worry about his appearance. And change the original direction of Bracada.

According to the information from the previous life, the civil unrest in Brakada will continue until the end of the second expansion, and the one who ends it all is a Legendary hero named Deken. Hero, Rhodes is extremely impressive.

It's not just the existence of Rhodes, as long as it is in the previous game, players who know about Brakada have heard of this special Legendary hero.

Durken must be number one and one of the greatest mages of all time in Bracada.

Durken has received a good spell enlightenment since childhood. Deken's mother is a well-known dragon slayer in Brakada. She is also a Master Alchemist. The Legendary Golem Puppet Crystal Dragon was created and developed by her.

Due to its own weight, the Crystal Dragon cannot fly in the sky, and it has no structure for the Rain Dragon wings, but this does not prevent it. In the process, even Beamon giant beast, it is difficult to obtain any benefits from this golem puppet.

The existence of the crystal dragon provides an extremely important help for the first expansion piece to resist the attack of barbaric creatures under the effect of the forbidden magic ball. Compared with this, even the Titan puppet cannot Playing such a good effect is enough to explain the status of this golem puppet in Brakada.

Durken inherited most of the innate talent from mother, and even more powerful in spellcasting ability. Before he was an adult, Durken was proficient in the magic of the overwhelming majority of four elements and could no longer learn anything from spell Academy, so he began to wander the continent and left behind all kinds of stories that belonged to him.

Some people say that they have seen the silhouette of Durken in the jungle warriors led by Legendary hero Gru, and some people say that Durken haunts the depths of Titania and slaughtered the local creatures. The Poison Dragon, all of which have created a legend about him.

As a seventh rank hero, Deken's rank is not an orthodox Legendary mage, but a very special fantasy mage, which is very different from the Legendary mage, whether it is spellcasting ability or its own state. .

Rhodes was impressed by Durken not only because of these legends about him, but more importantly, Rhodes had fought with this hero in previous games.

In the game of the previous life, Rhodes, who studied spell in Brakada, followed Deken, who was a Legendary hero at the time, to conquer Sacred Dragon on the top of the snowy area, and witnessed him becoming a dragon slaying hero of that battle.

The Rhodes at that time were not like they are now. The attribute has the blessing of racing achievements and is equipped with various Divine Items. Due to his low strength, Rhodes was unable to provide any assistance to Durken in battle, and was even oppressed by the imposing manner of the Sacred Dragon, and could only stay in a corner of the battlefield, ready to flee at any time.

The battle ended with Durken winning, he became the greatest dragon slayer, and his name was sung by all the mages of Bracada, and Rhodes, who joined the battle, still did not As far as anyone knows, Rhodes can only remember the deeds of this mighty mage in the heart.

Rhodes in his previous life had the opportunity to change his career to become a hidden profession of fantasy mage with the help of Durken, but he finally rejected this and still chose the identity of orthodox mage. Not being able to have spellcasting abilities comparable to elemental creatures, Rhodes doesn't regret it.

In Rhodes' opinion, only a Legendary hero like Durken in Brakada has the ability to end the civil unrest caused by the Magic Guild.

In the third expansion, Durken is also an important figure on the Bracada side, not even under the leader of the magic guild, leading the fantasy mage that follows him to fight against hell Legion in the depths.

Due to the difference in stance, Rhodes realized that this time, he was very likely to be on the opposite side of the Legendary hero.

According to the progress of the game in the previous life, until the end of the second expansion, Rhodes will not see the silhouette of the Legendary hero, this can be considered good news for him.

From Mandy's memory, after confirming this information, Rhodes seems to have discovered something. For him now, this is a rare opportunity.

The consequence of the civil strife in Bracada was a massive brain drain. Potions scholar, alchemy scholar, and elemental creatures were all regarded as heretics by the Magic Guild during this period, and were subjected to expel.

Because of their geographical location, these creatures expelled from Bracada have few other places to go, and do not want to be exiled to remote and barren regions of the continent, such as the desolate Krulod, and Titania, ravaged by poison insects, can only move closer to the center of the continent, that is, the human city-state Erathia, and the disputed land of Verning.

The civil strife in Brakada has had a profound impact on the subsequent expansion events. Elemental creatures chose to leave Brakada and establish their own element city. after the civil unrest.

When a large number of elemental creatures were expelled by mage, the establishment of the element city also seemed imperative. silhouette .

Because in Bracada, the overwhelming majority of Legendary mage have both the status of alchemists, and the expulsion of alchemy scholars is not as strict as potion scholars, but only selects a few Avatars with low levels. As a representative of mage, it is those magic medicine scholar who have suffered serious losses.

This is why Rhodes sees this as a great opportunity for itself.

Among the creatures that were expelled by Brakada, Rhodes put his mind on the potion scholar. As long as these expelled potion scholar were absorbed into the city of Sao, Rhodes naturally didn't have to worry about it. The question of who to refine the potion.

(end of this chapter)

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